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This is AliciaF10 living in Cheras.
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AliciaF10  Level 4
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Noodles  Smile  2016-06-28
I happen to be around at Kuchai Lama area and am looking for restaurant for lunch. I wanted to eat noodle today, spotted this restaurant offering dumpling which is my favourite. I stepped in without any hesitation. I love to eat dumpling...

Lunch  Smile  2016-06-28
I almost pass-by Old Klang Road everyday, I have glanced on this restaurant before but I do not know what’s the restaurant name until my friend asked me for lunch one day. Chong Heng Restaurant is located at ground floor of W...

Yummy lunch  Smile  2016-06-28
I have tried Coffee Box but it was sometime back at Cheras branch. I happen to be around this area therefore I decided to have my lunch here. The café even offer set lunch even though on weekend which inclusive of one drink- Ice ...
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Catherinesee 2016-04-04 00:21
Dear Alicia, So happy for you for being on the Hall of...
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