2013-12-13 106 瀏覽
The Asrmara Punch (RM 11) was one beverage with pretty garnishes where I truly appreciate the fresh and beautifully craved watermelon slice that is not only edible but also very pleasant to the eyes. Alas, the looks of it was hardly half as sweet as the taste of this punch. It consists of a mix of syrup which I thought was slightly overpowering the freshness of watermelon juice, but although agreed by the rest of us this may be subjected to personal palate.On top of the many amazing local deligh
The Asrmara Punch (RM 11) was one beverage with pretty garnishes where I truly appreciate the fresh and beautifully craved watermelon slice that is not only edible but also very pleasant to the eyes. Alas, the looks of it was hardly half as sweet as the taste of this punch. It consists of a mix of syrup which I thought was slightly overpowering the freshness of watermelon juice, but although agreed by the rest of us this may be subjected to personal palate.
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On top of the many amazing local delights, the restaurant serves pretty decent western menu of which we tried the Grilled Salmon (RM 38) which has a rather peculiar combination of plump size of salmon, pasta, salad and corn comb. I would appreciate this even more if the salmon would be more moist and juicy on the inside, and less burnt grills on the outside.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-12-13 30 瀏覽
The Asian and local delights were pretty charming. The Butter Prawn (RM 35) which was crispy enough to nicely gnaw, slowly tasting the fragrant of lightly burnt prawn shell. The flavour from this dish depends very highly on the butter milk gravy so it would be nice if the prawn itself have more flavouring in it.Speaking of flavours, the Asam Pedas Asmara Tenggiri(RM 29) is the bomb while the mix of spices and herbs all combining to create the exciting sensation which balanced and masked any fish

The Asian and local delights were pretty charming. The Butter Prawn (RM 35) which was crispy enough to nicely gnaw, slowly tasting the fragrant of lightly burnt prawn shell. The flavour from this dish depends very highly on the butter milk gravy so it would be nice if the prawn itself have more flavouring in it.
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Speaking of flavours, the Asam Pedas Asmara Tenggiri(RM 29) is the bomb while the mix of spices and herbs all combining to create the exciting sensation which balanced and masked any fishy flavour from the plump slices of tenggiri fish. The usual okras and brinjals were also included in slightly unusual sizes, slightly bigger than what we are familiar with.
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The local delights were pretty charming with very beautiful set that comes with the essential rice, and a couple of beautiful sides at rather reasonable prices. The fried rice combos were charming although lack fragrant and aroma from wok heat. The Nasi Goreng Cina came with battered fried prawns, pandan chicken roll, pan seared fish, some keropok ikan and served with chili api. The Chicken Pandan Roll was impressively delicious with very luscious and juicy texture deeply infused with aroma of pandan leaves.
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The Nasi Goreng India was accompanied by the lovely Lamb Masala which was decent and palatably delicious. The portions of herbs and spices blend amazingly and nicely at the same time mellowing any gamy flavour from the lamb. Generous cashew nuts contribute to the nut fragrant and creaminess to compliment intense flavour of all the herbs and spices. This of course is available on the ala carte menu at RM 25.
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Nasi Goreng Melayu was not far in similarity from the first two when it comes to fragrant of the wok heat. However, when accompanied by the tangy spicy chili, the combo manages to redeem and do justice to the beautiful platting. Also served with prawn and chicken pandan, the star in this would probably is the Rendang Tok- a dish very much appreciated us. Something I rarely cook at home due to the tedious cooking time, and the trouble to gather the ingredients. This one was nicely seasoned and meat still retaining its tender.
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And lastly, all sweet things must end with appropriate dessert. Sago Gula Melaka sells at RM 5 (RM 9 with ice cream), matching with fresh coconut milk was heavenly. And for events, serving sizes can be made really beautiful and elegant.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-12-13 15 瀏覽
Asmara translates to love in English. The name of this place clearly suggest lots of romance and intimacy in the process as ambiance builds and create affections as meals are served ala five star. As we entered, frangipanis and palm tree, gong by the entrance, and lots of sculptures with Balinese elements instantly calm the soul. This instantly creates immediate segregation of city hassle as we enter this tranquility.Couples looking forward to celebrating any special occasion will find this plac
Asmara translates to love in English. The name of this place clearly suggest lots of romance and intimacy in the process as ambiance builds and create affections as meals are served ala five star. As we entered, frangipanis and palm tree, gong by the entrance, and lots of sculptures with Balinese elements instantly calm the soul. This instantly creates immediate segregation of city hassle as we enter this tranquility.
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Couples looking forward to celebrating any special occasion will find this place amusing especially when the restaurant is versatile when it comes to prior arrangements and requests. The restaurant is very thoughtful and delicate when it comes to table setting or dishes presentations.
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And speaking of effort, the very tiny bit of effort in every aspect is very admirable. Right from preparation, to plating, the presentations are overwhelming and I was really impressed with my dining experience. The staffs were amazingly well trained at servicing and friendly, while the owner participating at the operational site truly makes an impression in elevating the standard of dishes and services.
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When the Thai fish Cake(RM 15) served cocktail style was presented, it was definitely mesmerizing to see such delicate presentation. It must have taken quite a bit of time to arrange in such pop sized bites. The cucumber and tomato slices were still succulent inside out, meaning it was prepared fresh. I really like that. Having awestruck by the presentation, some layers could have been made slightly thicker to balance the overpowering flavour of Thai fish cake.
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An extra treat on the menu, which is very suitable for cocktail parties would be the Asmara Kentang which was beautifully served in pretty glasses with Thai chili sauce at the bottom. The potato maybe simple long cutlets of hash brown but it serves as good appetizers or cocktail bites.
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When preparing for events or special occasions, the restaurant makes sure that individual tasting portions were beautifully served.Perfect for weddings.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
When I first heard of this place, I was expecting something along the lines of authentic Malay food since it's smack dab in the middle of a kampung village which I've never even traveled into before. Due to a lazier side of me, I overslept my appointment time but thankfully, manage to get there just as they were about to serve the food. *Phew*When I arrived at the place, I was delighted to be greeted with such a beautiful and lofty exterior that looks amazing with it's surroundings.But my first
When I first heard of this place, I was expecting something along the lines of authentic Malay food since it's smack dab in the middle of a kampung village which I've never even traveled into before. Due to a lazier side of me, I overslept my appointment time but thankfully, manage to get there just as they were about to serve the food. *Phew*

When I arrived at the place, I was delighted to be greeted with such a beautiful and lofty exterior that looks amazing with it's surroundings.
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But my first thought was where do people park? Since the front yard does not have much space. It was later clarified that people may park alongside at the side area and even if there still isn't enough space due to here for a function or such, they may park at alongside the road or the Rukun Tetangga nearby. They needn't worry of the cars blocking since the road is quite wide which I do agree.

Inside it's high walls, I marveled upon it's large dining place with a surrounding area that can be likened to a resort.
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The environment of this place very much puts me at ease and makes me feel more carefree, as if I'm here for a short holiday to get away from it all. It's peaceful and tranquil.
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It's also quite a romantic place for a date with it's low but ample lighting, serene surroundings and no traffic to be heard despite on an outdoor area.
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No doubt, I may be impressed by it's settings, but I'm also ultimately here to try their food.

We were served with this reddish looking drink called the Asmara Punch:
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Presentation-wise looks superb. The drink is very sweet and tasted like Rose Syrup to me predominantly. Loved the heart-shaped watermelon on the glass though.

We started off with some bite-sized Cocktail Thai Fish Cake:
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The Thai Fish Cake was definitely made as the main of this dish.
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The rest of the ingredient along atop and below the fish cake lightly complements it with the crispiness of the bread below doing most of the work.

Here we have the Asmara Kentang Goreng, English - Fries:
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[Full Review at: http://www.ktheblogger.com/2013/12/asmara-penchala-kampung-sungai-penchala.html]
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • assam pedas