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This is marcky living in Bandar Utama. I work in Bukit Bintang. I like to hang out in Bangsar. Italian are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant and Burgers / Sandwiches.
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Showing 71 to 75 of 956 Reviews in Malaysia
Blurgher Cry May 05, 2012   
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Steaks / Chops | Seafood | Burgers / Sandwiches

If you ever wanna know what a terrible burger tastes like, drop by a TGI Friday's near you. Everything looks unsuspicious at first - thick beef batty, melted cheese, tomatoes, onions, and fries. Upon first bite, perhaps you don't feel it yet - no foul taste, everything's generally palatable. Then after a few bites you realize that the patty is dry, flat, and completely tasteless (except for that frozen beef taste). Then comes the bun that feels like it's been soaked in water like a sponge. Probably one of the worst burger I ever had to endure. Worst bit is that it's not even cheap. I would've been better going anywhere else.

At least the fries were good (if they can screw up fries then they may as well close shop).
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Mille cr*p Cry May 05, 2012   
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Categories : Western variety | Italian | Restaurant | Sweets/Snack

When I first tried my first mille crepe at Nadeje in Malacca, I really loved it. So naturally, when there was a group buy for a mille crepe in KL, I thought it would be a good chance to try it at a lower price. I mean, how bad could it be?

As it turns out, it can be really bad. It was a chore to eat. They only had strawberry flavour left, and it tasted like real cheap chemicals - not even a hint of vanilla in the base. It was like eating flavourless gelatin. I couldn't even finish it - and I don't leave my food unfinished unless it's really, really bad.

My regret is mainly because the calories were wasted so worthlessly.
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Something fishy Cry May 05, 2012   
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Categories : Western variety | Restaurant | Pizza/Pasta | Seafood | Halal

I'm not sure how the food is here on a normal day, but I tried the fish and chips during promotion and it was very greasy. Not just normal greasy, but the type of greasiness that makes you nauseous. Flavour-wise, it was fine - flaky and tender, although it had a bit of that frozen fish smell (which is to be expected). Sauce was given in stingy portions, until you asked for more.

Service was also very slow. I would most likely avoid this place during normal times or even promotion.
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Categories : Taiwanese | Stall / Warung | Desserts

Sea amber jelly at Snowflake looks and sounds pretty good. The "recommended" indicator nudged me to try it, since I wanted to try something I've not tried before.

Big mistake.

The jelly itself was nice and citrussy-sweet and refreshing, but the enjoyment stopped there. What is up with the starchy and gummy tapioca pearls? So tough compared to the jelly - does not suit the texture or flavour at all. The ice was totally super coarse and flavourless, with some syrup at the bottom. Maybe their idea was that it's meant to be tossed/mixed, but the ice was way too coarse for that to be possible - and I like my jelly to be in whole large pieces - mixing it up would just mince it into nothingness.

I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't agree with me, but I think this is really, really terrible.
Spending per head: Approximately RM6.9

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Pork vinda-lose Cry May 02, 2012   (Related Review)
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Categories : German | Restaurant | Bar & Pub | Steaks / Chops | Burgers / Sandwiches

One of my several visits here, this time I decided to try something Asian, despite my general disposition against having Asian set lunches (due to them being overpriced and carby). At RM20++ for this set, I felt slightly ripped off.

Minced vegetable soup was pretty decent, and heavy in pumpkin; resulting in a thick, sweet soup that wasn't too cloying.

Pork vindaloo curry was the main thing that attracted me, since I had missed vindaloo since my days back in India (on a job). Sad to say, the vindaloo here tasted NOTHING like actual vindaloo. I'd say it tasted more like some Chinese pork dish made. It was too salty, not at all having any vinegar taste, and does not leave any spicy heat at the back of the throat like it should. Well, at least the pork was tender. Grr.
Spending per head: Approximately RM23

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