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This is law_then . I am a Lecturer Japanese, Chinese, Malay are my favorite cuisines. I also love Café, Restaurant, Kopitiam and Dim sum, Desserts, Steamboat/Hotpot.
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Showing 1 to 5 of 15 Reviews in Malaysia
Department Outing Cry Mar 15, 2013   
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Categories : Malaysian variety | Restaurant | Noodles | Halal

yeah yeah... today department garthering

we ordered Roti bakar kahwin (merried bread) because of this funny name, lol....
chicken chop
gong bao chicken rice (this what i have)
green tea red bean blended,
Singapore mihun,
and tomyam mee

hmmm.... they comment is like so so only, is just because the environment and convinient we choose this restaurant

My gong bao chicken rice not really nice, may be i prefer strong spice which this lack of.
Recommended Dish(es):  Gong Bao Chicken Rice
Date of Visit: Mar 14, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately RM12(晚餐)

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Fast Food night!! OK Mar 16, 2013   
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Categories : Western variety | Café | Sweets/Snack

8pm, Let's go McD dinner hour RM5.95

Tonight go for some unhealthy food.. lol...

I ordered McPepper with double slice beef patty with special price RM7.95.. (McD dinner hour)
Double Pepper Beef Burger

Double Pepper Beef Burger

First bike, so spicy!!! mad I don't like it.. Too spicy for me, the pepper totally covered beef patty flavor sad
Then the beef patty not as good as I tasted before for double cheese burger...

Rate : Poor for McPepper

Nicholas ordered Chicken McDeluxe, after nett price is RM10nett

this taste better than mine sad
Recommended Dish(es):  Chicken McDeluxe
Date of Visit: Mar 15, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately RM10(晚餐)

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Siapa Cepat dia Dapat! OK Feb 22, 2013   
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Categories : Japanese | Hotel Dining | Buffet



Brought groupon voucher for RM56.

Reach Waka Restaurant when 8pm, nothing much left. Sashimi counter is empty, same goes to tempura counter sad
They will keep refill but will finish after 3 minutes. Have to be FAST to grab the Oyster and sashimi... Able to shot the photo when shashimi counter just refill... lol....

Salmon sashimi.. super nice!!! Same goes to tempura... Just disappointed with the variety of food...

Recommended Dish(es):  Salmon Sashimi
Date of Visit: Feb 22, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately RM56(晚餐)

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Set Lunch RM35++ Smile Mar 14, 2013   (Related Review)
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Categories : Western variety | Hotel Dining | Steaks / Chops | Burgers / Sandwiches

Yeah... today get 2 friend go hard rock cafe and have lunch.. They serving set lunch from 11.30pm till 2pm for RM35++ only. Inclusive Soup or salad, main course, dessert and drinks as well..!! shocked

I ordered set lunch with soup, Cajun Blackened fish and Iced lemon tea.
Soup of the day - Potato Soup

Soup of the day - Potato Soup

here come my soup of the say - potato soup. Creamy!! come with 2 slice of garlic toast. After I have this almost full already... mad
Set Lunch 35

Set Lunch 35

ta dah..!! My main course Cajun Blackened fish, portion not too big just nice for my half tank... lol...
It top with mango salsa!! Yummy!! Like the mango salsa.. can't finish vege and french fries... hehe... tumbs up for my cajun blackened fish!! AWESOME!!
Caesar Salad with  Salmon

Caesar Salad with Salmon

This wat Jayne oredered Caesar Salad with Salmon. According to her the salmon is same size as alacarte Frill salmon steak, and they cahrging extra RM20 for that big slice of Salmon...!! Woh..!! Worth...!! shocked
Next time will order this, cause Salmon can reduce winkles... hehe..
Set Lunch RM35

Set Lunch RM35

This wat Tommy ordered with set lunch Dried chili beef and ginger. Come with prawn crackers!! hehe.. like kids meal..
At first he said hope can get more rice, but then after when he finished he said the portion just nice still left a bit for dessert...

Again.. bad in memory, hardly remember all the name and price so.... image is the best memory...hehe...
Recommended Dish(es):  3 course set lunch inclusive drinks
Date of Visit: Mar 14, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately RM35(午餐)

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Dessert only Smile Mar 13, 2013   (Related Review)
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Categories : Western variety | Hotel Dining | Steaks / Chops | Burgers / Sandwiches

Stress with work.... drop by hard rock cafe to have dessert.

They serving Häagen-Dazs ice cream and famous dessert will be Brownie which serve with 2 scoop Häagen-Dazs.

too much for me, i choose Baker's Choice that they change daily..

Today their baker's choice is...... "Blueberry Cheese Cake"
Baker's Choice

Baker's Choice


This my Baker's choice come with jelly of course which in my tummy tongue

yummy yummy!!!

After this baker's choice... yeah... continue my work!!!
Recommended Dish(es):  Baker's Choice
Date of Visit: Mar 13, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately RM20(下午茶)

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