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Signature Dishes
Doubke Sausage Bun La Boheme Pizza
Review (1)
Level4 2012-10-06
The double sausage bun was freshly taken out from the oven and loaded to the tray. I quickly grab one before it's all gone. The bun was quite big, definitely fulfilling. The bun has two sausages on top, some carrots, green peas, mayonnaise, tomato sauce and white sesame. The bun was soft, moist, and buttery. The sausage was also flavorful and juicy. The mayonnaise and ketchup ensured the bun tasted moist. Love that they always freshly bake their bakeries and the whole place smells wonderful. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)