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This is chiokmun living in Ara Damansara. I am a Manager, work in Shah Alam (North).
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Showing 11 to 15 of 800 Reviews in Malaysia
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Categories : Multi-Cuisine | Food court

The Beef & Mushroom Spaghetti in Food Republic is not as good as its Carbonara version. This dish consists of both beef and mushroom, and I chose the pasta to be spaghetti. The beef and mushroom was given quite generously, although I would have preferred more beef than mushrooms. The gravy is a mixture of both tomato sauce and cream which makes the dish a little strange tasting. I find it to be acceptable, but my partner complained that it does not suit her taste. The pasta was cooked al-dente, and goes well with the beef. For RM16.90, it was a little on the pricier side.

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Spaghetti Carbonara OK May 31, 2013   
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Categories : Multi-Cuisine | Food court

The western cuisine in Food Republic had a fairly long queue, so I thought it must be quite good. I ordered the Spaghetti Carbonara, as it looked good on the menu. The dish is cooked in front of my eyes as the kitchen is opened concept, which is a good thing in terms of cleanliness. The carbonara was served with a generous amount of beef bacon. The dish generally was acceptable, although it would be better if the gravy was a little thicker. The beef was delicious, perfectly cooked.
For RM14.90, it is of decent value considering the location of this restaurant.

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Mango Sticky Rice OK May 31, 2013   
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Categories : Multi-Cuisine | Food court

As I was not feeling very full, I thought of ordering a Mango Sticky Rice to fill up the rest of my stomach. Rama 9 was the only Thai restaurant around, so I thought of giving it a try. It took the chefs quite some time to prepare the dish. I was told that most of the mangoes they had were already rotten and therefore they have to cut open each and every one of them before serving it to me and so I had to stand there to wait for the dish for 15 minutes.
The mango sticky rice actually looks very impressive when served. They also gave a generous amount of evaporated milk to go with the rice and mango. However, I find that the rice was not very nice. It was not very fragrant and as they compact the rice a lot, it was not fluffy and delicious anymore. The mango was not too bad; however it was not sweet enough for my liking although it was very fragrant. For RM6.90, it was not really worth it.

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Smokin’ BBQ Beef Burger OK May 31, 2013   
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Burgers / Sandwiches | Halal

Macdonalds recently introduced a new range of burgers in their menu, and so I gave it a try. I ordered their Smokin’ BBQ Beef Burger medium set. As it was lunch time, it only costs RM5.95+. The burger was actually quite a disappointment. The sauce was a little too sweet for my liking and it does not have the oomph smoked bbq taste that I was looking for. The nice addition was their cheese which complements the entire burger as a whole. Generally, just a decent burger and it is not something which I will order again.

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Categories : Chinese | Restaurant | Steaks / Chops | Noodles

As Kungfu Paradise have some special set meal going on, I have decided to order their Sizzling Pasta Chicken set. The set comes with ABC soup, a choice of drinks (I chose the ice lemon tea) and the main dish itself. The ABC soup came first and it was surprisingly not too bad. It is quite clear, and no or little MSG added to the soup. The ice lemon tea was standard, nothing special. The sizzling pasta however, was served with the waiter literally pouring the black pepper sauce onto the hot plate dish and we literally can see the sizzle before our eyes. However, despite such promising start to the meal, the dish was actually very disappointing. The black pepper sauce was tasteless and flavourless. In fact, the only taste in the sauce was spiciness from the black pepper. The pasta was well cooked, but with the horrible sauce, I could not finish it. The fried potato wedges was alright without the sauce. The chicken was at least marinated and flavoured so I could eat it with a little sauce. With a much better sauce, this dish could be very nice. For RM16.90, it was actually very worth the money if it was not for the sauce.

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