2013-09-05 28 瀏覽
I always lament the fact that I cannot get a cheap, quick and easy porky noodle in a shopping mall. However, that has all changed when I found out that there is such a restaurant. Sam Kan Chong, a restaurant specialising in pork paste balls. I only found out when mother-in-law mentioned it. So over the weekend, wifey and I was hanging around in One Utama, we decided to hunt for Sam Kan Chong for lunch. I ordered the dry mee hoon noodle. The mee hoon was cooked just right for me, not too soft. To
I always lament the fact that I cannot get a cheap, quick and easy porky noodle in a shopping mall. However, that has all changed when I found out that there is such a restaurant. Sam Kan Chong, a restaurant specialising in pork paste balls. I only found out when mother-in-law mentioned it. So over the weekend, wifey and I was hanging around in One Utama, we decided to hunt for Sam Kan Chong for lunch. I ordered the dry mee hoon noodle. The mee hoon was cooked just right for me, not too soft. Tossed in their soya sauce and dark sauce, it was quite delicious. There were some slices of meat sausages and some minced pork garnished on top together with some chopped spring onions. A small separate bowl of soup with juicy and delectable pork balls was served. There was also a small plate of stir-fried pickled vegetables, peanuts and chopped long beans. All this for only RM7.90. Definitely the place to go for a quick bite.
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