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Baked Crabs Seafood Tofu
食評 (14)
等級4 2015-12-06
1910 瀏覽
几年前在芙蓉烧蟹海鲜村试过他们的招牌烧螃蟹后,心里一直对那独特的味道念念不忘。可是后来每次经过芙蓉的时候,总是已经吃得饱饱的,没办法再容得下那烧螃蟹。这一次从马六甲回吉隆坡的路上,我调好了用餐的时间,安排好在芙蓉吃午餐,才得以再来一尝这美味。周六中午的人不多,点菜和上菜的速度都很快。在等待上菜的当儿,每一桌都会有一盘特色小吃,看起来像是一小片炸春卷皮,蘸上他们独有的辣椒酱,还蛮特别的,不知不觉会吃下很多。啦啦炒米粉 - RM25先来一些可以垫饱肚子的主食 - 啦啦炒米粉。米粉炒得很干身,不会太油,里面放了不少带壳的啦啦,味道不太有啦啦的鲜味但是很好吃。他们选用的啦啦又大颗又新鲜,整体上我觉得还不错。清炒树苗 - RM12清炒树苗炒得够火候,不过不失。烧螃蟹 - RM70/kg再来就是我朝思暮想的烧螃蟹了,其他地方鲜少可以吃到这样做法的螃蟹!螃蟹的外壳有一层类似焦糖的东西,味道虽然很咸,但是很香,我觉得有点像鸡精的鲜味。吃这道螃蟹我喜欢跟家人或很熟的朋友一起吃,因为我会忍不住想把螃蟹外壳上的烧烤汁舔个一干二净,毫无仪态可言。他们用的螃蟹很多肉,味道很鲜,可以吃到这个真的超满足的!酸辣螃蟹 - RM70/kg我们还点了另外一道不同口味的酸辣螃蟹,酸酸辣辣的酱汁配上小馒头,绝配!如果那酱汁可以多一点点的甜味那就更好了。芙蓉烧蟹海鲜村的烧螃蟹,是我觉得无人可以取代的美味。下次有到芙蓉一游的话一定要再来吃一顿! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I had a very lousy experience. When we reached for lunch, it was only 3 tables occupied. Ours was the 3rd table at that time, and when the staff came carrying his device to take order, he was in so much hurry for us to order. When we asked for recommendation what noodle is good, he basically list us all they offer. And when ask what other dish is nice, he just random tell us what they sell. Fail to recommend. His body language was showing that he is so impatient, and makes us feel really pressured to order. From all the food that we ordered, really, nothing tasted terrific. All was just normal. Thank god we dropped by on the way back from JB. If we travelled all the way to Seremban to have this meal, I would have knocked my head to the wall. Firstly, from bright day light, we could see their extremely old furniture - table was so old (lucky they use cloth to cover), and their plastic chairs was soooo dirty.. The 2 noodles we had, the hokkien mee and their so called special noodles wasn't tasty. Just very ordinary tasting, and has overly sweetness. Kangkung vege. - normal taste. Mantis shrimp in yam basket- Mantis shrimp can't taste its flesh. The yam basket was tough in its texture, doesn't deliver the 'softness' of yam. BBQ Crab - from what its most famous for, it just tasted so so. I think way many other places can deliver tastier crab, and no reason to come all the way for their crab. Overall, their food quality has dropped by way too much from few years back that I've been there. Even, as I was leaving, I asked the staff or the boss of their opening hours (while he was trying to serve rice to his customers), he just briefly and quickly answered without even looking at my face. Simply no reason to dine here.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-07-31
923 瀏覽
seremban have this nice place to dine in called the kedai makanan seremban. when i steps in the decoration is not that much is a simple dining table and chairs only but so many people inside and some even queue to get to try on their famous baked crab. i also order this salted pork belly which taste so good and served in the hot claypot. good to have this with rice for dinner 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-05-20
427 瀏覽
这里的咸鱼花腩就有点逊色。我比较喜欢肥瘦参半的花腩肉,可是他们这里用的都是瘦肉居多,少了肥肉的部分咸鱼花腩褒吃起来没那么香猪肉的味道,只有淡淡的咸鱼味,而且咬起来没有弹性。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-02-23
339 瀏覽
Seremban town is not close to sea but then that doesn't stop it to be a remarkable crab town. Many people will think of two things here, the seremban grill crab and also the siew pao. The crab here is very delicious and fresh. If you come here late a bit or popular dinner hour, you need to wait sometime to get your order. I like to eat their grill crab the most, in that way, you get to taste the original taste of crab. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)