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11:30 - 20:30
11:30 - 20:30
11:30 - 20:30
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Butter Chicken Rice Claypot Curry Seafood Creamy Chicken Tom Yam Bee Hoon Tom Yam Wa Tan Hor
食評 (4)
等級2 2013-03-12
369 瀏覽
有时候很烂的shopping mall里面会隐藏一些不错的餐厅~B & M就是这样一家餐厅,每次经过都坐满了客人,可见食物应该不差点了menu上面看起来比较特别的B & M Special Drink,一杯RM4.90,不便宜其实就是ABC什雪变成饮料,里面有很多碎冰,喝起来有点困难,因为碎冰会塞住吸管...最底下是甜甜的黑糖,上面粉红色的一层则是sirap,颜色很漂亮,但里面的料很少,只有几条cendul、凉粉条和jagung,个人并不推荐主食我点了看起来同样很特别的东炎滑蛋河粉,一碟RM6.90一上桌就闻到tom yam味,河粉的味道跟一般的广府炒一样,只是滑蛋的汁却有tom yam味算是一道很有创意的本地美食,但味道普通~下次经过Mutiara Complex,可以到这里试试,有些特别的食物可能会带给你惊喜哦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-07-26
106 瀏覽
b&m house of noodles is located inside the kompleks mutiara.It's somewhere at Jalan Ipoh segambut.B&m house of noodles is a chinese style restaurant that offer wide variety of chinese food.This is the marmite chicken rice.Quite nice i would say.The marmite chicken is so tender and juicy.The marmite taste on it is so strong and the sauce is so thick.But the portion for the chicken is quite small and only few pieces of it.The salad is quite fresh and tasty.But overall,the taste is quite nice despite the portion is too small. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-06-30
111 瀏覽
B&M House of Noodles have many choose of noodles and rice, located in kompleks mutiara, Batu 3 1/2 jalan Ipoh, they was always full house during lunch hour.today i recommend their famous curry claypot yong tau foo, Clay pot is also called “sand pot” (沙锅), it has a glazed interior and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The clay pot is a great cooking utensil in Chinese cooking because it retains heat and keep the foods warm, so they are especially great for soups and stews. The prepared food is then served with the clay pot, directly onto the dining table.Savory Claypot yong tau foo is rich creamy curry including white tofu, fired tofu, red chili, lady fingers, fish balls, foo chok (bean curd skin), egg plant stuffed fresh fish paste and come with 1 rice or noodle (any type of noodle)their piquant creamy coconut curry gravy can help mitigate the spiciness of the other spices, taste so good!its was very big portion, ex-specially when you order noodle, you may not able finish alone... (B&M House of Noodles have clear soup/tom yum yong tau foo too) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-06-15
62 瀏覽
This is the B&M House of Noodles at Mutiara Kompleks. This restaurant is so crowded with people during lunch hour.Here comes our Yin Yong Chicken rice. It have 2 types of chicken in this rice, 1 is marmite chicken and another 1 is island chicken. This is just average.The marmite chicken is not enough the taste of marmite.It should thicker the sauce so it taste better. The island chicken is just average. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)