2012-06-06 20 views
Padang Brown is another place for hawker delights in Penang. You can find quite a number of popular secrets food which is nice and tempating in thereWe ordered a few specialties .. one of it is the famous popiah. The popiah here is very famous and you need to wait a while to have them.. So, you should try it. It is not much different from any usual popiah.. but maybe due to the fresh ingredients and the way they wrap it makes it taste even nicer. The popiah is well made with the soup as well as
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Padang Brown is another place for hawker delights in Penang. You can find quite a number of popular secrets food which is nice and tempating in thereWe ordered a few specialties .. one of it is the famous popiah. The popiah here is very famous and you need to wait a while to have them.. So, you should try it. It is not much different from any usual popiah.. but maybe due to the fresh ingredients and the way they wrap it makes it taste even nicer. The popiah is well made with the soup as well as the mengkuang. It is indeed very nice and good on its texture and the taste of it. Crunchy taste of the popiah and you can taste the filamen stick inside too.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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