Opening Hours
17:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sun
17:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Serves breakfast
Open Till Late
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (16)
Level4 2015-07-26
星期六晚餐后,大姐兴致勃勃说要带我到Elit Avenue的Sushi Mentai吃寿司。结果抵达时,因已是晚上九点,接近打烊时间,寿司店已经拒绝再接收新顾客。意兴阑珊下,我们顺路改道去Pisa Corner Cafe找吃。Pisa Corner Cafe有点类似Kuta Bali Cafe的那种,就是属于比较大型的夜市小贩饮食中心。在那里叫饮料,价钱相对的会比较高。我叫了杯热菊花茶,就要RM1.60一杯,普通外面一杯大概RM1.20就喝得到。里面的摊格选择形形色色,售卖异国风情的就有韩国餐、日本餐或拉面或寿司、台湾餐像卤肉饭或炸酱面等。特色小吃像是香港鱼翅、供特别加料的曼煎糕等都有。面摊方面听起来较特别的有咖喱云吞面、香辣面、公芭大虾面、特色板面等。眼尖的大姐就注意到那里有外劳帮忙的摊档其实还挺多的。走着走着选食物吃时,我就被一个摊档的牌子所吸引住。那摊档叫作“肥妹馅饼”,卖的就是馅饼,是现点现包现煎现卖的那种。馅饼有分咸和甜两种口味,咸口味的就有猪肉、韭菜、香葱、咸鱼猪肉、黑胡椒猪肉、午餐肉、猪肉丝、芝士可选。而甜口味的则有咖啡、芋泥、莲蓉、红豆、花生、巧克力、黑糖、芝麻糖可选。价钱在RM2.00-RM2.50之间,一次必须点至少两片馅饼。女摊主像我推荐了几种口味后,我就跟着点了韭菜和黑胡椒猪肉两种馅饼,共RM4.50。只见女摊主在一旁,给面饼团塞上了馅料包起来,之后就转交给一名负责煎馅饼的男摊主。煎好了以后,另一名男摊主就把热乎乎的馅饼装进了纸袋子里,附上了辣椒酱,然后交给我。我是以打包性质点的,因为一开始还不确定会不会留在Pisa Corner Cafe吃。和大姐找了位子坐以后,也确定会在Pisa Corner Cafe用宵夜。我急不及待地把纸袋子给撕开来。两份馅饼,给摆在纸袋子上。新鲜出炉的馅饼,所以非常非常的烫手,我就没啥耐性说要等它放凉了再吃。用手把它掰开来以后,双手非常油腻。那黑胡椒猪肉馅饼,里面给搭了洋葱末。黑胡椒猪肉的黑胡椒呛味就在我嘴里晕开来,还蛮过瘾的。而韭菜口味的馅饼,里面给塞了满满的韭菜,再参了微微一丁点的肉燥碎粒。馅饼的料给得毫不吝啬,巴附在饼皮里的馅料都给塞得很丰富。饼皮吃起来也不会觉得过厚,味道吃起来还好,只是会略嫌油了些。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-30
Pisa Corner is a restaurant which is serving a wide range of western cuisines.Cheese grill chicken This dish is the cheese grill chicken. The grill chicken is tender but is not enough cheesy for me. It is still tasty but is better if it is more cheesy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-30
Pisa corner is a restaurant that serves a variety of western food at reasonable price. It is located at Lot No.13180 Mk12 DTL, Kompleks Makanan Relau, Bayan Lepas.Grilled chicken chopThis grilled chicken chop is simply delicious. The chicken is succulent and juicy. It is basted with its own made barbecue sauce which enhances the flavour of this grilled chicken chop. It is served with coleslaw and chunky chips. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-01
On the way back to the car, this stall just only opened and so I duly obliged to give it a try. The stall which is manned by a solitary Indian lady works very fast and efficient so I did not have to wait long even though there was a lot of customers.This apom telur is unlike many other apams that I have tried in Klang Valley before, mainly because it has a nice thickness to it. Apart from that, it also has a nice thick and soft dollop in the middle. The only problem is that the apom crumbles quite easily around the core and thus I had to carefully eat. For RM3, I get 6 pieces of apom. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-08-18
My friend from KL called me out for late dinner (him only) while it was more like a supper to me. I suggested we go to Pisa Corner Cafe as it has plenty of variety to choose from. We ordered char tang hoon & grilled stingray.The tang hoon was very nice as it was not too 'wet'. It may be a bit salty for others but I didn't mind it There was a lot of ingredients in it as well. Generous offering of eggs & prawns.The grilled stingray was good as usual. The sauce laid on top has just the right amount & the meat was cooked to perfection. Enjoyed this 'kau kau'... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)