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This is FollowMeToEatLa living in Bukit Jalil. I am a homemaker, work in Bukit Jalil. I like to hang out in Kuchai Lama. Korean, Chinese, Malaysian variety are my favorite cuisines. I also love Stall / Warung, Café, Restaurant and Dim sum, Nasi Lemak, Yong Tau Fu, Wantan noodles, Fish head noodles, Steam fish, Banana leaf rice, Steamboat.
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Showing 51 to 55 of 112 Reviews in Malaysia
Fizzy Lemonade @South Pacific Smile Sep 11, 2013   
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Categories : Malaysian variety | Western variety | Café | Pizza/Pasta

Refreshing Fizzy Lemonade - RM 3.80

Refreshing Fizzy Lemonade - RM 3.80

This fizzy drink is refreshing, not too sweet with a hint of sourness from lemon juice. Much better than the lemonade we used to as this has the gassy & fizzy taste to it. I would prefer this healthier option rather than the plain old 100Plus or sugar laden fizzy soft drinks - Coke or anything else. Could do better if comes chilled with ice cubes for a cooler sensation.
Unique Spoutless Teapot

Unique Spoutless Teapot

This is a very unique 'Spout-less' teapot I noticed at South Pacific while dining there. Call me 'Jakun' or anything else but this is the first time I saw such an interesting 'device'. As it's spout-less, how does one pour the tea out? Ah-ha, the trick is to put it right on top of the cup and it will automatically release the tea from the bottom. Easy right, but on the contrary, there's a possibility of over flow as we can't see the amount of tea coming out.

While waiting for our food, we play around with this pot and discovering that there's a trick to it. The right method is to look the water level in the pot to determine how much we want. Anyway, we have much fun trying to pour tea and not spilling for every one at the table that day!tongue

Date of Visit: Sep 08, 2013 

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Categories : Chinese | Restaurant | Steamboat/Hotpot

Craving for a steamboat meal with a dash of yummy goodness? Head on down to San Hui Wei (China Chongqing) for their delicious Steamboat meal. Since Chongqing is a birth place of hotpot, you are in for some real authentic flavours.
Nutritious Chinese Herbal Soup RM 20

Nutritious Chinese Herbal Soup RM 20

Soups are what I like most about steamboat. My favourites are always the non-spicy ones. Believe me or not, a good soup must come with the smell first, right? This aroma in the restaurant was completely filled with the fragrant of spices and herbs. From this moment, I knew I'm in for something good and delish!

The Chinese Herbal Soup was heavenly, full flavour broth brewed to perfection with special chinese herbs and combination of pork bones or chicken skeleton. Aromatic and flavourful, it was very tasty and addictive, too! It was so good on it's own that I have several helpings even before the food were served that nite.

Here are the 3 types of dipping sauce are available to patrons for added spiciness. There is the red one, a spicy and tangy sauce made from fresh chillie & ginger, as well as a very special green sauce made from celery leaves (daun saderi), lemon juice, garlic & fresh chillies. Garlic oil is also available as part of the mixing of sauce too. Maggie showed us how we to mix the sauces together to come out with our own dipping sauces. She stressed that in this way each one can mix & match to come out with our very own concoctions with different degree of spiciness to suit our personal taste. Wow, how brilliant!
Tasty DIY Dipping Sauce

Tasty DIY Dipping Sauce

This sauce is a wonderful accompaniment to the fresh ingredients of hot pot. Not too hot or spicy, mildly sourish and come with a strong taste of the celery leaves. Therefore, don't miss the spicy dips and various dipping sauces you can DIY yourself.

Lilly Hong
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Date of Visit: Sep 04, 2013 

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Categories : Chinese | Restaurant | Steamboat/Hotpot

Welcome to the world of healthy and delicious eating of Chongqing Hot Pot cuisine. San Hui Wei (China Chong Qing) Steamboat offers a wide selection of fresh ingredients with more than 70 kinds of meat, seafood, vegetable and noodles for you to choose from. Take a trip down to SS2, Petaling Jaya for an escapade to China without having to fly.

Casual, comfortable and pleasant dining setting, this place has a seating capacity of up to 50 people. This lovely little restaurant is decorated with large posters of the mouthwatering hot pot delights. Besides that, each table is also equipped with a ceramic stove for clean, no messy and easy cooking.
** Elegant lady, Madam Maggie **

** Elegant lady, Madam Maggie **

Madam Maggie, the restaurant owner is an expatriate from China. Her passion for food and search for an authentic Chongqing cuisine has lead her to opening her very own restaurant. She takes great pride in her signature hot pot broths, prepared under the expertise of Chef Tiang from Chongqing. According to her, Chongqing is the birth place of the hot pot in China. It was a seasonal food designed to protect the locals against the low temperatures and frigid winds of the winter. People would sit around a table, eat hot pot, and revel in the instant warmth that would flood their bodies. Hot pot has become more and more popular today, and it is widely enjoyed by people and regardless of seasons and regions.
Sterilised Tableware

Sterilised Tableware

What was unique about the place was also the fact that the bowls and utensils for us were wrapped in plastic. The tableware goes through an ultrasonic high temperature cleaning and infra-red sterilization which guarantees clean and sanitary utensils for the usage of the customers. Wow, it can't go any cleaner that this, right?
Combination Soup @ RM 20

Combination Soup @ RM 20

Upon entering, my senses was overwhelmed with strong smell of the fragrant spices. Using fresh and high quality ingredients imported from China to preserve the authentic flavours of the soup, we have a choice of three different types of soups, including Chinese Herbal Soup, Combination Soup, and Sauerkraut Soup. A must-have is the popular Combination Soup consisting of Hot & Spicy Broth and Chinese Herbal Broth.
Fiery Red Hot  & Spicy Soup

Fiery Red Hot & Spicy Soup

Eating hot pot is a joyful experience. First, you need to choose the pot - spicy, pure or a combination of two - for the soup and dipping sauce. It comes in a large metallic pot partitioned in the middle and filled separately with each types of broth. As the name suggest, The Hot & Spicy Broth really live up to its standard. It was distinctively spicy and pungent flavours with a rich interior fragrant with spices to it. Chilli pepper, sesame, fermented black beans, scallions, ginger, garlic, wine, soy sauce and an array of flavourings are used in this special soup. Dry Spices like the star anise, Sichuan Peppercorn, black cardamom, green cardamom, sand ginger, cinnamon stick, liquorice and fennel seeds are among the spices used to prepare this special broth. Just imagine the taste, smell, flavour, shape, and nutrition are all carefully balanced in Chongqing dishes. No wonder people say that Chongqing food is not only attractive but nutritious!

Lilly Hong
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Date of Visit: Sep 04, 2013 

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Categories : Chinese | Restaurant | Seafood | Dim sum

Lovely Couple The Tees

Lovely Couple The Tees

My makan trips have brought me to many places I have never been before, meeting new people and trying out new food. On my most recent Makan Ventures, I had a wonderful experience meeting up with Mayflower's friendly couple, Mr Tee and his lovely wife, Melisa Chan. Mr Tee, the owner of Mayflower is truly a humble man. He shared with us his sad story about his mum, something close to his heart. On the other hand, he was the 'Star of the Nite' too.(Of course, besides the Pork Knuckle). Funny guy Tee got us in stitches and kept us entertained with his endless hilarious jokes throughout the dinner. Well, besides getting 'well fed' that nite, we were 'well entertained' too. Hahaha ....

Khong from Openricer, donning his signature apron presenting a small gift to the lovely Tees.

Miss Know All - Samatha Chok the Manager of Mayflower. Ms Chok gave me a good impression as she really know her stuff well, right up to details from preparation of each dishes, the ingredients that goes into it and so on. She was basically just ratting away as each dishes were served to us. Wish I have brought a recorder or something to note all those informations she's sharing with us !
Delicious looking Shanghainese Poached Chicken

Delicious looking Shanghainese Poached Chicken

Well, the next dish I wish to review is non other that the 'Shanghainese Poached Chicken'. As the name suggest, this dish originated from Shanghai. Samatha shared with us that this dish was usually served cold in China, but have been improvised to suit local taste. Farm or Kampung chicken is a must for this dish. Poached to perfection, the chicken was firstly de boned and a hot broth was spread over the chicken just before serving.

The chicken was really smooth and tender, combined with the generous amount of wolf berries sauce that made this another comfort food candidate indeed. Served warm instead of cold, the broth was infused with Shaoxing wine flavour upon each bite. Awesome!
A Whole Tender Village Chicken

A Whole Tender Village Chicken

Artistic food presentation of the Chicken dish are only for wedding banquet's host table only. Certainly not available for ala carte orders as the whole process might takes up to 3 hours for the decoration alone!

Lilly Hong
Editor of
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Recommended Dish(es):  Shanghainese Poached Chicken @RM 70
Date of Visit: Aug 28, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately RM70

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Categories : Chinese | Restaurant | Seafood | Dim sum

Pleasing-to-the-eye : Buttery Prawns

Pleasing-to-the-eye : Buttery Prawns

The Buttery Prawns With Corn Kernels was just simply delicious. The deep fried prawns itself was very tasty and aromatic. The meat was so fresh and firm, deep fried to perfection. Together with generous serving of the rich and creamy buttery gravy, it was a perfect combination. As everyone practically licked the plate clean, it was truly an appetizing 'Har-Har' dish that whet one's appetite that night. (happy; Har is prawn in Cantonese)
Sinful Buttery Prawns with Corn Kernel - RM 80

Sinful Buttery Prawns with Corn Kernel - RM 80

Partnering of prawns with corn kernels, makes an unusual choice but somehow, it turn out to be harmonious combination.

The freshness of the prawns was top-notch and the gravy was splendid, a wonderful accompaniment with white rice.
Artistry in Motion

Artistry in Motion

A pleasing-to-the-eye artwork accompanying the prawns dish. I was truly amazed by degree of skill and creativity exhibited in the 'finished product' by the artistic chef at the Mayflower Restaurant.

Lilly Hong
Editor of
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Date of Visit: Aug 28, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately RM80

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