2012-01-31 34 瀏覽
Wahahaha....This is another one of my favourite dessert shop around Kuchai Lama..This shop don't really have much advertising but when you see it's name, you sure know that you're in for a SWEEET experience. =)SWEET HUT, the name of this shop is so sweet that it makes you wanna go in and try...this is a Hong Kong style dessert shop, unlike taiwanese style where they have taro balls and all..this one is more tasteful and savoury.This shop has a very simple design, a bit dimmed but well-suited fo
Wahahaha....This is another one of my favourite dessert shop around Kuchai Lama..
This shop don't really have much advertising but when you see it's name, you sure know that you're in for a SWEEET experience. =)
SWEET HUT, the name of this shop is so sweet that it makes you wanna go in and try...
this is a Hong Kong style dessert shop, unlike taiwanese style where they have taro balls and all..this one is more tasteful and savoury.

This shop has a very simple design, a bit dimmed but well-suited for the occasion of enjoying desserts and very cold setting with air-condition blasting away.

Sweet hut is so far the best dessert shop that I've tried. The best dessert that I've tried and always come back for the same one is this one down below:
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Mango juice with pomelo and mango ice cream, topped with coconut jelly and sago.
Really, it has lots of stuff in it that this little bowl of it can't fill much. Personally, I felt that the serving size could be bigger cuz for the price I pay, it's rather small...it's RM8.90 for a bowl like this and their desserts range from about RM7-RM15, depending on what you order, of course. Though the pricing may be a bit pricey, there are still tonnes of people going in there to eat.

Getting back to my wonderful mango dessert here
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...It may look simple and plain on first sight. But don't judge a book by it's cover. When you take a sip of the juice, the taste of tangy mango flavour bursts into your mouth along with a slight hint of sourness, though the taste may vary from time to time due to the fact that they use real mangoes to get to juice out of it. Besides that, the mango ice cream in the center is really really magnificent!!! hardly can you find this kind of mango ice cream anywhere, it's like as if they made it themselves, though I doubt that. The mango ice cream is very creamy and has a strong taste of mango, not the artificial type of taste but very similar to the mango juice which makes it complimenting to each component of the dessert. As you dig down into the bowl, heart-shaped coconut jelly are hiding down at the bottom. Bite on these jelly and the taste of refreshing coconut flavour just comes naturally. The jelly are not too soft nor too hard to bite on, very tender like gelatin.

Thus, for this place I highly recommend their mango related desserts as to me, they use the best quality of mangoes to make their desserts.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • chocolate lava
  • mango ice
  • coconut jelly