016-382 8778
位于Old Klang Road的【有米气】是全马首家专卖顺德料理的中餐厅,主打多道独特的美味佳肴,包括太古火焰锅、火焰醉虾、栋企鸡、顺德刺身、鲜虾锅贴饺和金丝燕麦包等,样样精彩,包你吃了回味无穷,今天就来尝试 繼續閱讀
朋友 / 家庭聚餐
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Visa Master AMEX 現金
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
桑拿雞 燒鵝 煎焗生蠔 海鮮燜鍋 鹹蛋釀豆腐 棟企雞
食評 (4)
每次看到朋友在社交网站分享关于“有米气顺德料理”的帖子,我就很想要带家人来试一试。虽然说我不是顺德人,但是顺德是粤菜的发源地,这么大的来头当然要来尝尝。 有米气在新年期间推出了新年套餐,但是我比较想尝试的还是他们家的各式招牌料理,所以就舍弃了套餐,而选择从平时的菜单中点餐了。 当我们还在翻餐牌的时候,服务员就先端来两盘前菜了。这里的前菜很特别,不是一般的花生零嘴,而是一大盘的当归凤爪和凉拌黄瓜。 当归风爪 - RM14 凤爪带有淡淡的当归香,口感还有一点QQ的。附上的小辣椒酱油我没什么蘸,深怕会把当归的味道给掩盖了。本来以为这一大盘应该会吃不完了,结果每个人都停不了口,三两下就把整盘凤爪给解决掉了。 凉拌黄瓜 - RM6 凉拌黄瓜加了一丁点的辣椒,甜、酸、辣加上清爽的口感,非常开胃。 新年嘛~怎么少得了捞生呢? 三文鱼顺德鱼生 - RM88 有米气的三文鱼顺德鱼生看起来和市场上的很不一样,材料方面都是新鲜的菜丝,没有红红绿绿的炸粉条,这样应该比较健康吧! 除此之外,比较特别的有洋葱丝、花生粒,还有薄饼皮炸成的“薄脆”。拌酱方面就只有酸梅酱,没有油、没有胡椒粉、没有五香粉。见识少的我们还一再地跟服务员确认是不是所有材料都已经来齐,可以开始捞了?哈哈! 味道还不错,这有点出乎我的意料。只是酸梅酱下得太多,有点太甜,但是菜丝切得幼细,而且很新鲜,所以吃起来有很清新的感觉。 顺德海鲜焖锅 - 焖锅上汤 RM18,龙虎斑 RM219,草虾 RM96,排骨 RM30,田鸡 RM48 有米气的重头好戏正是这一道顺德海鲜焖锅,道理跟火锅很像。铜锅里头装有上汤,加上自选的食材,开火焖煮片刻让食材的味道融入到汤里头,看下去一整个就是澎湃啊! 食材选择方面大多是海鲜,这样汤头才会更鲜甜美味,价格也是随市价而变动的。服务员姐姐也特别提醒我们说海鲜焖锅里的食材不能够放得太少,免得汤头不够味,就糟蹋了这海鲜锅了。 我们选了龙虎斑、草虾、排骨和田鸡,看着海鲜锅在面前滚啊滚的,这比吃火锅更过瘾,因为食材都很名贵啊~ 吃这海鲜锅,最好要有一点烹饪的基本常识,像是草虾这一类易熟的海鲜,煮好就该捞起来先吃,免得煮太久影响口感。 栋企鸡 - RM88 有米气的另一招牌菜 - 栋企鸡,顾名思义就是把整只鸡串起来直接烧烤,让鸡的每一面都烤得均匀。 担心一整只鸡端上来,不知道从何下手?不怕,基本上服务员姐姐在我拍完照之后就直接把烤鸡带走,去骨起肉,不用三两下功夫就把整只鸡工整地处理好了。 栋企鸡的味道虽然不错,配上烤鸡时滴下的鸡汁更是好吃,但是感觉就是一般的烤鸡,在顺德海鲜焖锅的面前难免显得有点逊色。 鱼米之乡 - RM35 鱼米之乡由长豆、茄子和鱼饼拌炒而成,茄子入味且不油腻,很赞!连我这个不吃茄子的人也忍不住多拿了几块呢! 金沙酿豆腐 - RM30 酿豆腐卜在裹上咸蛋黄酱之后,味道和口感又提升到另一个层次了。说不出到底酿豆腐卜里面用了什么肉,但是和咸蛋黄酱蛮搭的。 红豆双皮奶 - RM8 顺德是双皮奶的发源地,所以就算吃得再撑,还是要点一份来试试。双皮奶的口感非常嫩滑,奶的味道也很香,但不带骚味。我喜欢! 这一餐我们七个人一共花了 RM846.50(连税),虽然不算便宜,但是每个人都吃得很过瘾。比起在其他地方吃价格相若的新年套餐,这里无疑是让我们吃得更满足、钱花得更心甘情愿。 有米气顺德料理的座位有限,建议前来用餐之前要先订座哦! By 阿七 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-09-29
650 瀏覽
We have a family dinner to celebrate the monncake festival at You Migi, is kind of Chinese-Shunde cuisine food.Restaurant appertizer served is something special which is chicken feet and cucumber pickle (marinated in chinese-shunde style) which is yummy.We started of with Ocean Dragon garoupa braised soup (kind of like a big wok with a thick broath - like the usual steamboat pot), we add on the tiger prawn (very fresh), deep fried beancurd, roasted pork and baby cabbage to the broath. End of the meal we order rice vermicelli to go with the thick broath which is so good taste.Our meal goes together with stir fried meat with cabbage (RM25) which give a vy good 'wok hei' to the vegetable. Steam tice with preserved meat which looks simple but full of flavour (RM38). The rice goes well with deep fried fish lips.  The captain recommended pan fried vegetable with paste which tasted so good. We also ordered the steam vermicelli roll with preserved vegetable (RM10)Overall the food are all good with price on above average. for sharing( 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-08-19
390 瀏覽
Today is the family gathering for my uncle from UK and also other uncle and cousin who live in KL. My cousin suggested Youmiqi Cuisine as she saw the raving reviews from many blogs. We ordered the most famous dish here where all the bloggers post about that is the Ocean Dragon Garoupa Braised soup in a giant brass hot pot. The soup alone is RM 28 for 'starting the fire.' Initially, we were so shocked at such a low price. It is a must to order 2 types of seafood to go with the hotpot. For the Ocean Dragon Garoupa alone, it costs a whopping   RM 201.60! The garoupa was just amazing, so succulent and tender. I just fell in love with the silky soft smooth garoupa, though it was deep fried. The soup was so sweet. The other item we ordered was braised tiger prawn (RM 72). The prawns were not that great and not worth the money paid as they were too small. I expected them to be bigger than those. We also added dry deep fried beancurd skin (RM 13) which was so tasty to go with the braised soup. Addition of baby cabbage (RM 13) or 'wa wa cai' was so tasty to go with the braised soup. I liked the look of the cabbage which has unique looking leaves. The freshness of the cabbage was very crispy even when placed for a long time inside the hotpot. The other item we ordered was Braised Chicken in Kam Heong Style (RM 40), was half a chicken. The parts of the chicken are mostly the drumstick part and very tender and delicious. My uncle felt that the chicken was not fragrant enough though it was kam heong and served in a claypot. For me, it tasted like normal chicken. Thankfully, it was not overly salty. The Pan Fried Black Fungus with Paste (RM 28) was very unique. The combination of the crispy black fungus with the paste was incredible and marriage made on the peak. The paste was just nice and did not contain too much pork or meat or fish and had no fishy smell. The dish was topped with some stir fried garlic and some sauce which were a little fragrant. The white rice costs RM 2 per bowl and the tissue here cost RM 1 whereby they gave us two packets.The entire bill came up to the most expensive meal I have had in a few months; Service Charge: RM 40.56 GST 6% : RM 26.77 Total : RM 472.93 I almost fainted at the price!  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-09-05
393 瀏覽
Scarcely 400 meters from Mid Valley, this recent entry to Old Klang Road offers interesting Chinese Shunde-style specialties that make it worth a visit or two.Start with a steamboat-like stew, brimming with whatever seafood you'd select from the menu.Our picks: Braised mud crabs, tiger prawns & mactra clams, complemented with roast pork belly & bean curd strips for extra bite & flavor.The crab tastes as fresh & meaty-juicy as we could have hoped for. A real pleasure.Ideal for a cold night. We'd have liked to cast some fish into this mix, but those one-kilogram catfish & groupers would make the expense sting too much. With 800 grams of crab, 300 of prawns & 500 of clams, the cost for this stew surpassed RM150.Clay pot rice, topped with eel; another piping-hot, appetite-arousing recipe.The slickly firm, well-separated feel of the grains is terrific, but more generous portions of eel might make this more flavorsome. Still, for RM35++, it's not a ripoff. Offal lovers can make merry at YouMiQi, thanks to treats like pork heart steamed with plums 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)