Bai Nien Old Hotpot 百年老火锅 is one of the place which served steamboat in Kota Damansara. There are located at Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara. By the name of Bai Nian which means "hundred years". the owner claims that the soup recipes is being inherited by their grandmother's grandmother's which is kinda a decades back. We had the Premier Set Menu (精选套餐) where the set is good enough for 4 pax. The portion is kinda a big one and the ingridients are fresh. Some of the ingridients includes fish ball
Bai Nien Old Hotpot 百年老火锅 is one of the place which served steamboat in Kota Damansara. There are located at Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara. By the name of Bai Nian which means "hundred years". the owner claims that the soup recipes is being inherited by their grandmother's grandmother's which is kinda a decades back.
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We had the Premier Set Menu (精选套餐) where the set is good enough for 4 pax. The portion is kinda a big one and the ingridients are fresh. Some of the ingridients includes fish balls, taufu, vegetables, slices of fish, fu chok, bird's egg, variety of fishballs and wantan. In this you may have choices to select two different soup to served in the steamboat. There is an option of Clear Soup and Tom Yam Soup will be available for no extra charges and if you like to change to the Bai Nian soup, there will be an additional of RM 8.90. The soup taste is good and it is being cooked for more than 6 hours before it is served. It also comes with sliced pork or beef sliced together with the noodles and egg. The seafood and ingridients is fresh and the taste of the soup is simply flavorful.
Price: RM30.50 per set
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