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食評 (6)
Everyone know juicing is the easiest and fastest way to increase your nutrient intake? i think you may not be able to eat as much as the same amount of fruits and vegetables as juicing (unless you are vegetarian). Our bodies can absorb healthy nutrients nearly 5 times greater and 3 times faster when drinking extracted juices than eating whole fruits and vegetables. There are also many people do not eat certain vegetable or fruits just like me! Ok, i really don't eat vegetable except certain vegetable (3 types only) but instead i am happily to drink it. *Yeah i am weird* I dislike to chew and taste vegetable, i feel so disgusting when vegetable taste in my mouth. When blend it to juice, add on some fruits then that is another thing which i can accept it because most of the vege flavours being hidden inside the juices. LoL! As a food blogger, i always went to eat Eat and EAT! sometimes might go for 3 food reviews in a day. This is not my full-time job, so when i back from blogger review, i got to start to work as baker. My working hours properly maximum is 18 hours a day if got a lot of order, go to bed at 4am. I feel so tired, desperate, gassiness and bloating. I know i need a detoxification Program to give my digestive system a break! Do you know it need takes more than 70% of your body’s resources for the metabolic process of digesting solid food? I had been invited to review JUUS 1 day Detoxification Program just in time. JUUS located at Jaya One, selling freshly COLD-PRESSED JUICES extracted from fresh vegetables and fruits without any artificial flavouring, colouring and preservation being added.JUSS also selling healthy light food with grab & go packing. No doubt COLD-PRESSED juicing is the latest health fad, almost 90% shopping centre has cold-pressed stalls. Drinking Cold-pressed juice is a healthy way to help you add more fruits and vegetables to your diet each day. It is a convenient way to ensure your body getting those vital nutrients while leading the busy lives ahead. A grab-and-go juice has become a solution to human who desperate on easiest and fastest way to increase your nutrient intake.What is Cold-pressed juice?The newest technology being introduced that work by first crushing and then pressing the fruit and vegetables for the highest juice yield. The press minimizes oxidation and preserves important vitamins, minerals and enzymes, bringing you pure juices alive with flavor. Unlikes the traditional way of juicer, this method works in slow speed and less heat being produced which able to keep more of the fresh ingredients nutrients and enzymes intact. 67% of all nutrients and enzymes are absorbed into your blood within 15 minutes when you drink cold press juice compared to 17% when you eat raw fruits and vegetables. Cold-pressed juice also will increase your energy levels.Here is the 1 day Detoxification program schedule. POWER COT (Ingredients : Carrot, Orange, Turmeric)BEAT THE BEETLEMON GRASS (Ingredients : Lemon Grass, Apple , Lemon, Celery)GREEN MACHINE (Ingredients : Apple, Bell Pepper, Cucumber, Kale, Lemon, Lettuce, Spinach, Parsley, Pineapple)DELIGHT GREEN | ALMOND JOYI was told that I can’t eat processed food and caffeine during detoxification program, drink this 6 bottles according schedule time. I didn't check any different of my weight because this is only 1 day detox, but i feel more energetic and refreshing, the good thing is no more bloating and feel not heavy! I like the Power Cot which contain carrot, orange and turmeric, taste so good!!! Now JUSS is having a promotion for 1 day detox programme, 6 bottles only need RM79 (np: RM89) For more information, please visit JUUS at Lot No. 100-P1.015, Level P1, The School, Jaya One, Petaling JayaTel: 03-7931 8805 or 017-8734 589website : https://juus.my/facebook : https://www.facebook.com/juusfood 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-10-28
71 瀏覽
recent visit to Juus for the detox program. They have 6 different kinds of juice for detox purposes. JUUS are freshly COLD-PRESSED JUICES extracted from fresh vegetables and fruits without any artificial flavouring, colouring and preservation being added.Juicing is the easiest and fastest way to increase your nutrient intake since nothing needs to be broken down by your digestive system.The hidden benefits behind juicing is that 95% of all the nutrients contained within fruits and vegetables is contained within the juice.Our bodies can absorb healthy nutrients nearly 5 times greater and 3 times faster when drinking extracted juices than eating whole fruits and vegetables.i prefer the first two juice flavour and i managed to have a good bowel movement after trying this detox program 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-10-19
64 瀏覽
排毒是我一直都很想尝试的,尤其是像我这种每天吃太多美食的吃货,体内真的不知囤积了多少毒素啊!在 Openrice 的邀请下,促成了我第一次的排毒体验,是时候清一清肠子啦!现今的上班族或多或少都会有些都市病,每天排山倒海的压力,和垃圾食物对身体的负面影响,都会让身体负荷过重。通过适当的方法来排毒,除了可以清肠胃之外,还可以预防疾病和养颜,对女性来说这可是非常重要的哦!我这次参与了由 Juus 提供的一天排毒疗程,里面有六支100%天然的排毒果汁,全都是由新鲜的蔬果制成的。只需按照时间表,依次序每两小时喝一支就可以了。除了特别调配的排毒蔬果汁,这里还有各种纯蔬果汁出售,不含人造色素和香精,每种不同的口味都有不一样的疗效。Juus 的蔬果汁都是每天现做的,他们采用了冷压 cold pressed 的方式来萃取蔬果汁。和一般的榨取方式相比,cold pressed 更能保留蔬果中的营养,同时也可以在低温中保存更长时间。他们的蔬果汁都是用消毒过的玻璃瓶装起来后,再以瓶盖密封保存在冰箱里。这样可以让蔬果汁保持新鲜和卫生,长达48小时。墙上有个大大的图表,每种蔬菜水果的功效一目了然。除了蔬果汁,这里还有一些健康有营养的简餐和小吃,适合想要吃得养生一点的朋友。我向柜台的服务员领了预定好的排毒果汁之后,就回家把他们放入冰箱继续冷冻,准备第二天早上开始我的排毒大作战啦!在正式开始排毒之前,有几项事情是必须要注意的,例如:- 排毒期间不可以喝酒- 避免摄取咖啡因- 要有充足的睡眠- 期间要摄取大量的水(大约2-2.5公升)~ 7:30am ~起床不久,先遵照指示喝一杯放了柠檬片的温水。~ 8:00am ~Power COT - Carrot, Orange, Turmeric功效:预防感冒、促进消化、抗老化、降低胆固醇Juus 排毒疗程的第一炮,好像在喝鲜橙红萝卜汁一样,天然的果香,活力早晨的感觉。~ 10:00am ~Green Warrior - Spinach, Apple, Kyuri, Pear, Lemon, Celery, Ginger功效:强壮骨骼、美颜、促进消化及复原能力看到成份里面有西芹,开始的时候还有点怕怕的,因为我不太接受得了西芹的味道。还好这瓶 Green Warrior 的苹果味比较重,是清新果汁的味道。~ 12:00pm ~Beat the Beet - Beetroot, Carrot, Ginger, Pear, Pineapple, Lemon, Orange功效:洁净肺、肾及肝脏、强壮骨骼酸酸甜甜的,这个不错喝!Beetroot 甜菜根的营养价值很高,可以提升免疫能力,也有很丰富的叶酸。今天的排毒进行到一半了,午餐时间是有一点饿啦~ 只好不断催眠自己排毒后皮肤会变得好好~ 加油!~ 2:00pm ~Green Machine - Apple, Bell pepper, Cucumber, Kale, Lemon, Lettuce, Spinach, Parsley, Pineapple功效:排毒、抗氧化、洁净肌肤、增强活力老实说,我最怕的就是这一瓶,因为成份里面有味道很重的青椒和芫荽。欸~ 我喝一口之后才发现担心是多余的,它的味道根本就是苹果汁。~ 4:00pm ~Lemon Grass - Apple, Celery, Lemon grass, Lemon功效:预防痛风、消除压力、预防失眠苹果的味道中隐约带有一些柠檬草的味道,让我想到按摩的精油了,大致上味道还可以接受。疗程进行了8小时,来到这个时候其实不会觉得很饿,只是会想吃点带咸的东西。感觉上好像精神好了,要不然周末下午我应该是在打瞌睡才对。。。~ 6:00pm ~Almond Joy - Cinnamon, Dates, Maple Syrup, Raw almond, Sea salt, Vanilla, Alkaline water功效:降低胆固醇、促进脑部健康这个味道最特别,感觉像在喝肉桂口味的鲜奶那样,我挺喜欢的。喝完这一瓶,一天的排毒疗程正式结束,不要以为结束了就可以立刻大鱼大肉哦!这样可能会让肠胃无所适从,所以尽量以轻便的简餐开始,慢慢让肠胃适应回来。经过一天的排毒疗程之后,虽然没有什么很显著的效果,但是我有感觉比较精神,步伐也好像变得比较轻盈一点。说明书有提到如果过程中有疲累、头晕、低血糖之类的症状,这是正常的,只要多喝水,症状自然会消失。如果情况有变得严重,那就要终止排毒,再向医生咨询了。Juus 的排毒配套现在正做特价,6瓶 330ml 的纯正排毒蔬果汁只需 RM79,多加 RM10 还可以获得一个 cooler bag。这排毒的配套需要在两天前预定,以方便他们为你准备新鲜的蔬果汁。如果你也想给肠胃来个大扫除,不妨试试看 Juus 的排毒配套吧! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-10-11
65 瀏覽
I was on a JUUS detox programme. Guess what? It was my first detox in my entire life! I have never gone on a puasa/fast in my life anyway I am trying this. The purpose of a detox are : -Eliminate processed food from the diet -Eliminate alcohol -Reduce caffeine The benefits of this detox are glowing skin, increase energy level, mental balance, stop craving of bad food and all around great feeling. The Juus outlet in The School, Jaya One, is the first retail outlet in Malaysia. It was strategically located in front of Celebrity Fitness. What makes Juus so different? They have premium cold pressed juice that are made fresh daily to last up to 48 hours. The juices are sealed and refrigerated, raw and pasteurized. The cold press method is used because it yields a smooth and pulp-free juice in terms of taste, extracts 3-5 times more nutrients. The slow speed of 60-70 PRM creates no friction and no heat and this will then preserve enzymes. No oxidation loss so it will last in the fridge. The juice is fully blended with minimal separation. It has no sugar, articificial colouring, artificial preservatives and flavouring. The health benefits of juicing are : -Boost your brain -Build Immune system -Builds bones -Sleep Better -Detox -Meet your daily fruit and veggie quotient-Ward off stress -Improve Digestion The whole package of juices are RM 79 for 6 bottles. All the drinks were so tasty, juicy and sweet without bothering about sugar inside. For my programme, as soon as I wake up at 7.30 am, I had to drink the Power Cot that has carrot orange and turmeric. The second drink at 10 am was Delight Green/Green Warrior which contains of spinach, apple, kyuri, pear, lemon, celery and ginger.Thirdly, at 12 pm, I drank Beat the Beet that has beetroot, pineapple, carrot, ginger, pear, lemon and orange.At 2pm, I drank Green Machine/bitter gourd/Dr Veggie that contains of apple, bell pepper, cucumber, kale, lemon, lettuce, spinach, parsley and pineapple. Then I drank Tropical Delight/Pick Me Up/Lemon Grass at 4 pm. This contains of agave nectar, cucumber, lemon, lime, mint and alkaline water.At 6 pm, I had the Almond Joy which consists of cinnamon, dates, maple syrup, raw almond, sea salt, vanilla and alkaline water. All in all, the drinks are all so tasty.  繼續閱讀
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等級2 2015-10-09
68 瀏覽
I collected the 6 bottles of juices on Monday 5 October. As per instructions, I kept them in the fridge immediately.On Tuesday 6 October 2015, I got up at about 7 am and took a glad of warm water with lemon. I immediately moved my bowel.The 6 bottles of juices are to be consumed starting at 8 am with 2 hours intervals.At 8 am, I drank the first bottle- Power COT - a combination of carrot, orange and tumeric.The orange coloured drink is very pleasant. It tasted sweet and slightly tangy with fragrances of carrot and orange. There was no hint of tumeric!At 10 am, I took the 2nd bottle-Delight Green- a conbination of coriander, celery, apple, lemon and ginger. The greenish drink is also sweet and slightly sour with the green flavours of celery and coriander. No ginger smell or taste. In 5 minutes, I moved my bowel again. This time it is watery. I was a bit worried that the diarrhea may continue through the day.At 12 noon, I consumed the 3rd bottle-Beat the Beet - a combination of beet root, pineapple, carrot, ginger, pear, lemon and orange. It is redish in colour. It is also sweet and tangy. No diarrhea. Great!At 2 pm, I drank the 4th bottle- Green Machine - a combination of apple, bell pepper, cucumber, kate, lemon, lettuce, spinach, parsley and pineapple. The juice is greenish in colour. It is also sweet with flavours of vegetables. It is actually quite nice to drink. No diarrhea follows. At 4 pm, I took the 5th bottle- Pick me up - a combination of agave nectar, cucumber, lemon, lime mint and akaline water. This greenish drink has a strong mint flavour but it is sweet and slightly sourish. Not bad taste wise. No diarrhea! The diarrhea at noon was probably a quick clensing!At 6 pm, I drank the last bottle- Almond Joy- a combination of cinnamon, dates, maple syrup, raw almond, sea salt, vanilla and alkaline water. This milky looking drink is sweet too and has a strong almond flavour. No diarrhea! So I survived all 6 bottles!I wasn't feeling hungry, tired, weak or any other sides effects during the day while on the fluid diet but by 9 pm, I began to feel hungry. By 10 pm, I needed to eat a bowl of oat as I felt too hungry already. Generally, the detox programme is pretty good. I didn't have any problem but I didn't feel energised, etc too. My body would have benefited but did not show any effect. During the current haze situation, it is good idea to embark on this detox programme. To avoid eating any other food for the whole day, I would recommend a 7th bottle at 8 pm. Even an 8th bottle at 10 pm for those who sleep past midnight because the hunger pangs will set in later at night. 繼續閱讀
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