012-688 1972
Opening Hours
08:30 - 15:00
Tue - Sun
08:30 - 15:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Serves breakfast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Char Siew Wantan Mee Crispy Roasted Chicken Dry Curry Pork Ribs Mee Siew Yoke Wantan Mee
Review (8)
陈明记是 SS2 商圈里头其中一家常常大排长龙的食店。云吞面专卖店可说是比比皆是,但是这一家店在 SS2 一直不乏支持者,也不是没有原因的。 这已经不是我第一次光顾陈明记,但是距离上一次已经是很久以前的事了,一来这一带很难找泊车位,二来在店外等位也要耗上好一些时间。 叉烧云吞面 - (小)RM7.00,(大)RM8.00 不过有时候为了吃,像我这种吃货还是会不辞劳苦的啦!这么久没来了,就先从一盘基本款的叉烧云吞面开始吧! 我觉得整碗面最赞的就是他们的面条,弹牙而且带蛋香。叉烧不会太肥腻,虽然不是特别出色,但也算是不错的。云吞有带点柴鱼的味道,缺点就是小了一点。 烧鸭面 - (小)RM8.50,(大)RM9.50 烧鸭面则稍微逊色了,毕竟这里不是专门做烧腊的店,鸭肉是嫩的,但是味道不够香,皮也不够脆。 咖哩排骨 - RM8 常光顾陈明记的老饕一定知道这独特的吃法,就是干捞云吞面要淋上一点干咖哩汁,拌一拌之后,就是美味的干咖哩云吞面了! 因为这里的干咖哩做得不错,所以今天我也特别点了一份咖哩排骨,长时间烹煮之后的排骨,软嫩得随便一咬就会骨肉分离。沾上浓浓的咖哩酱汁,更是让人停不了口。 水饺 - RM1.60(一个) 水饺里面的馅料很饱满,调味也很不错。吃不饱的朋友可以叫一份来试试哦! By 阿七 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-05-25
Happened to be at ss2 few days ago and I were introduced to try out the wan tan mee at restaurant Chan Meng Kee.The place was crowded by people especially office workers during lunch hour. I opted for their char siew wan tan mee and frankly to say, their wan tan mee failed to meet my expectation.The mee came with char siew slice, spring onion, pickled green chilies and a bowl of wan tan soup. The mee was too moist to my liking. They stick together as a huge chunk and I was having a hard time to eat. I would prefer the mee to be dry and chewy a bit. Thus, there’s nothing to shout out about their mee.To be fair, their char siew was pretty good. They were juicy and had strong flavor. It was sweet and savory. People who prefer heavier taste will love the char siew.Their peanut lotus soup did surpass my expectation. Came with lotus slice, chicken feet and lots of peanuts. This clear soup had strong flavor of peanut, tasted super fresh, the lotus was being simmered perfectly, and the texture was soft and easy to chew on. It was indeed a bowl of comforting soup to go with your lunch. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
31.08.2015【星期一】finally visited !PJ人熟悉的ss2陈明记烧腊店阿贤人情味也曾介绍过招牌很醒目,远远就能认出根据网上资料:陈明记老板名陈钰培,受到妈妈的影响,自小就热爱下厨每天限量的传统肥瘦五花肉,让烧肉迷轻易就失守除了烧肉,叉烧也是拿手的烧腊项目店里也有一道绝对诚意十足陈皮鸭汤,喝起来味道甘美,感觉非常滋补抵达时候店里几乎是满座的,咱们随便选了个在门口的角落位子椅子上还带点温度,上一个顾客应该才刚走小小趣事~桌上的碗筷已被收了进去,见桌子还没擦干净,我罕阿余也顺手拿起桌上的抹布擦一擦后来一个外劳籍员工走了过来欲擦拭桌子时候发现到『怎么干净了?』我们笑着告诉他『sudah lap』他也很开心跟我们讲了一声『thank you』就一个很简单的随手之劳,很多时候不是说你是顾客就理所当然要人家由头到尾服侍你的,造吗?看来阿余跟得我多也养成了职业病~呵呵餐单看似简单却其实一点也不简单蛮多选择的余先生被餐单上的咖哩吸引住了,只嚷要来一碗我说阿余,我们山长水远的开车来这里用餐,可不是为了咖哩这味哒对着餐单看了好久,咱们你一句我一句的商量好你来一碗干捞叉烧烧肉云吞面我来一碗干捞云吞面后来店家前来下单时候告诉我们:只剩叉烧和白鸡这·····让人说不出来话了都咱们唯有来两份单点和两份面条单点价格没有很贵也没有很经济,咱们交代了要一人份就好凉水RM1.50 / 唐茶RM0.50打量了店面一下下,发现到陈明记的桌椅摆设有一点点像麻麻档左右两旁都是两三人桌,中间则是八人桌如果小桌坐满了,那么你就得和中间桌的顾客''搭台''大约等了个十分钟,面食一一送上相机吃先 ◕‿-咱们明明要的是单人份,但店家给我们送上了两人份哎!其实也是意料中的事~经常外食,所以都已经见惯不怪了海南鸡 RM15当我在拍照时候,就发现到『咦?怎么不是鸡腿呢?』后来一个阿姨走了过来告诉我们:鸡腿卖完了,我给你们的是两人份的鸡二度好呗!都有跟我们交代了声,也懒得退了无论烧鸡或白鸡,就是沾着辣椒酱吃才够味~bbq pork RM16陈明记烤叉烧才是主角surprisingly its not too sweetawesomely 半肥瘦且带多少焦香的质感,再沾点叉烧汁一不小心的卡路里,悔恨交集一口接一口,热量摄入不容易控制同样的,店家也是给我们端来双人的份量吃得津津有味的余先生说不打紧,他可以包完吃到一半,顾客陆陆续续上门,但店家有声明只剩下海南鸡,叉烧或云吞都卖光了看着隔壁桌的干捞云吞面,上面真的只是放了些鸡丝我小小声告诉阿余:如果不是店家太贪心给了我们两人份,说不定隔壁桌还能吃到叉烧云吞面RM2.50那干捞云吞面也是醉了太太太美味了!粉喜翻捏~拌了黑酱油、酱油、麻油、蚝油、盐 、糖、猪油等成份also some choi sum gave for dry noodlesa small portion, but it's opens my appetite pretty well清汤云吞面就显得乏味了 Q_Q看着桌上可以供四人份的斩料,咱们说好的基本款呢?不得不说,店家生意手段太高明啦!!!total bill RM40.30 (include GST)a delicious meal ♥would definitery go back for itcome and experience it by urself陈明记烧腊 (chan meng kee)44 , jalan ss2/66 47300 petaling jaya selangor tel:012-6881972 business hour:0830-1600  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-25
Apparently, this is another famous wantan mee place around PJ. I only learned of this when seeing the really huge crowds at this place. I was lucky to get one of the last tables on the spot, just minutes before more people came and couldn't get a table. The noodles were okay, and the sauce was very starchy and heavy, and sweet. Char siew was pretty good and sweet too. Soup was very peppery. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-04
Chan Meng Kee Noodle House is probably the busiest restaurant in SS2 and this restaurant has make a appearance in Astro. The restaurant is just like normal Chinese coffee shop and normally will be crowded during lunch hour. Parking is a problem here, you are lucky if you can park nearby the restaurant. The wantan noodle is springy with a nice lard fragrance while the char siew is simply delicious and is way better compare with other normal wantan mee stall. I think the price is a bit expensive for it;s portion. One thing to bare in mind is the waiting time. We waited for almost 40 minutes for the noodle. In this waiting time, we noticed that the noodles are cooked plate by plate, which is a good thing in terms of quality if you don't mind of waiting. Overall, i think the char siew is really fantastic. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)