Opening Hours
13:00 - 00:00
13:00 - 00:00
Wed - Sun
13:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Open Till Late
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (2)
Level1 2018-06-23
下午茶选择繁多,在朋友的介绍下去试了这间糖水店,人流密集的后巷竟然有这么棒的糖水店,去到门口就看见人龙在排队,足以证明它的威力有多吸引,不过店面那么隐藏应该只有附近工作或住户才知道它的存在,不要看他店面简陋,试了过后才知道卧虎藏龙小吃一囖囖,芋头糕、菜粿、碗糕、马来糕、白糖糕、糯米糍、炒肠粉加上天天不同的糖水挑选花生糊、黑芝麻糊、红豆水、摸摸喳喳、姜汁汤丸,实在太多选择,而且食物现炒现煮保证新鲜,最重要还是价钱平民,味道一流。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-01-11
Hidden in the hustle and bustle area of Pudu near the old Hong Kong Shopping Complex, as termed by the local, here it is a small shop offering local dessert as well as some noodles.Since it has been awhile since we last came here, we decided to pay a visit over the weekend. The restaurant occupied two shop lots, one without the air conditioned where patrons made their order and pay the bill while the other shop comes with air conditioned. This is not a self service restaurant though, patrons will have to order and pay and then wait to be served. Dad had their Prawn Noodle while the rest of us had the red bean kuih, the tapioca kuih, peanut kuih as well as the famous steamed radish cake.The prawn noodles wasn't too bad. The broth was flavourful with shrimps, it wasn't too spicy and the portion was just good enough. Of course all the kuihs was good too, that's being one the reason why we were there in the first place. The tapioca kuih was chewy yet isn't too sweet. Red bean kuih nice as well with the right amount of azuki beans. But the peanut kuih was a bit of a dissapointed. It was more like a hardened texture with not much peanut taste, in fact it tasted kind of bland. We had the black sesame dessert too. It smells really good that we can't resist to take away a few more for supper later on. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)