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Vegetarian Hokkien Mee Vegetarian Nasi Lemak Vegetarian Penang Curry Mee
食評 (3)
清汤乌冬面 【RM4】EK说,由于附近的Vistana Hotel有许多日本韩国的旅客很多日韩旅客都会找吃找到这里,为了迎合日韩口味而最近新加入这乌冬面用料十足的乌冬面外表看起来实在有够“素”的先喝了一口清汤,发觉汤头清甜,虽然没有一般猪大骨熬制的浓郁味道不过味道适中,清甜之余不会淡而无味,甜味完全是由玉蜀黍的清甜所散发更多香云素食?请看:http://jazzlah.blogspot.com/2013/08/bukit-jambul.html芹菜炒面【RM1.50】这也是超赞推荐的炒面,不过只限喜欢吃芹菜、香菜的朋友而已使用芹菜和香菜翻炒过的面条不加入晒油或酱油,除了清香的芹菜味也不会有过于浓郁的咸味这是EK外母自创的,不过依然有一些在我国漂泊的菲律宾人士他们都说和他们家乡炒面很相似,一解他们的思乡情愁更多香云素食?请看:http://jazzlah.blogspot.com/2013/08/bukit-jambul.html福建面 【RM3】槟城嘛,怎么可以少得了福建面呢?最令我惊讶的是乍看之下,这碗福建面的确不像是素食的汤头方面少了虾味熬煮显然失色不少,不过却是我吃过最好吃的、味道最接近的素食福建面EK说其实很多外国的素食者来旅行都会来这里品尝福建面,不但可以完成“来槟城必尝福建面”的任务又可以保持依然是素食者的使命更多香云素食?请看:http://jazzlah.blogspot.com/2013/08/bukit-jambul.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-12-24
99 瀏覽
Next to The CEO office building at Bukit Jambul is Kompleks Lebuh Nipah, a food complex managed by the Municipal Council of Penang Island (MPPP). The food stalls here offer cheap dining options since rental is very cheap. The front row mostly consists of Malay food stalls, while the back row is predominantly vegetarian food stalls.Xiang Yun Vegetarian Hut (香云素食坊) is one of the stalls at the back row, facing away the main road. It is open for breakfast and lunch only, but its business is virtually non-stop during weekends. This is not a surprise because Xiang Yun provides vegetarian dishes at very attractive prices.My first choice today is a bowl of Curry Noodles (咖哩面, RM3.00). The portion is quite large for its price.Ingredients used include vegetarian sliced meat, vegetarian prawns and beancurd. The stall is generous with the chili paste as well as mint leaves. I find that all ingredients are very tasty in their own right.The curry broth is milky and rich in flavor, despite the fact that meat is not used for flavoring. I give credit to the cook for preparing such nice curry.Chee Cheong Fun (猪肠粉, RM3.00) is also available from Xiang Yun. After nicely steamed, the rice dough is rolled to resemble pig intestines, then chopped to smaller rolls. Despite its plain look, I find the dish quite appetizing when consumed with the sweet sauce and generous garnishing of sesame seed.Using wheat gluten, the "sausage" of the Sausage Roll (香肠卷, RM1.50) is meant to imitate the look and taste of meat. Although far from the actual taste, such food helps new vegetarians and vegans to adapt to their new-found lifestyle.Finally, the Carrot Cake (萝卜糕, RM1.00) is relatively common in morning hawker stalls and dim sum restaurants. Xiang Yun's version uses less oil, therefore appears drier in appearance. Looks can be deceiving though; I think it still tastes reasonable.Overall, Xiang Yun offers a good variety of vegetarian dishes at very affordable prices.Despite being a public food center, the premise is hygienic and presentable. I think all eateries around the country should treat it as a role model. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-12-14
78 瀏覽
Next to The CEO office building at Bukit Jambul is Kompleks Lebuh Nipah, a food complex managed by the Municipal Council of Penang Island (MPPP). The food stalls here offer cheap dining options since rental is very cheap. The front row mostly consists of Malay food stalls, while the back row is predominantly vegetarian food stalls.Xiang Yun Vegetarian Hut (香云素食坊) is one of the stalls at the back row, facing away the main road. It is open for breakfast and lunch only, but its business is virtually non-stop during weekends. This is not a surprise because Xiang Yun provides vegetarian dishes at very attractive prices.My first choice today is a bowl of Curry Noodles (咖哩面, RM3.00). The portion is quite large for its price.Ingredients used include vegetarian sliced meat, vegetarian prawns and beancurd. The stall is generous with the chili paste as well as mint leaves. I find that all ingredients are very tasty in their own right.The curry broth is milky and rich in flavor, despite the fact that meat is not used for flavoring. I give credit to the cook for preparing such nice curry.Chee Cheong Fun (猪肠粉, RM3.00) is also available from Xiang Yun. After nicely steamed, the rice dough is rolled to resemble pig intestines, then chopped to smaller rolls. Despite its plain look, I find the dish quite appetizing when consumed with the sweet sauce and generous garnishing of sesame seed.Using wheat gluten, the "sausage" of the Sausage Roll (香肠卷, RM1.50) is meant to imitate the look and taste of meat. Although far from the actual taste, such food helps new vegetarians and vegans to adapt to their new-found lifestyle.Finally, the Carrot Cake (萝卜糕, RM1.00) is relatively common in morning hawker stalls and dim sum restaurants. Xiang Yun's version uses less oil, therefore appears drier in appearance. Looks can be deceiving though; I think it still tastes reasonable.Overall, Xiang Yun offers a good variety of vegetarian dishes at very affordable prices.Despite being a public food center, the premise is hygienic and presentable. I think all eateries around the country should treat it as a role model.Details in my food blog:http://penangfoodforthought.blogspot.com/2013/12/xiang-yun-vegetarian-hut.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)