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Signature Dishes
Black Garlic Oily Ramen Cha Siu Rice Egg Wantan Ramen Kimchi Ramen Mukashi Special Ramen Yamagoya Ramen with Tonkotsu Soup
Review (43)
Level4 2016-04-08
Mukashi special ramen was served in a tonkotsu (pork bone) broth, topped with spring onions, ear fungus, thickly sliced roasted pork, seaweed, beansprouts, bamboo shoots and flavoured egg. The pork broth was flavoursome and I really enjoyed it very much. The only complain I would have is that the flavoured egg was a little overdone, but I'm sure this will be improved over time. They also provided sesame seeds to be grinded over the noodles if you like an additonal oomph factor. I also liked that the slice of roast pork had a reasonably good amount of fats and meat altogether, resulting in a good melt-in-the-mouth texture.The soup was really flavorful, so I had no problems in finishing it all up to the last drop.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-11-28
Being one of the "Big 4" of ramen in KL, it didn't live up to the standard at all. Soup had a funky smell (must be from the bamboo shoots), and very salty. While excessive saltiness isn't a crime on its own, its bad when the whole balance is weird and has that odd smell.Noodles were unremarkable in texture and taste, and there was very little pork (although they were quite tender, but way too fatty). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-11-08
Yamagoya Ramen provides a satisfying range of ramen with different flavor and offer good side dishes along with the ramen.Miso Ramen, RM24.00Miso Ramen is the typical Yamagoya Ramen, but miso is added into the broth. Hence, the taste is heavier and more salty. I didn't really like this particular dish though as it was too salty for my liking.Char Siu Ramen, RM24.00Char Siu Ramen is for meat lovers. There are no veges in the bowl except slices of char siu, and ramen. Specially for carnivores only!Pork Char Siu RM11.00A plate of Pork Char Siu that consist of 10 slices of juicy pork meat. It is also served in some of the ramen but just in a few slices. This pork char siu was quite good as the slices were actually quite thick and filling.Yamagoya's Mukashi Special Ramen RM24.00Yamagoya’s Mukashi Special Ramen is their signature dish. Most patrons who come here will order this as it consists of the works. Everything, all in! It has freshly made Ramen served with Pork Char Siu (sliced roasted pork), Yamagoya Soy Sauced Egg, bamboo shoot, black fungus, beansprouts, nori (seaweed sheet), garnished with fried garlic and spring onions.What more can you ask for?!?Spicy Tobanjan Ramen RM22.00This Spicy Tobanjan Ramen looks like Yamagoya Ramen served with a “ball” of tobanjan (hot bean sauce). With tobanjan mixed with the ramen, the whole bowl of ramen was spiced up and tasted so much nicer! (if you love spicy food)Black Garlic Ramen, RM22.00My absolute favourite of the night, so I must feature this first. The soup has strong garlic fragrant and taste. Considering garlic is one of my first loves (as my sisters can attest to), I immediately ordered this when I saw it on the menu. I wasn't let down because the taste wasn't too salty, and the fragrant taste of the garlic was great! This I recommend to all of my readers out there continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
許多人都說:“只要到過日本吃拉麵,你就再也不會想吃這裡的日式拉麵。” 對於曾到過日本遊吃當地大大小小拉麵館的我而言,這確實是讓我點頭咂嘴的說法。沒錯,自從幾年前去了一趟日本後,我對大馬的日式拉麵可謂興趣全失,即使是上一些知名度較高的日式餐廳用餐,刺身再鮮美、壽司再豐富、天婦羅再香脆,但拉麵的質素卻始終未能達標,難道在我國這享譽國際的美食天堂裡真的找不到一碗好拉麵嗎?有。就在兩年前,我終於遇到了一家讓我對本地日式拉麵有希望的拉麵專賣店 — 極樂拉麵(Goku Raku Ramen),地點就位於你我都熟悉的谷中城 (Mid Valley),目前在Paradigm Mall 和檳城的Gurney Paragon Mall設有分店。我曾在部落格里分享過這家拉麵,大家有空不妨去回味一下,當時的我還是以廣東話撰寫的耶! XD好了,說回拉麵, 自從極樂拉麵贏得口耳相傳的好口碑而掀起一股拉麵熱潮後,許多早在日本和國際已名聲大噪的拉麵店隨即紛紛越洋來馬開設分店,當中包括山小屋(Yamagoya Ramen) 、丸玉 (Marutama Ramen)、山頭火(Hokkaido Ramen Santouka)、一風堂(Hakata Ippūdō Ramen)以及Kyo-ei Tokyo Ramen等,一時間搞到我這超級拉麵迷有空吃沒看寫,真的,時間都被吃佔據了,又哪還有閒情坐在電腦前發文呢?有時我不得不佩服那些每天都發文的博客,好像一天有48小時似的 @_@! 你們都不累的嗎? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-10
The first branch of Yamagoya Ramen at Solaris Ramen is quite a popular spot and if you go there on a weekend night, you might find yourself waiting a while for a table. We visited quite late on a rainy night and they had a table outside for us. Perfect. The staff at Yamagoya are all quite friendly and seems to know their menu items well. We took their recommendation and ordered the signature Mukashi Ramen (RM24+) with comes with charshu, ajitsuke tamago (marinated egg), seaweed, spring onions & bamboo shoots in tonkotsu be broth. When this arrived on the table the aroma instantly hit our noses. On first look it was quite impressive. The broth was murky and creamy, hallmark of a good tonkotsu broth. Unfortunately it was lacking a little bit in terms of flavour so that was a little bit of a let down. The noodles were the thinner kind, like Hakata style ramen, but here it was a little too soft for my liking. The charshu (2 slices) had a good ratio of meat and fat, and tender enough, but was lacking the wow factor somehow. I liked the egg though, as the egg yolk was slightly runny with good flavour from the mirin and soy sauce. We also ordered some fried chicken (Chicken Karaage) which came with a wedge of lemon to cut through the greasiness. They were pretty tasty and sufficiently crisp. I probably wouldn't come back here again given there are a few better places for ramen, but it's still a good place if you are craving ramen and happen to be near the area. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)