How To Get Your Man To Cook? | 【男人的私房菜】“煮夫”的秘密武器
seashore, publisher, recipe, 食谱, 男人煮菜
相信现代的男生都很会煮几道小菜让老婆或是女朋友甜蜜幸福一下吧!而且现在煮饭也不再属于“煮妇”们的责任了,男人也能煮拿手小菜的,而且都相当美味,那么这句话“入的厨房,出的厅堂”是不是也能用在“煮夫”身上了呢? Nowadays cooking isn't just the women thing. Gentlemen showing their charm in kitchen is a big trend now, it is indeed a great way to show loves to your another half don't you think so? Let's check out these secret recipes presented by the gentlemen representatives of Malaysia!

Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon Recipe 鲑鱼班尼迪克蛋食谱

vegetarian, 素食,recipe,食谱

Ingredient and Portion | 材料与份量:1 English muffin | 马芬面包 1粒, Some smoked salmon | 烟熏鲑鱼(三文鱼)少许, 1/4 avocado | 牛油果 1/4 粒, 2 eggs | 蛋 2颗, Some water | 水 适量, Some white vinegar and salt | 白醋、盐 少许, 2 tbsp Hollandaise sauce | 荷兰酱 2汤匙

Hollandaise Sauce Ingredients:150g cooking cream | 奶油 150克, 2 tbsp lemon juice | 柠檬汁2汤匙 , 3 egg yolks | 蛋黄 3颗, 1 tbsp white vinegar | white wine vinegar / 白酒醋 / 白醋 1汤匙, Some black pepper and salt | 黑胡椒、盐 适量

Preparation | 准备:
1.Crack eggs into small bowls.

2.Cut smoked salmon and avocado into slices.

3.Slice English muffin into halves.

Method of Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon Recipe
1. Boil half a pot of water, add some salt and white vinegar when water starts to simmer.

2. Stir water in one direction using a spoon, to create a whirlpool.

3. Gently place egg at the side of the whirlpool and cook for about 3-4 minutes, until the egg white starts to solidify.

4. Toast or grill muffin until both sides are slightly crispy. Arrange a few slices of smoked salmon on top, followed by avocado slices and poached eggs. Lastly, top with 1 tbsp of Hollandaise sauce.

Method of Hollandaise Sauce | 荷兰酱的做法:
1. Warm cooking cream either by double boiling or heating over low heat. Remove grease from the surface of melted cream. Filter and set aside.

2. In a bowl, whisk 3 egg yolks lightly. Add lemon juice, white vinegar or white wine vinegar, some black pepper and salt. Double boil the mixture.

3. Stir egg yolks constantly while adding strained cream, whisk until thickened. Add some lemon or salt water if sauce is too thick.
一面搅拌蛋黄,一面慢慢加入澄清奶油,以打发的动作搅拌至勾芡状即可(切记不要过度浓稠, 如果太过浓密可以加一点点盐水或柠檬汁)。

食谱来自:FS (Fuying & Sam)

Henghua Stir-fried Rice Vermicelli Recipe 兴化炒米粉食谱

recipe,食谱,兴化炒米粉, 炒米粉

Ingredient and Portion | 材料与份量:150g Henghua rice vermicelli (fine) | 兴化米粉(细) 150克, 150g lean pork | 瘦肉 150克, 150g pork belly | 五花肉 150克, 200g clams | 蛤蜊 200克, 8 medium sized prawns | 中型虾 8只, 15 pcs small dried scallops | 小干贝 15粒, 5 bok choy | 白菜 5棵, 2 pcs bean curd puffs | 豆卜 2片, 1 egg | 蛋 1粒, 1 cup Chicken Stock | 鸡上汤 1杯, 2 1/2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee light soy sauce | 李锦记生抽 2 1/2汤匙, 1 1/2 tbsp cooking oil | 油 1 1/2汤匙, A dash of salt and pepper | 盐和胡椒粉 少许, A sprig of coriander | 芫荽 1棵

Preparation | 准备工作:
1.Rinse and pat dry pork belly. Slice into thin strips.

2.Rinse and pat dry lean pork. Cut into slices.

3.Wash clams and drain.

4.Shell prawns but leave the tails intact. Rinse and drain. Season with salt and pepper.

5.Wash bok choy and drain. Trim off ends and cut stems into sections. Cut the leaves in half and set the stems and leaves aside separately.

6.Beat the egg lightly.

Method | 做法:
1. Heat up cooking oil in a pan on high heat. Put in pork belly and stir-fry briefly. Cover the lid and let it cook until slightly brown.

2. Add lean pork and stir well. Cook for 1 minute.

3. Put in bok choy stems and stir well. Add prawns, stir-fry and cover with the lid again.

4. Put in dried scallops and stir to combine.

5. Add bean curd puffs, bok choy leaves and egg. Stir until the egg is well cooked.

6. Pour in 1/2 cup Chicken Stock and season with soy sauce.

7. Add clams. When clams are cooked, dish up all ingredients except the gravy. Set aside.

8. Place Henghua rice vermicelli into the same pan, lower the heat and pour in the remaining Chicken Stock.

9. When the vermicelli is tender, put all cooked ingredients back into the pan. Stir until well mixed.

10. Garnish with coriander and serve.

食谱来自:George 李永业

Steamed Egg Custard Recipe 淡奶炖蛋食谱

recipe,食谱, 淡奶炖蛋, 炖蛋

Ingredient and Portion | 材料与份量:2 eggs | 鸡蛋 2只, 50ml evaporated milk | 淡奶 50毫升, 30g sugar | 糖 30克, 150ml water | 水 150毫升

Method | 做法:
1. Boil water, add sugar and stir until sugar dissolves.

2. Beat eggs, add syrup from Method 1 and evaporated milk, beat until fluffy. Scoop out the foam.

3. Boil water in a wok. Pour egg mixture into small steaming pots or bowls, steam over low heat for 6-7 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it sit for a while.

食谱来自:Sean 李子昭

Stir-fried Pineapple and Fish Maw Recipe 黄金满地(黄梨炒鱼鳔)食谱

recipe,食谱, 淡奶炖蛋, 炖蛋

Ingredient and Portion | 材料与份量:1 cucumber | 黄瓜 1条, 1 pineapple | 黄梨 1粒, 100g fish maw | 鱼鳔 100克, 1 onion | 洋葱 1颗, Some water | 水 少许, 1 red chili | 红辣椒 1条

Seasoning | 调味料:1/2 rice bowl dried shrimp sambal | 叁虾米1/2饭碗, 2 tbsp tomato ketchup | 番茄酱 2汤匙, 1 tbsp white vinegar | 白醋 1汤匙, 2 tsp sugar | 糖 2茶匙, Some salt | 盐 适量

Preparation | 准备工作:
1.Remove cucumber seeds, slice and marinate with white vinegar and sugar for at least 1/2 hour. Drain and put aside.

2.Cut pineapple into dices. Slice chili.

3.Soak fish maw, drain and cut into small pieces.

4.Peel onion and cut into halves.

Method | 做法:
1. Heat oil in a wok, stir-fry onion until fragrant.

2. Add pineapple, pickled cucumber and fish maw, stir-fry for 3 minutes.

3. Add dried shrimp sambal and tomato ketchup, stir well. Add chili.

4. Add water and salt, stir-fry for 3 minutes until fish maw has absorbed the gravy. Serve.


Grilled Chicken Wings with Coconut Milk and Oyster Sauce Recipe 椰浆蚝油烤鸡翅食谱

recipe,食谱, 烤鸡翅, 鸡翅, 椰浆

Ingredient and Portion | 材料与份量:6 chicken wings | 鸡翅 6只, 2 stalks lemongrass | 香茅 2棵, 6 bamboo skewers / 竹签 6枝

Marinade | 腌料:5 tbsp Lee Kum Kee light soy sauce | 李锦记生抽 5汤匙, 3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee oyster sauce | 李锦记蚝油 3汤匙, 50ml coconut milk (santan) | 椰浆 50毫升, 1/2 tbsp syrup / honey | 糖浆/蜜糖 1/2汤匙, Some pepper powder | 胡椒粉 少许, Some salt | 盐 少许

Preparation | 准备工作:
1.Halve the white portion of the lemongrass.
2.Put chicken wings, Marinade and lemongrass into a zipper bag and keep in the fridge overnight. If possible, turn the marinated chicken wings 2-3 times to absorb the Marinade evenly.

Method | 做法:
1. Line a baking tray with aluminum foil, arrange lemongrass on the baking tray.

2. Thread each wing on a bamboo skewer. Place chicken wing skewers onto the tray. Pour the excess Marinade on top of the chicken skewers.

3. Preheat oven at 160°C, put the tray into the oven and grill for 25 minutes.


recipe,食谱, 烤鸡翅, 鸡翅, 椰浆, Seashore
食谱, recipe

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