所有分店 (11)
03-9130 0688
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
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蜜汁脆鳝 上海肋骨拉麵 上海蒸餃子 辣味拉麵 小籠包
食評 (10)
等級3 2016-01-07
960 瀏覽
The restaurant was part of a popular chain with various outlets in Malaysia. It was well known for its chinese dishes. It was located at one end of the ground floor of the shopping mall. Although the restaurant did not offer free wifi, one was enable to tap on the free wifi by the shopping mall. The restaurant was packed during Saturday lunch time but did not offer dim sum menu.We started the meal with Jasmine Pearl Tea & chrysanthemum tea (RM12/ pot serving 2-3 pax) a pot each as we had 6 people. The young staff who served the tea was quite blur and did not know which tea was which. We had to figure out ourselves then.Deep-fried Vegetarian Beancurd Skin Roll 脆皮素鹅 (RM 8)The crispy beancurd skin was stuffed with assorted vegetables. Quite tasty.Stir-fried Baby Pork Ribs Glazed with Zhenjiang Black Vinegar 镇江烤肋骨 (RM32)The serving was just nice for a piece for each one. Felt it was a quite expensive for such a small serving. The boneless pork ribs was quite tender and flavourful.Sauteed Prawns with Salted Egg Yolk 高邮咸蛋虾球 (RM 38)Not bad although I felt it was a tab too oily.Sauteed Egg White with Fish and Dried Scallops 芙蓉赛螃蟹 (RM 22)I felt that the egg white was a bit overcooked here.Sauteed Kailan with Mushrooms and Black Fungus 双菇木耳炒芥兰 (RM 25)Well cooked although a bit overflavoured, covering the nature flavours of the vegetables.Stewed Spinach Tofu with Wild Mushrooms 蚝皇什菌扒菠菜豆腐 (RM 26)The tofu was not bad although would prefer it to be more smooth.Deep-fried Crispy Aroma Duck 香酥脆皮鸭 (RM 42/ half)Served with pancake, spring onions, cucumber and sweet sauce.The skin of the duck was thick and crispy which kind of reminds of roasted pork. Interesting.Steamed Piggy Bun (Red Bean Paste/ Lotus ) 宝贝猪仔包 (红豆沙/ 莲蓉) (RM 9)These paus were so cute looking but the filling was so little.Water Chestnut Cream with Sea Coconut 清润海底椰炖马蹄露 (RM 8)Smooth and rich.Barley Beancurd Skin with Gingko and Quails' Egg Soup 清润海底椰炖马蹄露 (RM 8)Felt that it was a bowl of soya bean milk topped with barley, beancurd, ginko and boiled egg. Not the usual method of cooking the beancurd skin till it melted.Double-boiled Pear with White Fungus and Red Dates 红枣雪耳炖雪梨 (RM 12)The pear was quite soft but the white fungus still had not reached the melt in the mouth texture.Overall the food was not bad, although the staffs were not quite good with explanation especially on the part where why the tea had 2 pax on the bill. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-12-17
270 瀏覽
这是一家很舒服的餐厅,服务员的态度也非常的好!但唯有一个服务员.....点餐时,首先我们点个酸菜鱼片,那服务员说今天没有鱼片,任何关于鱼片的都没有!没关系,我们点其他的,已经不想吃鱼了。她向我们推荐一道菜不懂什么石斑,我们已经说不要了...可是她一直追问着和“劝”我们点那道!因为我们都不爱吃石斑,,所以再次拒绝她的推荐...我们花了一点时间才决定点什么菜,可是她好像很不耐烦,再次叫我们点那个鱼!来来回回,她说了三至四次!我很想问她会不会听中文!作为一个服务员,你可以给意见,但你不能逼我们点餐!最后我们点了一道四川辣子鸡...一共八道菜!出餐时,辣子鸡先上, 辣椒干占一大半,剩下的小鸡块却只有一点点!但味道还不错。接着所有点的餐都陆续送上...其中有道菜里我们发现几块鱼片。刚才她不是说了今天关于鱼片的东西都没有吗?唉...令人失望餐厅啊!整体来说是不错的,食物是有水准的,其他员工是彬彬有礼都,环境是舒适的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-09-30
206 瀏覽
炒粉皮我还是第一次吃。粉皮并没有味道。都是靠酱汁来吸收。吃起来的口感软软的,还带有一点嚼劲在里头。里面的配料还蛮多。虾子,萝卜,肉碎,菜脯等等,吃起来很爽脆而且没有负担。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-07-17
135 瀏覽
小笼包你一定吃过吧?那你有没有吃过’龙的传人‘里的小笼包呢?如果没有就太可惜了。。这里的小笼包是我吃过最好吃的小笼包。。!晶莹剔透的外皮,香味扑鼻的内陷。。一口咬下,还有会喷出来的汁。。实在太好吃了! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2013-07-08
127 瀏覽
龙的传人餐厅- 星期天来这里光顾的客人蛮多,进来餐厅你会看见每一桌都会点上小龙包作为他们的餐前小食,我们点了这里的盅仔香薯猪扒饭,卖相很好,端上桌时很香,可能是肚子饿了吧。。味道还好,猪扒的腌制很够味,加上马铃薯吸收猪扒的酱汁,配上盅仔白饭,热腾腾的香味,真是大开胃口。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)