2013-09-02 267 瀏覽
A must have in Thai restaurant is the Tub Tim Krub, which is coconut water and chestnut with jackfruit in coconut milk and shredded ice. They were generous with the ingredient to ensure they deliver the best quality for this so the coconut milk and jackfruit were ample to satisfy your sweet tooth.I also love the Kinnaree set dessert, which serves as assorted Kinnaree dessert with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The desserts were golden banana steamed in honey syrup, chocolate spring rolls with ice
A must have in Thai restaurant is the Tub Tim Krub, which is coconut water and chestnut with jackfruit in coconut milk and shredded ice. They were generous with the ingredient to ensure they deliver the best quality for this so the coconut milk and jackfruit were ample to satisfy your sweet tooth.
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55 瀏覽
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I also love the Kinnaree set dessert, which serves as assorted Kinnaree dessert with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The desserts were golden banana steamed in honey syrup, chocolate spring rolls with ice cream, and few seasonal fruit. It wasn’t dulcified, and when served chilled, tasted refreshingly quenching. It was a pity we had it outdoor for we wanted a brighter surrounding for the photos. So the ice cream kind of melted a bit too quickly and I really don’t fancy melted ice cream.
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