12:00 - 00:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Shishamo Octopus Platter Foie Gras Rolled In Duck Bacon Bare Knuckle Don Garlic Fried Rice
食評 (12)
燃烧吧!燃烧吧!适逢九皇爷月份,当天冒失的我忘了带雨伞出街,一下车无情的雨点任意地落在我身上,我唯有以最快的步伐奔向目的地,与一位迎面而来的男生撞个正着,额头顿时起了一颗“红毛楼”,为了表达歉意,他请我到BWB Flaming On Table用晚餐。肚子因堵车而猛打鼓的情况下,我爽快地答应了,只是一路走,脑袋不停盘旋着「BWB Flaming On Table」是......串烧?盐烧?照烧?素烧?铁板烧?岩烧?姿烧?味噌烧?眼前招牌上的黑熊棒着燃烧中的食物,点点火花从屋顶飘下,可能是太饿的关系眼花吧!只是明明听他说是「BWB Flaming On Table」的餐厅,为何又写着「BWB Yakitori Bar」呢?难道真的是饿到眼睛发青光?!走在我前头的他听到我喃喃自语,指着招牌并转过头对着我说:“很多人问到底是BWB Flaming On Table,还是BWB Yakitori Bar,其实Yakitori Bar是Flaming On Table的前身,由于餐厅注入崭新菜式,餐厅老板就把主营串烧的Yakitori升级成Flaming On Table啦!” :-)咔咔丽娜疑惑地问:“那,什么是flaming on table?”他:“待会儿妳就知道。” :-)模特儿:贝蒂餐厅内一盏盏的小灯,仿佛一缕温黄色的纱幕,隔绝着闹市的喧嚣,成为了城市人避风的港湾。「BWB Flaming On Table」的菜单如同日本的居酒屋,主营烧物,提供顾客多种肉类选项,适合各个顾客的胃口。听他说有一些神秘的菜式并不在菜单内,不知情况的我唯有默默地静静地等待它的出现。只见他滔滔不歇向侍应生点了一大堆食物,我们能吃得完吗? 小吃 Tapas Tri Pieces RM 30左起为海蜇、章鱼和贻贝,入口冰冰冷冷,肉质无比的Q弹,加上调料和芝麻提香,清爽的口感让人吃了一口接一口。芥末章鱼很有嚼劲,芥末入味,刺激了咱们的味觉和嗅觉,仿佛在对您说:“准备好了吗?” “我们准备好了!準備でさた!” *\(^o^)/*Grilled Octopus RM 26厨师把章鱼切成厚度适中的口感,拌上酸辣的泡菜入口,有别于韩式的泡菜炒小章鱼,泡菜的酸辣味并没有沁入章鱼的肉质内,有故于此,您能尝到鲜嫩无比的章鱼肉,尾随而来的是爽口解腻的酸辣泡菜味道,嘴里不自觉地分泌更多口沫来,令人食欲顿生、胃口渐开。Salted Shrimp RM 12小虾炸的香脆酥松,外层的咸香生粉,加上鲜嫩的虾肉,美味可口。再挤些柠檬汁,绝对是倍加滋味的开胃小菜。Piccant Mussles RM 18拌上特调香辣酱料的青口,肉质鲜嫩无渣,轻巧的辣味只带来轻微的刺激,即使是不嗜辣者也能开心的享用。甘甜的肉汁与美味的酱汁融合在一起后,经由蒜粒葱花提香,香郁的味道在口腔内回荡,十分爽口开胃。Secco Seppia RM 12鱿鱼丝上的小番茄犹如鱿鱼的头,鱿鱼丝是它的脚,呵呵!鲜香微辣,软嫩有嚼劲,再加上无负担感,是主餐上桌前最佳解馋零嘴。它一上桌不久,很快地在我们的腹池游泳去!Soda Prawns RM 38日式炸虾外酥内嫩,一口咬下口感超满足!因为加入苏打粉的关系,酥酥的口感加上新鲜老虎虾的嫩Q,非常好吃!除了Soda Prawn,「BWB Flaming On Table」还有另一个选择-Soda Scallop苏打仙贝,和苏打虾一样价格。Funky Fried RM 20这里的天妇罗以芋头、红薯、洋葱和胡萝卜为食材,已经淋上酱汁的天妇罗并不需要额外再添加什么酱料,吃起来酥脆不柴。Sizzling Seafood RM 30香喷喷的铁板海鲜随之上桌,铁锅尚在滋滋作响呢!美食当前我不管三七二十一叉了一块海鲜块放进嘴内,好烫哦!呜~呜~不过烫嘴也值得,新鲜的小章鱼裹着薄薄的外衣,加上香辣可口的特调酱料,美味极了。正当我陶醉其中的当儿,他却对我说他吃的是一块虾肉,站在我们附近的侍应生更提醒我们还有三文鱼片和牡蛎肉!哗!我们乐此不疲的品尝着热呼呼的小章鱼、三文鱼片、牡蛎肉和虾子,初次见面的生涩感顿消。Chicky Corns RM 12尔后上桌的日式炸鸡配起司,炸鸡块味道不俗,酥脆富肉汁,配上香郁的起司,美味度大增,与一般炸鸡块相比,优劣立见。Beef Roll RM24乍看以为是豆腐皮裹着金针菇,入口却发现错了!其实是和牛肉片包着金针菇!咀嚼的时候,鲜嫩的牛肉如腐皮般,金针菇又韧又脆的口感好极了,濮滋濮滋的,尾随而来的是增进食欲的芥末味,让人不自觉地把金针菇牛肉卷吃完!Piccolo Pizza RM 4卖相俏丽的迷你披萨一上桌,立刻引起我们的注意。只有手掌心般大的披萨,薄薄的脆饼上有着冬菇和金针菇,淋上起司缀以鱼卵。入口口感丰富,香脆的披萨饼、爽口的鱼卵与杂菇还有绵密的起司,混以杂菇溢出的原汁,让人欲罢不能!Knuckle Bun RM 10馒头以汉堡包的形状呈现在我们眼前,感觉挺新鲜的。炸至金黄色的馒头,外酥内软,夹着猪脚肉片和生菜,但并没有半滴美乃滋。那不是干巴巴吗?放心!这里的猪脚肉片卤上72小时,糯软富口劲之余,还包含卤汁,入口香气四溢。可别看到体型小小的,蛮有饱腹感的哦!Oyster Box RM 6(一块)蚝箱子顾名思义以蚝为内陷,被炸豆腐框上的菜式,蛮有创意的。酥、嫩、软的口感,层次感非常丰富。Zuppa Di Fungo RM 18「BWB Flaming On Table」的蘑菇汤味道独特,别树一帜的在汤内加上菜丝,还有培根碎!由于我的新朋友不大能接受蔬菜青涩的味道,结果我独个儿把整碗汤嗑完,嘻嘻!ε-(´∀`; )正当我沾沾自喜我能喝完那碗汤的当儿,以为就此结束我们的晚餐......他却说:“开始吃主餐咯!”什么?我有没有听错?!他:“这里的烧物一定要试哦!” 他说完后,递了菜单给我,并说:“就点了这些。”烧物菜单*此菜单仅供参考,以新菜单为准。天啊!我们能吃得完吗?看来我那颗“红毛楼”起得挺值得的!既然他诚意拳拳,那好吧!舍命陪君子!Itadakimasu! 烧 物 Yakimono 牡蛎 Kaki Niniku RM 14硕大的牡蛎端上桌,我发现我还有第二个胃,呵呵!牡蛎肉上有着薄薄的起司,鲜美的牡蛎肉、咸香的起司,拌随着蒜香,mmmmmm~~~~~~谁说我饱了?嘻嘻!我还想吃上几颗呢!结果?馋嘴猫后劲不足,可惜了...... T^T 只能在各个串烧盘上选择一些来吃,泪奔~串烧蔬菜拼盘 Yasai拼盘顺时钟中午12时正起各支串烧为大蒜Garlic、 大葱Leeks、香菇Shitake、芦笋Asparagus和羊角豆Okra,各支串烧为RM 4,乃是蔬菜爱好者的最佳选择。串烧香菇香气沁脾,味道更见鲜美。串烧海鲜拼盘 Kaisen & Sakana这是分别从Kaisen和Sakana分别选出来的串烧(见菜单),顺时钟中午12时正起各支串烧为三文鱼串Salmon(RM 10)、蒜香蝾螺Sazae Niniku(RM 10)、鳗鱼串Unagi(RM 12)、虾串Ebi Niniku(RM 10)和多春鱼串Shisamo(RM 4)。我的串烧多春鱼得恰到好处,外皮咸香脆滋滋,内里鱼籽饱满很有口感,加上烧后的熏味,美味可口。串烧肉类拼盘Kamo, Butaniku & Gyu & Hitsuji看来他的战斗力也渐缓下来,只见他吩咐侍应生从Kamo、Butaniku和Gyu&Hitsuji系列中选出精华串烧。顺时钟中午12时正起各支串烧为和牛Wagyu(RM 16)、鸭肉Kamo(RM 8)、芦笋起司培根Bacon Cheese Asparagus(RM 14)、和牛鹅肝Wagyu Fuwagua(RM 24)和金针菇培根Bacon Enoki(RM 8)。看着桌上的串烧和牛肉,我情不自禁地吞了吞口水。他:“串烧和牛全部是妳的!”我听了傻眼,并问:“你不吃?”他:“我看妳挂着十字架应该可以吃牛肉,我不能,妳别客气!来!”说完,把串烧和牛放在我的碟子上。和着鹅肝一起烧烤的牛肉,令人惊奇的是两者结合之下并没有腥味,反而激荡出另一种独特的香味。柔嫩的和牛肉咬下去肉汁喷涌而出,再吃一口肥美润口的鹅肝,美味得令人激赏!我口里虽然不断地说饱了,手却不听使唤地继续拿起和牛鹅肝串往嘴里塞。另一支我品尝的串烧肉是金针菇培根卷,培根油脂入口有点腻,搭配爽口的金针菇,加上培根的熏味,整体还不错。串烧鸡肉拼盘 Tori左起:鸡肉丸Tsukune(RM 10)、七里香Bonjiri(RM 4)、鸡腿Yaki Tori(RM 5)、鸡胗Sunagimo(RM 4)、鸡翼Tebaski(RM 8)。串烧鸡肉丸硕大的一串,加上蛋黄液绵密的口感加持,甜甜绵绵的很不错吃。不曾吃过七里香的我当天尝了一颗,烧得香脆的串烧没有可怕的腥味,加上那部位的小软骨,口感不错。美食当前啊!看来我豁出去了!连七里香也敢放进口内,嘻嘻!他喵了一下手表,说:“差不多咯!” 未待我回话,续说:“BWB Flaming On Table有别于BWB Yakitori Bar专注于串烧料理上,FOT使用一种外国进口的特殊食品液体,非酒精,把它倒在食物上继而点燃,火焰大概维持10秒,然后会自动熄灭。燃烧食物的同时,食品液体会为食物添加口味,诸如黑胡椒、焦糖、椒盐等。”咔咔丽娜:“好神奇哦!但是......”他:“我知道妳在想问什么,放心!安全食用。” 过后,他向侍应生示意,把食物端上桌。「BWB Flaming On Table」提供几种火焰餐,既有海鲜、鸡扒、绵羊扒、和牛扒以及猪肋骨。火焰鳟鱼 Flaming Ocean Trout RM 42外焦内嫩,配上酱汁的味道,咸甜交织,­滋味非常浓厚,而且还有一股鲜味飘香。火焰老虎虾和仙贝 Flaming Tiger Prawn & Scallop RM 48新鲜的老虎虾肉质结实,伴以蟹黄酱鱼籽,经过火焰处理,虾的鲜甜完全被提出来。喜欢喝两口的朋友,这道菜最适合下酒了~如果您是海鲜爱好者,还能来个鳟鱼、老虎虾和仙贝三合一!「BWB Flaming On Table」为菜式取了一个火辣辣的名称-燃烧中的海洋Ocean On Fire,价格为RM 65。愤怒鸟 Angry Bird RM 35挑选好的鸡腿肉经过几道工序最后再到火焰处理,整体香气迷人而份量丰富,鲜嫩口感洋溢在嘴里。起床了小绵羊 Wake Up Sheepy RM 48餐厅精选出在新西兰以谷类喂养的羊只,专挑脂肪分布均匀的羊腩作为这道菜肴的食材。烧烤后的羊腩,食客们很轻松的将肉从骨头内切割出来。肉质柔软顺滑,味道鲜美,却因为中间那一层薄薄的软筋膜,口感中又带有一点点嚼劲。吃完了主餐,甜品时间到!XO Cherry Ice Cream RM 18比起松露培根雪糕的浓郁,XO樱桃雪糕显得清新的多。两者比较之下,就像妩媚艳丽的美女,和清纯可爱的邻家女孩。两者各有人爱,就像我喜欢松露培根的醇厚浓郁,而他更喜欢XO樱桃的淡雅清新。原以为甜点之后,就是各散东西。他为了表示歉意,再点了一杯火焰咖啡。原来从聊天中他知道我有一个部落格,而从我的部落格中知道我喜欢喝咖啡。只见侍应生手脚利落的清理好桌子,再把各种工具摆上桌上。工欲善其事,必先利其具。火焰咖啡 Flaming Coffee淡 RM 38浓 RM 55老板亲自上场,非常熟练的在调制这杯咖啡。梦幻般的蓝色火焰在两个杯子中交替跳跃,威士忌的香味也在过程中丝丝的散发出来。这一杯火焰咖啡为今天这一餐划上一个完美的句点。虽然他在我喝了这一杯火焰咖啡后邀请我跳支《Sway》,不过带着微醺的我一个转身优雅的对着他说拜拜~居酒屋的环境,在喝酒之余,可以加些火焰系列,即下酒又有梦幻浪漫的气息。有兴趣到 ♥ BWB Flaming On Table ♥ 者:地址:No. 10, Jalan 27/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur.电话:+603-6206 3800营业时间:星期一至星期日 12pm - 12am博文来源:http://kakalinawak.blogspot.my/2015/10/bwb.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-12-29
53 瀏覽
BWB Review 28 Nov2015 For the last five months, BWB was established in the busybustling neighbourhood of Desa Sri Hartamas. It has bistro concept with a barat the side yet it remains as casual for hanging out with friends. There aredining tables everywhere for ease to have a meal. Previously, it is well known as a yakitori bar but now ithas changed its name to BWB Flaming on Table. “Flaming on the table” is aconcept developed by the owners from their frequent traveling experiences toNew York, France and Japan. The flaming concept actually originates from Francebut BWB is branded as an Italian fusion bar. The Lemongrass Drink is very refreshing to be eaten witheverything here and cools the body down in the hot Malaysian weather. The food presentation is very beautiful and almost like finedining at an affordable price. Yellow Bomb (RM20)Our first dish is Yellow Bomb (RM 20) which is lobster saladwith caviar cucumber and mango. The mango looks so sweet and tantalizing and totop this heavenly sight with caviar is simply remarkable. It leaves me droolingwhile wondering when would I get to savour it. Cup Noodle (RM14)The second dish is Cup Noodle (RM 14) whereby angel hairpasta is lightly fried with crispy pan fried bacon chips, dried chilli, aglioand thyme. One thing is for sure, this is better than the name, Cup Noodle. Thenoodles are served in a liquor glass. Secco Seppia (RM12) This is Grill Marinated Sun Dried Pulled Cuttlefish, remindsme of the dried cuttlefish that kids like to munch on or even the one I eat asa snack. It is slight spicy too, and nice to go with beer.Truffle ButterToast (RM 18)Truffle Butter Toast (RM 18) is a simple dish. The trufflebutter that covers the crispy mini French toast lends the fragrance that beefup this toast. The black caviar is a nice contrast to the whitish topping. Thisis good to go with any alcohol. Salted Shrimp (RM12)Calling all fried shrimp lovers, this is first in the menu!The deep fried shrimp is lightly sprinkled with assorted chilli spices. It kindof reminds me eating those traditional village snacks. Very Malaysian. Knuckle Bun (RM10) These are mini hamburgers or what I call mantou sandwich witha certain crisp. This is again a simple dish that is thankfully not oily. Sandwiched in between the Knuckle Bun (on the left), are sliced porkknuckle with cucumber, cabbage and onions. Chicken Bun (RM8) This is similar with Knuckle Bun except that it consists ofchicken together with cucumber, cabbage and onions. Calamari Salsa (RM 16) This is simply deep fried small pieces of calamari servedwith salsa and onions at the side. Appetizing to be eaten with cold beer.Sizzling Seafood(RM 30)Eating this dish reminds me of eating at Manhattan Fishfranchise as the food is usually served sizzling. From the photo, you cannotmake out what you are actually eatingwhen in actual fact, they are sizzling prawn, salmon, squid, oyster and musselwith sizzling spicy sauce. Petai Toast (RM 16)For a fusion western bar, it was a big surprise when I saw petai, of all things, to be served on top of the toast! Petai Toast reminds me of the times when we have leftover petai curry and would dip bread inside the curry. On top of the toast, there is a beautiful half-boiled egg, that is similar with benedict eggs.This is my favourite as I love petai so much. It is also creative to add egg this way, and believe me, it is my first time seeing this sight!Bolognese Toast(RM 16) This toast is served with minced pork and half-boiled egg egg, recreates theChinese style spaghetti on toast minus the spaghetti.Fragyu (RM38) Fragyu is actually pan fried wagyu topped with fois gras.The names of ingredients look very sophisticated as though we were eating infine dining restaurant. The dish is even served with a glass cover on top. It looksso tasty that one of my friends popped it into her mouth so I could not give ataste review. I have a burning desire to try this dish, one fine day, if the day ever comes. Piggy Burger (RM28) This is quite a small burger for RM 28. Anyway, the sakuraminced meat with oat and onion pork patty is nicely cooked, whereby the textureis not too soft nor too hard and rubbery. I like the fact that it is not oily.It is served with sunny side bun, a good change from how people normally serveburgers. Ocean on Fire (RM65) BWB Flaming on the Table, being famous for the food to beserved flaming, serve the ocean trout, scallop and prawns. This is my favouritedish compared to the rest of BWB Flaming on Table food that are available after5.30 pm. I loved the fresh salmon, big prawns and mussels that have a slightspicy taste. The salmon was not overly hard. The scallops are incrediblyenormous. I also like the soft, sweet and fresh vegetables sides like the Frenchbeans and bacon bomb.Below is the video of the food:https://youtu.be/LKeud64rDoYAll BWB Flaming dishes comes with side and garnishing subjected to change alternatively. Today’s side dishes are asparagus, tomato, carrot, cabbage onion, bacon bomb, corn, sweet potato, baby kalian, Italian potato, mashed potato and coleslaw, The garnishing are mixed green such as green beans, zucchini, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower and Asian vegetables.More Details:Add: No. 10, Jalan 27/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Sri Hartamas, Kuala LumpurTel: +603-6206 3800Business Hour: 12pm - 12am (Daily)Non-Halalhttps://www.facebook.com/BWB-Flaming-On-Table-1632431673704148 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Hallo December and Christmas is coming to town!!! Wohoo. Still remember my write up in October regarding this special restaurant call BWB Flamimg on Fire. This round BWB brings more excitement in their food not only in term of taste but also the creativity in food.My second time to BWB not because I greedy but I love the food, the environment and the friendliness of the staff.1) Yellow Bomb (RM20) - 2 pcsYellow Bomb is using lobster salad with small slices of mango and wrap with cucumber. Caviar been added on the top of Yellow Bomb. The sweetness of the mango go well with the lobster salad. Yummy...yummy.2) Truffle Butter Toast (RM 18)Mini french toast served with truffles butter and caviar as a topping. 3) Cup Noodle (RM14)This is a must try dish. The Angel Hair pasta mix well with pan fried bacon chips and dry chili. The preparation is in Aglio & Thyme style. Super delicious and great combination of ingredients.4) Bolognese Toast (RM 16) & Petai Toast (RM16)My favourite is Bolognese Toast as the combination mix well while for the Petai Toast, the taste is new for me.5) Fritto Maiale (RM 38)Fried roasted pork with aglio. The roasted is crunchy and juicy. I eat non stop for this dish. Hehe.6) Piggy Bun (RM 28)This mini bun served with Sakura mince meat, oat and onion. The portion is small but so filling as the mince meat is thick.7) Grilled Squid (RM 26)The squid not too oily but a bit dry to me as not sauce to dip with. By the way the squid is big and chewy.8) Oyster Box (RM12) -2 pcsThe name of the dish is so unique as the oyster been stuffed inside the bean curd. Then they will fried the bean curd until golden. A crispy from outside and soft at inside. Yummy...All of this, my favorite still BWB Flaming on Table. Ocean on Fire (RM 65), Angry Bird (RM35) and Oik-Oik on Burning (RM48).More varieties of food serve at BWB Flaming on Fire. Handmade Ice - CreamWith Anfield and KakaliwakFinding a suitable place for Christmas dinner? BWB Flaming On Fire is the right place that you can consider to celebrate Christmas. Nice food and nice place to hang out.BWB Flaming on TableNo.8, Jalan 27/70A,Desa Sri Hartamas50480 Kuala LumpurBusiness Hour: 12 pm- 12 amFollow them at FB : https://www.facebook.com/BWB-Flaming-On-Table-1632431673704148/?fref=ts 繼續閱讀
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If you fancy watching someone cook in front of you, perhaps you'll be intrigued with how BWB Flaming On Table (formerly known as BWB Yakitori) serves its signature dishes.For the signature flaming series dishes, be prepared to whip out your camera and spam your shutter to take the nicest picture as the staff 'set your dish on fire'. Be quick as this will only last for seconds. Then, smirk at your beautiful picture you've captured and post on Instagram or Facebook. Anyway, that's exactly what I did:There's a few dish available for the flaming series, here's some of it:1. Ocean On Fire - Ocean trout, scallop and prawn2. Angry bird - chicken drumstick3. Oink-oink on burning - Sakura pork ribAs you can see, the flaming series dishes looks really nice. Besides the great food presentation, they also taste really good. Also I have to mention this: all their poached eggs are on point!Aside from the signature dishes, BWB F.O.T. has a wide range of dishes from wagyu beef all the way to the humble traditional spaghetti.Fragyu - pan fried wagyu top with foie gras. The wagyu is not of the best cut but it's still good - after all it's a wagyu beef meat we are talking about!Salmon Carpaccio - raw ocean trout served with carpaccio sauce and salad. I really love this. Salmon was really fresh and the carpaccio sauce complements the salmon.Truffle butter toast - mini french toast served with truffles butter and caviar topping. One of the favourite dish from the night. Simple and perfect combination.More food:Cup noodle - pan fried bacon chips, dry chilli, aglio and thyme. It was alright for me. A little dry for my liking.Grilled squid.Salted shrimp - fried shrimp with assorted chilli spices. Most people were commenting that it was a little too salty for them.Seafood Pasta - prawn, mussel, trout and scallop served with tomato sauce and herbs. Can't go wrong with this.Chicken bun chicken pulled with cucumber, cabbage, onion ring. Nothing too spectacular about this.Beef Macaroni - home cook beef brisket served with egg and green peas. Love the beef brisket, they were tender.Chicken drumstick from Angry Bird (Flaming On Table flaming dish series).Petai Toast - toast served with sambal petai and egg. I personally feel that the sambal petai is actually underwhelming so I'm guessing those who don't take petai may actually consider having this.Bolognese Toast - toast served with minced pork and egg. Again, this is one of those dish that isn't there to impress but my, look at that egg!Piggy Burger - sakura mince meat, oat, onion served with sunny bun. Felt that the patty was just OK - bordering a little too dry for my liking.Even more food (I didn't manage to try the food from this point onwards)iccante Mussels - mussels in spicy tomato sauce.Ebi Niniku (shrimp), Bacon Cheese Asparagus, and Sazae Niniku (escargot).Calamari salsa - fried baby baby calamari with salsa sauce.Sizzling seafood - prawn, salmon, squid, oyster and mussel with sizzling spicy sauce.Secco Seppia - grill marinated sun fried pulled cuttlefish.Yellow Bomb - lobster salad with caviar cucumber and mango.Traditional Spaghetti - tomato, minced pork, carrot, onion and herb.Beef roll- slice beef wrapped with golden mushrooms.Clockwise from top: seasalt, truffle bacon, matcha green tea, passion fruit and XO cherry (middle). Fancy flavours. Although I didn't get to try them, everyone who did were praising how good the ice creams were and I could tell that all of them wanted more.So, there. BWB F.O.T. really has an extensive menu boasting about 100 different dishes (at the point of visit) so really everyone can find something they love to eat here. As this was a tasting event, I didn't get to try all the food in this post (as mentioned).Also, I forgot to take a picture (oh no!) but I need to mention this: BWB served lemongrass drinks and I absolutely love it and it was such a refreshing drink.Based on my personal observation, the restaurant was understaffed and the kitchen area was quite slow in dishing out orders. However for a pub-restaurant, I was really impressed with the wide selection of food on the menu.Price wise, keeping in mind that the location is in Desa Sri Hartamas (popularly known as a more 'atas' area) I feel divided about the value as some dish are reasonably priced while others are slightly more than what I would pay for. That being said, BWB does offer a brunch menu which offers some really deal.As usual, parking could be a problem at Desa Sri Hartamas but there's an open air carpark right outside BWB F.O.T. but of course it comes with a (high) price. Even on a weekend, the carpark was relatively empty, so I figure many of us don't really want to pay but for convenience and rather than going rounds finding for a spot, the money you pay may be just worth it.Rating:Food: 6/10 (Try the signature flaming series dishes)Service: 5/10Value: 6/10Atmosphere: 5/10 (Place is quite noisy but it's quite normal for a pub setting)BWB Flaming On Table8, Jalan 27/70A,Desa Sri Hartamas,Kuala Lumpur.FB: BWB Flaming On Table 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-11-06
69 瀏覽
BWB让我印象最深刻的是老板Hans的盛情招待,他几乎是把menu里有的全拿出来serve我们,让我们这群food blogger感到有点受宠若惊呀!哈哈。。。 Tri Pieces (RM30)tiny octopus -->加入了芥末与少许的酒,非常提味,本人大推!Grilled Octopus (RM26)Salted Shrimp (RM12)单吃有点咸,记得挤少许的柠檬汁。Piccant Mussels (RM18)Secco Seppia (RM12)它让我想起我小时候很爱吃的鳕鱼丝。Soda Prawns& Scallop (RM38)混合了苏打粉的炸粉,外皮是极度酥脆爽口,叫我单吃它我也满足。Funky Fried (RM20)又是一道酥脆爽口的美味小食,slurp 。。。Sizzling Seafood (RM30)Chicky Corn (RM12)Beef Roll (RM24)温馨提示:不要一口咬进嘴里,会被芥末呛到鼻子。Piccolo Pizza (RM4 each)Knuckle Bun (RM10 each)馒头很赞!但我觉得整体上吃起来有点干。Oyster Box (RM6 each)生蚝放入豆腐里都没有半点腥味,证明了食材的新鲜程度上是合格的。Zuppa Di Fungo (RM18)不喜欢烟熏味的你可能会觉得它的烟熏有点过重。Kaki Niniku (RM14)是我这一晚最爱的佳肴。"Grilled Skewers Series"Yasai (RM4 each)照片取之kakalinawak,一定要click她的blog看看,超搞笑的!(^-^)重头戏来啦!一系例的Flaming on Table上桌咯!Flaming Ocean Trout (RM42)Flaming Tiger Prawn& Scallop (RM48)Wake Up Sheepy (RM48)Crazy Cow (RM48)Smoky Truffle Bacon Ice Cream (RM25)甜咸交融的口感绝对会让你停不了口。XO Cherry Ice Cream (RM18)本人觉得酒味有点过重,抢走了水果味。Flaming Coffee single shot (RM38)/ double shot (RM55)这是我喝过最棒的Irish Coffee,第一入口是淡淡的酒味,随后迎来的是带有焦糖味的咖啡香,入口后就像喝清水般那样,一个饮料竟然有三种口感,我看只有BWB才可以做得到 ^_^ 繼續閱讀
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