019-336 7893
Opening Hours
06:30 - 15:00
Tue - Sun
06:30 - 15:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Yong Tau Foo
Review (4)
Level4 2013-07-27
Yong Tau Fu. While we ordered the famous curry laksa, we also ordered various yong tau fu for sharing. The yong tau fu that we chose were stuffed brinjals, fu chuk, lady fingers and fish ball. There were a lot of of stuffed fish paste in each of the yong tau fu and price was cheap too. The fish paste was springy and no fishy taste. The brinjal was soft while the fu chuk was crispy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-25
只听说茨厂街有翻版包包,钱包等东西,原来还有一个档口很出名的。那就是中华巷酿豆腐,炎日的天气堆积的人潮,好不容易找到个位子品尝食物。现做现卖就是这里的特色,虽然这里没有很好的环境但还是很多人为美事而来。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-12-26
The wet market food stall is located in little back lane next to Hotel Malaysia along Jalan Hang Lekir.The store open at 9am- 2pm (or sold out) and closed on Mondays.You will hit a long queue during weekend.The signature for the stalls are the fried foo chok and stewed tofus.It about RM 1 per piece which is quite affordable.My favorite Yong tau foo at this stall are the stewed tofu,which come very soft inside with a firm skin, the juicy stuffed eggplant,lady finger, bitter gourd with the fish paste inside and the softly bouncy fish ball. Delicious And dun forget with the sweet brown sauce and with the chili sauces together with the yong tau foo. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
每次来到茨厂街,就一定会光顾这里的菜市场大啖中华巷美食,其中最喜欢的一家就是这里的酿豆腐,一点都不输安邦的酿豆腐哦!只是这里没冷气,又有点脏,而且因为座位有限,常常要和陌生人同桌,只要这些都能够忍受,保证你会爱上这里的酿豆腐!这里的酿豆腐之所以好吃,原因只有一个:就是所有酿豆腐都是现场新鲜制作的,可以看到员工在亲手制作,所以这里的酿豆腐吃起来特别鲜嫩可口!点餐的方式很简单,只要在摊位前选择你喜欢的酿豆腐,丢进碗里,然后交给老板娘来处理就可以了!酿豆腐分为水煮和油炸两种,水煮的话,员工会把酿豆腐倒进热汤内烫熟,然后连汤带料倒进碗里,再添加一些葱花就可以上桌咯~基本上,每一种酿豆腐都很好吃,因为内陷所使用的鱼肉十分鲜嫩弹牙,让人吃了一口又一口,欲罢不能。个人偏爱这里的豆腐,特别新鲜滑嫩,用筷子轻轻一夹就碎开,放在嘴里口感就像布丁一样滑润! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)