All Branches (14)
03-2282 1160
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Chicken Katsu Don Unatama Don Mentaiko Sipder Roll Soft Shell Crab Maki Wasabillar Roll
Review (69)
Level1 2015-10-24
This is our regular services to sushi zanmai in Farenheitt 88, due to our royalties to sushi zanmai, we used to visit this outlet once every week after our class. The price used to be reasonable but is hiking recently so we made our less visit there. The must ordered food list that I recommend is everything with the toufu skin sushi, that’s my favourite & their oyster with cheese is good. I would prefer to visit the mid valley outlet because the other outlet seems to losing their standards. The reason I like to visit sushi zanmai over sushi king & sakae sushi is because their variety of choices is much more fancy than their competitors.We used to order their sashimi is great, but is a little bit of cost cutting as the slices are getting more towards budget, so we are not satisfying. If you are on the budget, you can order the raw salmon sashimi with rice, the price is reasonably good, I have tired the kaki don, & would still go over the salmon don. Despite the hike of the price, if we would pop by any of the sushi zanmai outlet, we would still walk in. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
知名的中价日本料理,想必大家对它一点也不陌生吧?我从前也是他们家的常客,不过自从几乎每天不管什么时刻都需要排队的情况后我就开始没光顾了,想了想,好像都已经隔了好一阵子没来了。今天也不知道走什么狗屎运,经过每次都好长一条人龙的The Gardens 分行,今天居然没有人在排队!话不多说我就直接把老吴拉进来了,哈哈!一坐好,我就迫不及待点了几样我喜欢的寿司当前菜, 当然少不了主食啦。。。好久没吃鳗鱼了捏。。。就鳗鱼饭啦!寿司水准有点下降,寿司饭一夹就散,虽然上头的配料都还可以,可是饭这样有点不爽。。。Salmon Mentai Sushi-RM6.8(左边), Aburi Salmon Sushi- RM6.8(中间),Maguro Sushi-RM5.8 (右边)Aburi Salmon Sushi火灼过的三文鱼片是我的最爱,充满油脂的三文鱼经过灼烧, 咬起来有有淡淡的香气,陪上醋饭刚好中和了油腻,不错!Maguro Sushi生吞拿鱼片寿司很失败,切吞拿鱼片下刀的位置应该抓得不好,薄薄的生鱼片竟然满是筋,咬都咬不开。。。。哎。。。。原本鲜甜的吞拿鱼片变得不好吃了,真浪费!Salmon Mentai Sushi明太三文鱼寿司是在灼烧过的三文鱼片加上明太美奶滋的寿司,这个的搭配吃起来还不错。Unatama Don- RM22.8鳗鱼片味道普通, 不过饭里头的洋葱和滑滑的蛋就很不错,炒过带出甜味的洋葱和鳗鱼片加上蛋和饭一起吃加分了不少!Niku Soba-RM15.9普通普通。。。没什么亮点。荞麦面有点泡太久的感觉。。。整体的用餐经验还好,可能我是从以前都有在光顾的关系,觉得怎么现在他们的服务和食物都好像退步了不少?有没有朋友跟我感觉一样? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-07-16
To be honest, I have been here a couple of times to try nearly every food. Though I Am no expert in commenting food, I could say that it is above average Japanese food.They have good services and provide live cooking (though every Japanese store have), and innovative delicious creation like ookonomiyaki. For their sushi, they introduce western style of food cooking method, like superficial grilling, make a new taste if you tried Japanese sushi before. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-12-06
好久沒有去sushi zanmai地說因爲方便同事們就選了了他因爲價錢公道味道也ok而且每次去到都要排隊呢~而且看來他的menu換了(據説老闆換了)我叫得〉〉忘記叫什麽了我記得價錢而已 21.9我喜歡蝦子很脆啊 ~同事叫得他說他最近愛上綠茶XD另外一個同事叫的慣例的 ika~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-05
The reason Sushi Zanmai remains a popular Japanese chain is that they do serve reasonable good food with cheaper price tag. Sure, the setting is much more casual, but it doesn't mean that the service is compromised. Instead of paying RM25+ for few pieces of fish, you can get the same here for less than half the price and it is actually pretty good, even the more premium cuts such as Salmon or Tuna belly are available for cheaper price too. So whenever I have a craving for Sashimi, Sushi Zanmai will remain my choice. The only problem is the queue though. But there are other outlets (Mont Kiara, for example) with slightly less crowd. Salmon Sashimi is a must order for me. I like the thickness of the fish, and they are pretty fresh too. Perfect way to start a meal. Their chawanmushi (steamed egg) is also good. Smooth and soft egg custard, with mushroom, narutomaki, chicken and prawns (no skimming on ingredients here), guarantee to soothe the tummy. I didn't take a pic of my main dish (had Katsudon that time) but usually the small Katsudon is good enough to satisfy my craving for Japanese food. Although it's a pity they don't serve pork, so it will have to be Chicken Katsu instead. For RM9, you really can't complain though. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)