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This is WendyLee living in Kuala Lumpur City Center. I am a MIS, work in Kuala Lumpur City Center. I like to hang out in Kuala Lumpur City Center, Petaling Jaya (North). Korean, Chinese, Western variety, Arabian are my favorite cuisines. I also love Hotel Dining, Bar & Pub, Café, Sporting and optimistic life philosopher and Desserts, Any delish food that is cheese-related.
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Showing 1 to 5 of 117 Reviews in Malaysia
J.L. Gourmet Cafe @ Prangin Mall Smile Jul 04, 2012   
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Steaks / Chops | Vegetarian

I find this outlet homey and warmy, and it goes by the name “J.L. Gourmet! ^^

Just a sharing of info, the owner of this cozy café belongs to the same owner of the other two Mizi Bistros, which are located at other are in Georgetown, but fret not, they are not that far, hehe.. I’ve been patronizing these outlet eversince I’ve come to know of its existence from my auntie, who used to be their loyal customers and now friendssmile Even after so many visits, I still enjoy each outlet very very much! For its hospitality, conducive ambience and nice food, of course! ^^


So here we have Seafood Cannellonni. Just by its name already sufficient to get me drooling tongue It’s really cheesily creamy with loads of my favourite milky cheese! Haha… Seafood and poultry were fresh and tangy. Plus, it’s at affordable price!


Next we have this JL Signature mushroom soup. I find it very special and different from the others out there. The unique part is that you can actually eat the mushroom bites with its intense aroma as it is freshly home-cooked. That makes all the differencesmile I can practically take two bowls tongue In case you need something to clear your throat, you may opt for their cooling Peach Juice. ^^


If you’re still craving for some decent crispy dish, you can try their Roasted Black Pepper Crusted Chicken. The chicken is fried to perfection, doused with adequate black pepper sauce which makes it so fragrant! It also come with side dishes like crunchy green peas, poached potato and carrots, which are indeed very healthy! ^^

Besides the main dishes, we also fancy the other special menu, Trawler's pie. It reminds me of those American Chicken Mushroom Pie….hehe…. A hot and delish creamy soup, topped with flaky pastry. It’s just simply fantastic!^^

Given me another chance I won’t mind visiting again tongue

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Chicken Maryland Smile Aug 09, 2013   (Related Review)
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Pizza/Pasta | Steaks / Chops

At the utter of this name, reminds me of the sweet childhood when dining the similar fare at Komtar, which remains the best so far in my memory vividly. However, it has ceased operating now as the owner has shifted for better venture.

Anyway, the Chicken Maryland by James Foo, is considered equally good. Comes with quite a big portion with all the fried fillets, is enough to make you drooling at just the mere sight at it lol The combo consists of ham, breaded banana, sausage and the unmistakably chicken chop! Chicken fillet is really juicy and seriously crispy on the outside! Not too oily and still bearable. It is the breaded banana that capture my heart as it is done just nice, retaining the soft and sweetness of the fruit, while remaining crunchy on the skin. Not bad lol


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Pumpkin Soup  Smile Jul 22, 2013   (Related Review)
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Steaks / Chops | Burgers / Sandwiches

Pumpkin Soup

Not forgetting their aromatic Pumpkin Soup that comes with Almond Flakes. The soup is very original and sweet. I guess they really made it from scratch and thus, it’s really awesome. You could also dip some baguette into the soup for a different kind of enjoyment. As usual, I enjoy the spread of milky butter flavor of the bread as well. Last but not least, do enjoy their dessert corner where a decent selection of ice creams are available such as yam, corn, vanilla and many more. Yum!



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Black Pepper Chicken Smile Jul 22, 2013   (Related Review)
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Steaks / Chops | Burgers / Sandwiches

Black Pepper Chicken

Another equally scrumptious fare that you could settle with is their Black Pepper Chicken. The portion for this dish is really huge and would surely spice up the day of meaty lovers. It comes it two to three slices of chicken fillet, that have been deep fried earlier on, before drenched with black pepper sauce. Therefore, the crunch of the fried layer has reduced a bit, but the meat remain tender and succulent. There are also some cream sauce added on top of the black pepper sauce, to balance out the smokiness. When paired with the plainly poached side dishes, it’s superb! lol

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Fish Au Gratin Smile Jul 22, 2013   (Related Review)
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Steaks / Chops | Burgers / Sandwiches

Fish Au Gratin

For fish lovers, you would like their Fish Au Gratin, for the generous spread of mozzarella cheese on the top. The Dory fish is kind of poached and slightly grilled in order to retain its juiciness. Therefore, the meat is soft and sweet that goes really well with the accompany buttery sauce. I personally enjoyed the white gravy very well and taste wonderful with the slight hint of creaminess. The side dishes like carrots, potatoes, broccoli remain crisp as they are just merely blanched and boiled to maintain its freshness lol


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