All Branches (4)
04-227 6000
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Chicken Nuggets Fish Fillet Burger Mi Kari Ayam Goreng Spicy Seafood Porridge Tower Burger Vegetable Salad
Review (2)
趁着Marrybrown (Mb)促销期,我和姐姐决定到Mb去吃吃看。也是因为好奇它和肯德基及麦当劳快餐店的差别。众所周知,Mb是本地的快餐连锁店,而肯德基和麦当劳则来自于美国。叫了一份Perfect Trio当午餐,RM5。这包括了一杯Pepsi、一只鸡块和一舀马铃薯泥。坦白说,实际卖相看起来真的不可口。尤其那只鸡肉块看起来好瘦小,好像营养不良,其次是缺乏鸡肉块应有的香气。鸡肉汉堡,RM4,属普通,还好整体吃起来的味道是不错的。炸鸡调味料也不错吃,吃起来咸咸的,可惜脆而不香。现在Mb因配合国庆日做促销,会一直到今年的十月四号,不妨去试试滋味。只要到Mb快餐店领取国庆日优惠券即可。普通价钱去吃的话就不划算。尤其槟城只有Times Square和Bukit Jambul才有Mb,一般都不会去那里逛街,所以去Mb吃也要把泊车费考虑在内。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I was very hungry at that time so I just order a fast food to fill in my stomach first.Smiley Potato @RM3.90At first I order it because of the name of the food, I never saw this food before so I want give it a try, the amount of the potato is quite little but still in a acceptable amount, the taste for the potato for me is ok, and I quite like it, it is not very hard, and when you chew it, it taste like soft, but my brother don't like this kind of feeling and he said this is not nice.Coleslaw (R) @RM2.55I was a little bit shock when I saw the size of the food, it's like too small than what I'm imagine, I know the prize is cheap but the size is really unimaginable. Nescafe Ice @RM4.85Seriously, the nescafe ice in Marry Brown is not really nice, I rather go to buy a can drink rather to drink this. I thought the nescafe at here will be nice because it is make by the machine, and then I know not all machine can make the same taste. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)