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Categories : Chinese | Western variety | Restaurant | Steaks / Chops | Noodles

收到了SabahEats 的邀请, 我们也再一次见面啦!这次与沙巴爱玩客, 番茄树还有Chloe一同到了近来新开张的港式茶餐厅试吃。

尖沙嘴冰室 The One Hong Kong Cafe

Located nearest to down town of Kota Kinabalu, we manage to visit The One for an interesting foodies session, together with a few others well known bloggers and local Facebook Page's admin.

The One Hong Kong Cafe is formerly a pub and bistro as spoken with Johny, the owner. So, don't be surprise to see people drinking beer at all times.

- 香港版 出前一丁 Hong Kong version Chut Qin Yati Deng -

听说出前一丁是世界著名泡面之一, 面的嚼劲不会很软而有点像弹弓面。 我蛮喜欢尖沙嘴冰室所准备的出前一丁泡面,与其他餐厅又不一样。 平时我见的是太阳蛋与大片的午餐肉,这次他们准备了炒蛋与一口煎午餐肉给我们。汤底, 我相信如果采用原有的粉料, 必定一级棒!煎午餐肉, 如果煎的干一点,还有金黄色,也一定可以带出香港的味道。

"Chut Qin Yat Deng" Instant Noodle is a well known Hong Kong brand of Instant Noodle. The One Hong Kong Cafe uses the original Hong Kong produced "Chut Qin Yat Deng" to serve their customer. The noodle texture wasn't soft and just nice with a bit springy bites.

- 卤水花腩 Lo Shui Pork -

大力推荐的菜肴之一!卤水类是尖沙嘴冰室的主角也是本地很多餐厅都找不到的。经过了老板与香港厨师的三个月的配制, 卤水也渐渐散发了香味,让卤肉类煮更香。 记得, 卤水熬得越久,卤肉越香, 所以呢~ 好像台湾和香港, 老字号出名都是因为陈年老“汁”。我们可以放心,老板保证食物的配料与制作过程的都保持干净与汤汁的新鲜。

The recommended one! Lo Shui dishes would be a type of dish whereby the soup with added spices were cook for days or months, or even years by famous restaurant. The soup was prepared by Hong Kong chef hired by The One Hong Kong Cafe, it must be well kept, aged and basically keeping it freshness so that the braised meat with it are covered with the smell of the sauce when we eat it. The longer it is, the better it will be! Imagine keeping it for 40 years, "old" soup always WIN!

- 双皮奶 Egg White Milk -


I love the soft texture and it won't smell awkward either.

- 港式西多士 Hong Kong Style French Toast -

我喜欢这样的下午茶! 西多士与一杯奶茶! 趁热吃吧!

I love to have afternoon tea. French toast with hot milk tea would be wonderful for light meal.

- 冰镇奶茶 Champagne Milk Tea -

哈哈哈! 这有香港feel 了吧?! 他们的奶茶是随着老板与香港厨师的配制而成,数量茶叶的味道。

Champagne Milk Tea brought to us from Hong Kong. A mixture of few types of tea leaves which discussed between Johny and HK chef to make their special milk tea.

- 桂圆雪耳露 Stewed White Fungi with Arillus Longan -


For ladies who are self cautions, this would be good and more over, cooling down the body heat.

- 咖哩牛腩 Hong Kong Style Beef Brisket -

尖沙嘴冰室的牛腩真的值得一试! 牛腩及牛筋焖了一段时间, 很够火候。烹饪过程中的蔬菜和特别酱料全是新鲜煮的, 不是微波炉叮的。他们的牛腩我可以接受,不会很干,不会很硬。 牛筋真的很好吃!他们的咖喱也不辣!

Recommended one! The meat not over cooked, not dry and I like it. smile Time is the priority to cook beef brisket and tendon, it takes more than 4 hours to cook them! The One Hong Kong Cafe prepared freshly with the additional curry sauce and vegetables, don't worry, the food was not pre-cook and they are not using microwave to heat them. Their curry is not spicy at all, just creamy and make is want more with the sauce.

- 辣爆鸡翼 Super Spicy Chicken Wing -

我们都喜欢这辣爆鸡翼 Super Spicy Chicken Wing! 一流! 超辣!

No need to say much, all of us love this and it is super spicy!

- 焗猪扒意粉(白酱) Pork Chop with Baked Spaghetti (Mushroom Sauce) -

我比较喜欢红酱的味道, 猪扒煮的不错。

I love tomato sauce when it comes to baked spaghetti. Slight improvement needed to make the mushroom sauce outstanding. The pork chop was good though.

- 牛肉面 Beef Brisket Noodle -

就好像之前所说的, 牛腩好吃!

Just like mentioned before, beef briskets taste wonderful.

- 饺子 Dumplings -

肉碎,冬菇还有一些配料。馅料的味道还OK. 趁热吃吧!

Dumplings need to be eaten while it is still hot! The meat was well marinated, just the way it should be.

- 饺子 Dumplings -

- 卤水猪肉捞面 Kon-Lo Noodle with Braised Pork -

黄面不是我的最佳选择, 其实味道还OK。 三层卤肉与卤蛋是重点!

I dislike yellow noodle. In fact, the overall taste was OK. Three layer Lo Shui Pork and Egg is the main point!

- 尖沙嘴冰室 The One Hong Kong Cafe -

这就是尖沙嘴冰室 The One Hong Kong Cafe啦!有些人说完全不像香港的味道, 那当然咯~ 如果没加入本地味道,本地人怎么习惯呀?还有, 意粉类也不是香港原创吧。 香港美食大多数方便及搞创意食品。

This is the Hong Kong Cafe we are talking about! Don't expect 100% Hong Kong style, it's only a concept inspired from Hong Kong. Fusion food!

Facebook : The One Hong Kong Cafe 尖沙嘴冰室

Operating Hour : 9AM - 10PM

Contact No. : 014-6759987


Corner Lot. Formerly The One Pub & Bistro

Karamunsing Capital,

88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Table Wait Time: 15 minute(s)

Date of Visit: Jun 26, 2015 

Celebration:  國慶日 

Spending per head: Approximately RM10.00

Other Ratings:
 3  |  
 3  |  
 3  |  
 5  |  
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Categories : Chinese | Kopitiam | Noodles

Bundusan Pavilion 应该算是美食街吧? 在这区我们可以品尝到各式各样的美食。 日本餐, 快餐, 著名小吃等等。

听阿力士说在这里有一间食物价格合理还有给客人的分量也ok的茶店, 我当然也要去吃吃看。

Recently, it's been a while that I have noticed Bundusan Pavilion's area do offers variety of food to eat, from Japanese food, Wine cellar, cafes and local famous eateries.

Alex has been telling me about this restaurant which offers foods at reasonable price and providing satisfied portion as well. That's made me went for a try and I have been there twice last month.

- 干捞粉面 Kon Lou Noodle -

这是一间有提供猪肉的茶店。 阿力士叫了这碗, 还有猪油炸呢!

Kedai Kopi Koki is a restaurant serving non halal food. Alex had Kon Lou Noodles (Sang Nyuk Mian), definitely different flavour as compared to the few famous Sang Nyuk Mian Restaurant.

- 槟城亚三拉沙 Penang Assam Laksa -

什么让我对这间茶店感到兴趣? 必定是他们家的槟城亚三拉沙! 我没吃过正宗的槟城亚三拉沙,所以一定要来试试。

I have heard about the Penang Assam Laksa that Koki Coffee Shop offers. I never tried an authentic one, therefore it is a must to try just like I told my friends. lol

- 槟城亚三拉沙 Penang Assam Laksa -

罗杂的浆料,好像槟城的浆味。 那玩面条的确是真确的! 味道真的有鱼香味。 

The brown colour sauce is rojak sauce which taste the same like the one from Penang. The bowl of noodles is the correct noodles for Assam Laksa! The flavour was taste like Sardin and spices! It is Penang Assam Laksa!

- 猪肠粉 Zhu Chang Fen 图片取于 Charlotte Credit to Charlotte -

好久没吃那么好吃的猪肠粉了! 这是第一句话当我吃了第一口!

我觉得在Bundusan Pavilion这区, 国记茶室值得一试, 想吃饱的可以去!想吃不一样的可以建议吃他们的槟城亚三拉沙。不是最棒,可是满足那个饿的肚子。 

The first phrase I have said was "IT IS SO GOOD!". Its' been so long
since the last I had Zhu Chang Fen. Wow! This plate do make some credit
for sure!

Overall, the shop was quite satisfied. Portion okay, reasonable price and service okay. I will visit them once in a while for breakfast. smile

位于 Location :

Pick N Pay 或 KFC 对面那排店。

The front row opposite Pick N Pay Groceries Store and KFC.

Recommended Dish(es):  Chu Chang Fen,Penang Assam Laksa
Table Wait Time: 10 minute(s)

Date of Visit: Jul 01, 2015 

Celebration:  國慶日 

Spending per head: Approximately RM6.00(早餐)

Other Ratings:
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 2  |  
 4  |  
 3  |  
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Categories : Chinese | Kopitiam

大家都知道,来沙巴就是要来吃我们著名的生肉面! 毕竟当生肉面已经变成沙巴必吃之一时, 数量的本地茶店也有卖着它啦!

我本人不是一个超爱吃生肉面的人, 但差不多每一个月都有吃一两次当早餐。

They always say that Sang Nyuk Mian is a must eat when we visit Sabah. There are also a few coffee shops that are selling the same menus and of course, each have their difference taste as well. smile Which one is the most recommended one they asked, it just depends on personal preference. smile

In fact, I had Sang Nyuk Mian almost once or twice in a month although I'm not a Sang Nyuk Mian lover. It's the fastest preparation of meal for breakfast and I always go for that two Sang Nyuk Mian restaurant.

- 生肉面 Sang Nyuk Mian -

在沙巴, 生肉面的料方面是以猪肉为主。 另外猪肠,猪肝, 猪腰,猪肠和猪肉丸样样都有, 就照着客人要求而已。

Have you ever wonder what's this "Sang Nyuk Mian"? It's a hakka dialect of pork slices ("Sang Nyuk") Noodle ("Mian"). In Sabah, many of us know what's Sang Nyuk Mian, regardless of what races are we. The ingredients can be ordered according to our preference, we can choose pork slices, pork intestines and others.

- 新苏兰生肉面 Sinsuran Sang Nyuk Mian -

装修后的新苏兰生肉面有了新的面孔了, 现在可以容纳更多客人。你知道吗? 美食界出名的 Martin Yan 颁了沙巴华人美食奖给这家老板呢!

The newly renovated Sinsuran Sang Nyuk Mian Restaurant. You know what? Even the famous Chef, Martin Yan did gave award to them for Best Chinese Food in the World, if I'm not mistaken.

- 新苏兰生肉面 Sinsuran Sang Nyuk Mian -

还记得那天我接受了 NTV7 邀请担任 《爱食客》 的本地主持人时, 带着工作人员来到新苏兰生肉面, 利达分行享有沙巴必吃美食。老板那天也亲自下厨准备美食好让我们尝尝他们家的炭烧生肉面。听说炭烧的食物是比较入味的, 哈哈。 我只懂得找吃而已啦。

Few months ago, I was invited by NTV7 to be the co-host for Sabah Episode, I have brought them to Sinsuran Sang Nyuk Mian, Lintas branch for food hunting. smile The specialty of the restaurant was using charcoal to prepare their dishes. Perhaps the broth is also their secret as well, I believe of aging while running a restaurant business.

- 爱食客 《三》 主持人与我 Co-Host of Foodie Blogger 3 Sabah Episode -

好了!三间爱食客里要介绍的终于介绍完了。 请大家多多支持本地创作, 《爱食客》 会在这 十九号起,每逢星期日,下午三点三十分开始播出 (NTV 7), 沙巴篇拭目以待!

Just for remembrance with the host. smile Do watch the Foodie Blogger show which will start on 19th July, 2015, every Sunday at 3.30pm, NTV 7! Sabah Episode will be show sometime around September, if no any changes in their schedule! Don't say you missed it!

想知道最新消息的朋友们, 请到 面子书 来按赞一个!

For more updates, do click "LIKE" at my Facebook Page!

位于 Location :

Lintas Plaza, Damai, Metro Town and Bundusan Pavilion of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Supplementary Information:
Choose whatever ingredients you would like to add on.
Recommended Dish(es):  Kon Lou Mee
Table Wait Time: 6 minute(s)

Date of Visit: Jul 13, 2015 

Spending per head: Approximately RM6.50(其他)

Other Ratings:
 4  |  
 4  |  
 5  |  
 5  |  
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