

民以食为天!经过一番投选,在 OpenRice 2016 年 50 大网选心水餐厅中,最受广大网民大力推荐的 Top 10 人气餐厅,经过一轮的网民投选后,成绩终于出炉了!
一起来瞧瞧大马 Top 10 心水餐厅!

Food is the window to a happy tummy! After voting for the Top 50 most bookmarked restaurants on OpenRice Malaysia 2016, here are the Top 10 results that you have approved! Which of these restaurants won the most bookmarked?
Let’s see the results below:

Top 1

位于Empire Damansara 的Haraju-Cube以蜜糖土司打响名堂,成功俘虏不少女生的芳心。光看土司的卖相就足以让人着迷,外表四四方方,上面铺有一层诱人奶油,再放入冰淇淋及水果,撒上巧克力酱和花生碎粒。里面隐藏着8个小土司,不仅口感柔软,而且还散发出牛油和蜜糖的香气。除了吐司,这里的Haraju牛奶十分浓郁,加入冰块一起喝有感觉冰凉清新。

Overwhelmed fame for their Japanese Honey Toast and the famous Butter-scotch Milk, Haraju-cube is it! Located just at Empire Damansara, usually crowded with patrons; squarish honey fluffy toast that comes with fresh cream, fresh fruits and ice cream, cut it open and reveal 8 more pieces of mini toast inside! So hard to resist for not getting one!

Address: 103, Empire Damansara, Jalan PJU 8/8, Perdana Business Centre, Damansara Perdana, 47800 Telephone:016-666 5973

Top 2

坐落于Kota Damansara 的Shell Out主打「手抓海鲜」,意思就是让食客直接用手吃海鲜,完全投入于享受美食的过程。海鲜冲出桌面的那刹那让人目不转睛,放眼望去个个肥美新鲜的海鲜聚集在一块儿,叫人不禁大喊「爽」啊!海鲜选择繁多,有大龙虾、肉蟹、青蚝、日本大干贝等,鲜味十足。此外,有5种美式酱汁供顾客选择,各有特色,而且酱料全都是店家精心炮制。

Fresh seafood galore at Shell Out! Eat without plates and experience the best by using your hands here at Kota Damansara, Setia Alam and G-Village @ Desa Pandan, indulge on fresh seafood like lobsters, crabs, oysters or even scallops! Foods are served by 'unloading' all the food directly to your table, and they have 5 types of homemade sauces to go with your seafood too!

Shell Out
Address: 16-1, Jalan PJU 5/15, Dataran Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Kota Damansara, 47810 Telephone: 03-7497 1137

Top 3

近日芝士当道,Tokyo Secret推出的芝士塔当红不让,采用的芝士是从日本进口,入口细绵顺滑。芝士像泉涌般流出来的感觉超级幸福,吃了让人难以忘记。加上,芝士塔的饼皮是采用法国牛油焗制,所以吃进口特别香。这里的日式冰淇淋大受欢迎,以北海道空运的牛奶制成的。Fujiyama Winter,搭配自制白巧克力片及法国空运蓝莓酱,甜度适中吃起来不会腻。

Irresistibly great cheese tarts that's worth the queue, Tokyo Secret's half-baked cheese tart not only tastes good eaten hot, best eaten cold too! Imported ingredients from Japan, the cheese oozes out when eaten hot and you can't resist it! Tart crust that uses French butter, this makes it so good and fragrant! Besides, their soft-served ice creams are 'Ichiban' too! Give it a try!

Tokyo Secret
Address: G23, IPC Shopping Centre, No.2, Jalan PJU 7/2, Petaling Jaya, Mutiara Damansara, 47800Telephone: 03-7733 0231

Top 4

New Chapter是The Owls Café的分店,是以猫头鹰为主题的咖啡馆。吃货们都是冲着它家的松饼(Waffle)而来,特别是招牌松饼Rebecca waffle,甜美的松饼把草莓、蓝莓和香蕉三种水果巧妙地聚在一块儿,外形甜到漏,让人不舍得吃。David waffle则是以香蕉片为主,在自制香草雪糕淋上花生奶油和巧克力酱,配上一些杏仁片和椰子片,外形没有Rebecca甜美,不过一样让人心动。

Run by the same team from The Owls Café, New Chapter is one of the favorite of many! Serves waffles and one of the most ordered would be the 'Rebecca' waffle – with strawberries, blueberries & bananas and earl grey ice cream. No wonder they are the signature here! Besides, they do have other waffles like David waffle and special latte like the Rose Latte too the most ordered!

New Chapter by The Owls Café
Address: Calvary Convention Centre, 1, Jalan Jalil Perkasa 1, Taman Teknologi Malaysia, Bukit Jalil, 57000

Top 5

P.S. Tokyo是一家日式咖啡馆,虽然只有简约的室内设计,不过隔着大片的落地窗叹杯茶,好惬意。这里主打Soft Serve冰淇淋,无论是抹茶、烘焙茶或是之后大胆推出的限定芥末Wasabi口味都带给食客不同的惊喜。特别钟爱烘焙茶口味的霜淇淋,味道独特,浓浓茶香味在口里徘徊久久不散。

A Japanese style café that's located at SS2, nice minimalist design and serves signature Soft-serve ice creams of Matcha and Hojicha and previously they do have Wasabi flavoured too! Uses high quality tea to produce these soft serves, thick matcha taste and hojicha that leaves a great flavor aftertaste. Besides soft-serve, they do have parfaits too!

P.S. Tokyo
Address: 80, Jalan SS2/60, Selangor, Petaling Jaya (North), 47300Telephone: 012-213 3706

Top 6

位于Damasara Uptown的A Pie Thing是「派」的专卖店,一走进店里可以看见大大的点餐牌,所有单点、套餐和饮料的价钱都一目了然,装潢则是时下流行的简约风。这里无论是主菜或甜点都是以「派」为主,分为咸、甜两种口味,还可以自由选择放什么topping呢!想吃咸派的话可以点The Masharce、香浓芝士鸡趴派、羊肉派或奶油菠菜派;甜派则可以选择S'mores、Apple Crumble和Elvis。

A Pie Thing, like their name suggested, is an eatery that specializes in pies. Mouthwatering pies can be seen arrayed nicely in display counters – both savoury and sweet pies are served here, and you get to customize the toppings too. The Mashacre is everyone's favorite, however, if you would like something sweet then S'mores might be your perfect choice.

A Pie Thing
Address: 128G, Jalan SS21/35, Damansara Utama, 47400

Top 7

Miru Dessert Café是一家日式咖啡厅,里头都是纯白色的墙壁加上木质桌椅,让整个咖啡厅散发着浓浓的日式气息。这里最著名的就是他们的蜜糖土司,整整一大块土司涂上店家自制的牛油再搭配香草冰淇淋和淋上蜂蜜,光看就已经让人感觉甜蜜蜜了,非常适合与情人分享喔!除了招牌原味Shibuya Honey Toast,巧克力口味的蜜糖吐司也一样受欢迎!

From interior design to menu, Miru Dessert Café is a dessert place that is full of Japanese vibes. Their Shibuya Honey Toast is famed for being one of the most authentic and delicious honey toasts that you can taste in Klang Valley. Homemade butter is spread on the crispy and fluffy thick toast, topped with two scoops of vanilla ice cream, it tastes best with more honey drizzled on it!

Miru Dessert Café
Address: 62, Jalan SS21/58, Damansara Uptown, Petaling Jaya, Damansara Utama, 47400Telephone: 019-773 0138

Top 8

在Bukit Bintang非常有名的El Cerdo是一间西式猪肉料理餐厅,由于位置就在热闹的Changkat酒吧街,因此吸引了很多本地和来自外国的顾客。这家餐厅最受欢迎的烤乳猪是从西班牙的小镇Segovia流传下来的,而乳猪是特别从丹麦引进,每一只乳猪在烤之前都要先腌制24小时,再烤30分钟才能上桌。如果是第一次到这家餐厅的朋友千万别被他们摔碟子的行为吓坏喔,因为那是他们西班牙农村的传统仪式之一。

El Cerdo is surely one of the busiest restaurants in Changkat Bukit Bintang. They are specializing in pork dishes, and patrons especially love their Roasted Suckling Pig which the recipe was originated from Segovia, Spain. Don't be afraid if you see people keep breaking plates in the restaurant, because it is one of the Spain's traditions to ask for good luck!

El Cerdo
Address: 43 & 45, Changkat Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, Bukit Bintang, 50200 Telephone: 03-2145 0511

Top 9

法式可丽饼专卖咖啡厅在雪隆区可谓非常少见,Strangers at 47的可丽饼摆盘非常漂亮,几乎可媲美Fine Dining的等级呢!店内的装潢以简约舒适为主,在这里用餐给人非常写意的感觉。这里同时提供甜、咸两种口味的Crepe,尤其是A'Hen's Crush,用撒了辣椒的饼皮包裹香煎鸡肉、炸薯饼和荷包蛋,一定要趁热吃。而甜的Crepe就可以点Dark Side和Red Riding Hood,抹茶控的朋友这里也有浓郁的Matcha Latte可以试试看喔。

Many claims that the crepes served in Strangers at 47 are comparable to fine dine restaurants, for their beautiful appearance and delightful taste. You can find fanciful selections of crepes here, some sweet and others savoury. Try out the popular savoury

Strangers at 47
Address: 47, Jalan 17/45, Section 17, Petaling Jaya (North), 46400 Telephone: 011-1669 5707

Top 10

如果想吃吃烧烤又懒惰自己动手就一定要到这间位于Mahkota Cheras的火焰山烧烤。这家餐厅不但拥有自动化的烤肉机器,还选用无烟碳烤肉,让顾客不用担心吃完以后身上会有异味。除了一般的烤肉,这里也提供许多种串烧如焰牛魔王、三色鸡肉串、烟熏鸭肉串和蜜糖鸡中翅等。如果吃烤肉还不满足,火焰山也提供火锅,非常适合在周末和朋友家人一起过来吃。

Having BBQ is always linked to getting sweaty and smoke scented on clothes, but Flamehill BBQ isn't one of those. Using custom-made automatic skewer grill from China, you can not only save the effort of cooking but also keep yourself fuss free. Varieties of skewers are offered here, including Flame Signature Beef and Flamed Smoked Duck that you would love. What more else, you can get your steamboat cravings fixed here!

Flamehill BBQ
Address: Jalan Temenggung 21/9, Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Cheras, 43200 Telephone: 03-9010 0027