Japanese Tofu with French Bean and Dried Shrimp Recipe 豆腐虾松四季香食谱

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Japanese Tofu with French Bean and Dried Shrimp Recipe 豆腐虾松四季香食谱
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Japanese Tofu with French Bean and Dried Shrimp is a simple dish to complete your meal!
Ingredient and Portion
3 stalks Japanese egg beancurd / 3条 日本豆腐
4 nos soaked Shiitake mushroom / 4朵 水发冬菇
200g french bean (sliced) / 200克 四季豆(切片)
1 red chilli (shredded) / 1条 红辣椒(切丝)
1 garlic clove (chopped) / 1粒 蒜瓣(剁碎)
20g dried shrimp (soaked, finely chopped) / 20克虾米(清水泡软,剁碎)
3 tbsp water / 3大匙清水
1 tsp pepper / 1小匙胡椒粉
1 tbsp "Shaoxing" wine / 1大匙绍兴酒
2 tbsp abalone sauce / 2大匙鲍鱼汁
1. Cut egg beancurd into convenient pieces, pat-dry or drain, and deep-fry in hot oil over high heat until fragrant and golden brown. Dish out, and drain well, ready to cook.

2. Cut mushroom into small stripes, dush it with some self-raising flour (or tapioca flour), parboil in hot oil, dish up and drain.

3. Leave 1 tbsp hot oil in wok to saute garlic and shrimp over medium high heat until fragrant. Add in french bean, seasoning and water, stir-fry briskly over high heat until well combined.

4. Add in fried egg beancurd, mushroom and chillies, toss well. Serve hot.
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