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Signature Dishes
Hazelnut White Coffee Ipoh Chicken Hor Fun Kaya & Butter Toast Soft Boiled Eggs
Review (3)
Level4 2013-12-17
The Old town white coffee is a chain restaurant so the layout would be more or less the same. Of course I am also always really pleased with the friendly services as well as the ambiance which allows diners to be really comfortable when dinning. It is sufficiently comfortable and suitable for comfy meal. I ordered a milk tea but realised I had to make a move. The staff happily packed it for me so I must praise their friendly service. Their milk tea is consistently good, and still good when taking away. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-08-13
A nice combination with a crunchy bread with cold frozen vanilla ice cream. The bread is crunchy just like eating chips. Although the bread is brown is colour, but it doesn't taste any chocolate taste. But for the ice cream it is rich is vanilla taste.Unfortunately, you need to eat it very quickly if not the ice cream will melt and it will make the crunchy bread turn soft. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)