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Signature Dishes
Loh Shu Fun Pork Noodles
Review (2)
Level4 2013-05-26
这里的猪肉粉说真的有令我失望到,原因是因为他们的汤底很淡,喝得出他们的汤底是熬的不够好,或者是调淡了,而且他们给的猪肉碎也给得有点太少了吧,所以这一餐大家都吃得很不满意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-01-26
What is so famous about this place "Yu Thao Mai" aka Fish Head NoodlesUnlike other ordinary fish head noodle, this particular vendor uses a generous amount of rice wine in the making of the soup which results in soup so fragrant, creamy and delicious you can't resist coming back for more!On top of that, you have the option of ordering the noodles with 3 different variety of seafood:1. Fish head (RM6++)2. Fish meat (RM6++)3. "Sang Har" = amazingly huge prawns (RM12++)or even a mixture of both fish and prawn!If you think the soup is good, leave the prawn head to simmer in the soup for awhile and it gets even better and sweeter to the taste. Portions are good, and you are guaranteed a full tummy, satisfied taste buds plus most likely a sleepy afternoon after this hearty meal! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)