Chicken Drumstick Recipe | 大鸡脾食谱
整只鸡里最滑嫩,最吸引人的部位就是“鸡脾”了。其肉厚而细嫩不说,还有那鸡的鲜味芳香四溢,是整只鸡的精髓啊! 看到市面上的这一本【大鸡腿】的食谱,勾起了小编的许多童年回忆。以前小时候,每逢大日子,家里才有鸡吃,而且还是要用抢的,抢来的食物吃起来更美味呢!『偷笑着』不知道食家们有没有这样的回忆呢?! 翻开食谱看见许多美味的鸡腿特辑,让小编口水直流了!里面一共有50多种不同口味的鸡腿做法,从蒸、炸、焖到卤等,都可以将鸡腿煮出不同的风味。最让小编喜爱的就是焖叉烧鸡腿、啤酒焖大鸡腿和虾酱蒸鸡腿。 No one is going to deny the best part of a chicken is the drumstick! Full of flesh with right amount of fats, and the meat is juicy and tender! Many people especially kids love chicken drumsticks. The “Chicken Leg” recipe book includes more than 50 yummy recipes for chicken drumsticks, and here we’re going to share a few of them with you! Let’s get started.


大鸡腿, 鸡腿, 食谱, 名食谱, 叉烧,焖叉烧鸡腿

Pork Char Siu is common to be seen but have you tried Chicken Char Siu? You must give this a try if you’re a drumstick lover. Here’s the awesome recipe!

Ingredient and Portion | 材料与分量:2 chicken legs | 2个大鸡腿

Seasoning | 调味料:1 tbsp oyster sauce | 1大匙 蚝油, 1 tbsp light soy sauce | 1大匙 酱油, 3 tbsp sugar | 3大匙 砂糖, 1 tbsp "Shaoxing" wine | 1大匙 绍兴酒, 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce | 1/2小匙 黑酱油, some red colour food colouring | 适量 食用红色素

Method | 做法:
1. Rinse chicken legs and pat-dry, add in marinade and rub it all over. Marinate overnight.

2. Heat up 2 tbsp cooking oil, add the marinated chicken legs and the marinade liquid together. Cover lid, and let it simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes till cooked. Dish up and serve.


大鸡腿, 鸡腿, 食谱, 名食谱, 虾酱,虾酱蒸鸡腿

Shrimp paste steamed chicken legs, yes or no? It’s definitely a ‘yes’! Add some bird's eye chilies in it for a touch of spiciness, so yummy!

Ingredient and Portion | 材料与分量:2 chicken legs | 2个大鸡腿, 1 tbsp chopped garlic | 1大匙蒜茸, 5 bird's eye chilies (diced) | 5条朝天椒(切粒), 1 tbsp shrimp sauce | 1大匙虾酱

Seasoning | 调味料:1 tsp sugar / 1小匙砂糖, 1 tbsp fish sauce / 1大匙鱼露, 1/2 tsp pepper / 1/2小匙胡椒粉, 1/2 tsp sesame oil / 1/2小匙麻油, 1 tbsp cooking oil / 1大匙食油, 1 tbsp "Shaoxing" wine / 1大匙绍兴酒

Method | 做法:
1. Combine garlic with the chilies, shrimp sauce and seasoning, then mix with chicken legs together. Marinate for 20 minutes.
将蒜茸、椒粒、 均匀,腌渍20分钟。

2. Put the marinated chicken legs in a preheated steamer. Cover lid, and steam for 20 minutes till cooked. Remove from heat, serve hot.
盛入预热蒸炉, 即可上桌食用。 虾酱和调味料拌匀,加入鸡腿涂抹盖上,大火蒸20分钟至熟透入味。


大鸡腿, 鸡腿, 食谱, 名食谱, 啤酒,啤酒焖大鸡腿

Do you know beer is not only your good friend for happy hour, it’s also your food friend in cooking? Try this Simmered Chicken Legs with Beer and Spices recipe! Click [here].

大鸡腿, 鸡腿, 食谱, 名食谱,菊花蒸盐鸡腿,卤鸡腿,风沙大腿,海南鸡腿
小编其实还蛮喜欢整本食谱的构思,还有许多让人垂涎三尺的照片。【大鸡腿】的策划和摄影是James Wan,而做出如此令人口馋的【大鸡腿】食谱就是来自《名食谱》的林永好老师,简称“好姨”。
大鸡腿, 鸡腿, 食谱, 名食谱,好姨,林永好
别看好姨心广体胖,她可是常常受邀到全马各地进行示范及担任美食评审的呢!她有许多得意作品,如《好姨蒸本领》和《焖鸡霸王》等名作。而这本新作【大鸡腿】,是好姨为她的粉丝们再奉上无私的烹饪技术及技巧,还有积极地构思食材及配搭,让大家可以容易上手和与家人一起分享。鸡腿在手,满怀感动! 如果想看更多丰富美味的【大鸡腿】的食谱,可以到各大书局及报摊购买或点击这里以浏览《名食谱》的网站。
大鸡腿, 鸡腿, 食谱, 名食谱

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