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Tue - Sun
08:00 - 16:00
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Char Koay Teow
Review (6)
上次搞错了把在Jalan Selamat 的小红帽炒粿条当成的姐妹炒粿条,这次我不管怎样也要吃到正宗的姐妹炒粿条!走到了南兴餐室附近,从车上就可以看到店门口有个大大的布条写着姐妹炒粿条, 啊哈!这次不会错了吧!不过所谓的姐妹炒粿条都没见到有和姐妹扯上任何关系的人在掌厨,炒粿条的那位是伯伯来的。。噫?炒粿条-RM5粿条上面撒了细细的蟹肉丝,雪白的蟹肉丝和油亮的炒粿条颜色相映成趣,粿条上还有个主角,就是那两只大虾,一口咬下虾和粿条的时候感觉很不错,很多人都说退步了,赚游客钱的姐妹炒粿条还蛮好吃的啊,是我喜欢的那类型。只是这碟RM5的炒粿条份量很少,3-4口其实就所剩无几了,离吃饱还有很久的距离。Lok Bak- RM8简单的炸肉卷,炸鱼卷要价RM8 我是觉得有点贵,味道还可以。不知道是不是我来的时间不够旺,这整家店的客人非常地少,难道说现在的游客和槟城都已经不再青睐姐妹炒粿条了?那个在炒粿条的伯伯到底是谁啊?姐妹在哪里啊?问号一大堆哩我。。。。整体的用餐经验还可以,炒粿条OK不过分量太少,Lok Bak 普通。泊车位有点难找,我把车停在远处再走回来的,不是很方便。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-19
南興茶室的姐妹炒粿條,當年被譽為全檳最好吃的炒粿條。單看賣相就與眾不同。上面還有放白色的蟹肉絲白色的是蟹肉絲,增添了螃蟹獨有的鮮甜味,讓整盤炒粿條活起來。面條與配料融合一起,不太鹹,不太焦,也不太油。而且這利用的食材是新鮮的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-25
So, I went and tried Sister’s Char Koay Teow at Lam Heng Kopitiam in Penang during my trip there. It it said to be one of the best char kuey teow in Penang, with a notorious reputation of being expensive and arrogant workers.The shop wasnt so busy when i went there.Just a few tables since it’s supposed to be famous , i thought it will be crowded where you need to line up again.the outlook of the char kuey teow, looked quite normal, and portion seems small too just with big prawns. The taste is alright not as delicious as i expected. Maybe i put a little more expectation than this. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-01-01
The Taste - Just another normal char koay teow taste..no 'wok hei'(wok heat) taste at all. It's just a bunch of koay teow with ingredients dump into a wok on fire and fried for few minutes until it's cooked or overcooked and then plate up! The koay teow was fried into pieces. The bean sprout was a little bit soggy. The prawns was a little bit tough with no more fresh and succulent taste. All because they've been on the wok too long. That happened when it's frying more than one plate at a time. The Service - Perhaps the kopitiam was not full when I was there, so it was quite fast and responsive. Acceptable.The Environment - Still it's a kopitiam but cleaner. It's nice The Price - RM5 for a normal plate. RM7 to add prawn. I don't mind paying RM10 for a plate of excellent char koay teow but I think it's quite overprice for that quality. You judge.Overall - It's not bad la..but it just can't let me think of purposely wanting to go there again. If one day you were suddenly driving nearby that road and suddenly have an urge for a plate of normal char koay teow and so happen the shop is in front of you, then ma drop by, sit, eat and drink lor..Else, there are still plenty of normal char koay teow in Penang. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-27
The famous char koay teow in Penang! Also famous for charging high prices and for having a stuck up attitude.Erk.. Why is a man cooking Sister's CKT? Look at the size of the prawn they include in the noodle! It's so huge, much bigger than the prawns I normally see in char koay teow. Fresh and crunchy too. Apart from that though, I didn't find anything special about their noodles that would upkeep such a name. I don't mind paying more for good special food but this is a 1-time-try thing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)