Simmered Pork Belly and Egg and Five Spice Powder Recipe 控肉食谱

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Simmered Pork Belly and Egg and Five Spice Powder Recipe 控肉食谱
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Missing the Hokkien dish of Hong Bak? Then you should get this recipe and try it because the meat will be simmered until soft and nice texture! Add in an egg too if you like it!

控肉(Hong Bak)听起来很熟悉,也是福建人其中一道名菜。以不同香料和慢火焖成,真的是色香味具全。还有许多人喜欢与鸡蛋一起焖,连蛋黄也能很入味,而且很好下饭。
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Ingredient and Portion
Ingredients / 材料
700g pork belly with skin (cut in pieces) / 带皮五花肉 700克(切块)
10 hard boiled eggs (shelled) / 熟鸡蛋 10粒(去壳)
3 garlic cloves (chopped) / 蒜瓣3粒(剁茸)
1 tbsp five spice powder / 五香粉1大匙
2 star anise / 八角2粒
60g crushed rock sugar / 冰糖碎60克
2 tbsp cooking oil / 食油2大匙
600ml water / 清水600毫升

Seasoning / 调味料
5 tbsp light soy sauce / 酱油5大匙
4 tbsp Taiwanese "Jin Lan" sauce/or 2 tbsp dark soy sauce / 台湾金兰油膏4大匙 / 或 黑酱油2大匙
1. Heat cooking oil in a preheated wok to sauté garlic over medium heat. Add pork belly and five spice powder, stir-fry briskly until the colour of pork is changes.

2. Add star anise and light soy sauce, cook for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat.

3. Transfer pork belly mixture into a pot, add water, bring to boil over high heat. Add the hard boiled eggs and "Jin Lan" sauce (or dark soy sauce), mix well, let it cook for 35 minutes over medium heat.
把花肉材料转移锅里,注入清水,大火煮沸。加入熟鸡蛋及油膏(黑酱油)拌匀 ,以中火煮35分钟。

4. Mix in crushed rock sugar, cover with lid, simmer over low heat for 1 1/2 hours until pork belly pieces are tender and the gravy is thick. Dish out, serve at once.
加入冰糖碎拌匀,盖上,改用小火焖1 1/2小时至花肉松软入味及收汁,即可上桌。
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