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Wondermilk  Smile  2012-07-31
I love the environment and decoration of the restaurant, kind of return-to-the-ancient style, and each piece of decoration seem to be hand-made. I feel warm and enjoy to have my lunch or hi-tea session here.The food here is very y...

Nasi Kukus @ Hayaki  Smile  2012-07-31
The Nasi Kukus here is very nice and the price is affordable! shocked Set lunch for Nasi Kukus which comes with a Teh O Ice Limau costs only RM5.90.The portion of the Nasi Kukus is very big. The chicken is quite big, and t...

Nihon Kai  OK  2012-07-31
There are many customers here even during a Monday night. We have to make reservation before we came. The place here is quite small, and very crowded sad There is not much space between the tables.This is the Beef rice set, and ...
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