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Ayam Bumbu Desa Gado-Gado Nasi Liwet Sambal Goreng Udang
食評 (4)
等級4 2013-05-25
59 瀏覽
Salah satu di antara banyak restoran yang menghidangkan makanan Indonesia (Jawa) di Malaysia ialah Bumbu Desa. Suasana restoran saja dah melambangkan kejawaan dengan hiasan-hiasan menarik dari negara sunda itu. Menu menarik yang patut dicuba disini ialah Ayam Bumbu Desa, ayam goreng yang dihidangkan dengan sambal pedas. Sambalnya agak pedas tapi hidangan ini memang sedap dinikmati dengan nasi panas-panas. Selain hidangan ayam disini juga terdapat menu menarik dari Jawa seperti Tempe goreng, rendang daging, ayam penyet dan lain-lain. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-03-18
29 瀏覽
The stuffed sotong redeemed Bumbu Desa for the faux pas of the undercooked chicken thigh. Marinated well, the sotong was tantalising to the tastebuds. Smothered in rich brown sauce, the sotong was tender and not overly chewy. The stuffing was a great addition to the palate, However, the tip end of the sotong contained some greyish gooey stuff, the kind that you get when you didn’t clean the sotong properly. However, my friend commented that it was merely the cooked sotong sperm. Not sure if she was joking, I wasn’t inclined to be that adventurous; hence I abandoned eating the tip of the sotong. Overall, a great dish and well worth the money that we paid for the meal. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)