2013-12-12 169 瀏覽
I went all the way to Kepong with my family because I went to Kepong thrice and discovered a wonderful eatery shophouse area called Desa Aman Puri. Unfortunately, my bad sense of direction got us lost for one and a half hours. Daddy was so mad that we kept on getting lost! Finally, I gave up looking for the place after almost ending up in a forest and a dead end and mum was getting so stressed up! We went to an area which also had quite a few restaurants. We ended up eating at Xin Xin Kee Restau
I went all the way to Kepong with my family because I went to Kepong thrice and discovered a wonderful eatery shophouse area called Desa Aman Puri. Unfortunately, my bad sense of direction got us lost for one and a half hours. Daddy was so mad that we kept on getting lost! Finally, I gave up looking for the place after almost ending up in a forest and a dead end and mum was getting so stressed up!

We went to an area which also had quite a few restaurants. We ended up eating at Xin Xin Kee Restaurant (more like open concept kopitiam). Apparently the famous dish here is the Steamed Fish which was supposed to be spicy but I wondered how it could be spicy when the only spice it had was small red chillies on top of steamed fish with soya sauce and also a lot of ginger.

Although the coffee shop is famous for bak kut teh, we did not order it because mum said she could easily cook that herself. So I did not get a chance to taste that. We had the Wine Chicken instead which tasted like the cook poured the whole bottle of Chinese wine into it.

We also ordered Yao Ma or something like stir fry salad vege.

The most amazing thing is that these three dishes cost a record RM 38 which was dirt cheap! I guess it was because the Flying Fish cost only RM 9.95!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)