2012-08-02 19 瀏覽
Am pretty sure whenever we thought of pizza, most of us would have let Pizza Hut stride pass our mind. After all, it’s one of the earliest trademark or pizza over here. One dish that I definitely would call when dining at Pizza Hut would be this Double Cheese-stuffed Crust! They come in several toppings, depends on your choice. As for me, would suffice with mushroom and two types of cheesy to accompany me along! They are cheddar and mozzarella cheese! Everybite gonna be so sinful satisfactorily!
Am pretty sure whenever we thought of pizza, most of us would have let Pizza Hut stride pass our mind. After all, it’s one of the earliest trademark or pizza over here.

One dish that I definitely would call when dining at Pizza Hut would be this Double Cheese-stuffed Crust! They come in several toppings, depends on your choice. As for me, would suffice with mushroom and two types of cheesy to accompany me along!
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They are cheddar and mozzarella cheese! Everybite gonna be so sinful satisfactorily!
To me, these combo of cheese pairing are perfect where one won’t overpower the other. Cheddar, which is having more milkier taste, then complemented by softer aroma but springy mozzarella. Love them just they are! ^^
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Of course, Cheese Sticks not to be missed!
They are crispy on the outside, but soft in the inside. My preference would be to toss with generous portion of cheese powder, before enjoy it with mushroom soup or just, by itself! ^^
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Besides that, they do have their inhouse Aglio Olio. It might still lacking behind if were to compared with those cafés out there. Taste bit bland, thus I still have cheese powder to improve the flavor!
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