Ways to Cook the Best Fried Rice Ever | 炒饭秘诀 (内有食谱)
Fried Rice, Techniques, Good Fried Rice
Ever wonder why chefs always get the right flavors that you’ve always wanted when you start to cook a bowl of fried rice? Well, here are some of the tips that you might want to learn from the expert! 点击这里看中文版

1. Use cold leftover cooked rice

Reason: Grains being chilled in refrigerator will be firmer and dries the grains; making it easier to separate while frying. If possible, it’s best to avoid fresh cooked rice at any condition. This is because freshly cooked rice is warm and moist and the outcome – sticky clumps of fried rice.

2. The correct grains for the perfect fried rice

Use medium or long-grain rice like Jasmine or basmati rice, which cooks up sturdier and fluffier. Short grain rice tends to be softer and stick together easier.

3. By using a larger pan (If possible)

Yes. Preferably using a big wok as you need to toss or mix the ingredients around. A small wok won’t get your stir fried up pretty good, and the heat is not well transferred around the wok. Plus, ideally you should only cook 1 to 2 servings at a time to avoid uneven taste.

4. The heat that matters

Perhaps you’ll be thinking what does it got to do with the heat. A blazing hot wok with a fair bit of cooking oil is the trick. A hot wok heats up everything evenly and thus it helps to heat up every grain of rice and evaporates the excess moisture.

5. Prevent from over dosage of sauces and seasoning

Soy sauce, oyster sauce or fish sauce – you don’t want those liquid seasonings to spoil the whole awesome fried rice just like that. Plus remember to watch out for the saltiness and moisture of your rice. You don’t want a plate of overly salty and clumpy fried rice, do you? Overall, remember to master all the skills equally and prepare for some awesome good fried rice to serve your family and friends! Try this recipe out and receive compliments after this!
炒饭, 秘诀, 厨师级的炒饭

成功秘诀一: 隔夜饭









酱油、蚝油和鱼露 – 太多的酱汁会把一碟完美的炒饭给毁了,因为会使饭太多水份,同时也要注意炒饭的咸度。你也不想吃一碟十分咸的炒饭吧! 如果你已经掌握了以上的秘诀,一碟完美的炒饭应该指日可待了。 同时,食谱也为你准备好了,快来试一试吧!

Fried Rice Recipe: / 炒饭食谱:

Fried Rice, Techniques, Good Fried Rice
Prep Time: /准备时间: 15 Minutes / 15分钟
Cook Time: / 烹饪时间:5 Minutes / 5分钟

Ingredients: / 食材:
2 tbsp oil / 食油 2茶匙
2 cloves garlic, diced / 蒜 2瓣,切碎
4 oz chicken breast, cut into cubes / 鸡胸肉,4oz,切粒
4 oz prawns, peeled and shelled / 虾,4oz,剥壳
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables / 杂豆,1杯
12 oz overnight rice / 隔夜饭, 12oz
1 tbsp fish sauce / 鱼露,1茶匙
1 tbsp light soy sauce / 酱油,1茶匙
1/4 tsp Oyster sauce / 蚝油,1/4汤匙
3 dashes white pepper to taste / 胡椒粉,适量
2 eggs, lightly beaten / 鸡蛋,2颗,稍微打发
Salt to taste / 盐,适量

Method: / 做法:
1) Heat wok or pan and add in 2 tablespoon of oil.

2)Add garlic and stir-fry till golden brown, then add in the main ingredients of chicken, prawns and vegetables. Fry them until it is half-cooked.

3)Then, add in rice and stir well.

4)You may now add in liquid ingredients like fish sauce, soy sauce or oyster sauce; then continue to stir for a couple of minutes.

5)Using the spatula, push the rice aside and make a rounded shape in the middle. Pour the beaten eggs in, for approximately 30 seconds, cover the eggs with the rice. Leave up to approximately 1 minute and stir fried together with the rice and mix well.

6)Add salt and pepper to taste, serve hot.

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