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Big Breakfast Lemon Grilled Chicken Sandwich Wholemeal Toast with Cheesy Hashbrown
食評 (5)
等級2 2017-01-05
604 瀏覽
Price reasonable and it's suitable for student and worker who pass by pudu LRT take some breakfast . It's really nice and tasty . I will return back . 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
以前念书的时候常常会经过富都 Pudu 这一带,那时候其中一个印像最深刻的就是荒废了的大华戏院,这里是吉隆坡市很重要的车站之一,附近也是不少美食的聚集地。当我听闻在大华戏院旧址附近有一家玻璃屋造型的早餐店 - A • Toast 的时候,我心里还一直怀疑说怎么那么跳 tone 啊?明明是一个旧区,怎么会有一家像偶像剧中的早餐店出现?终于有一天我和某人要到市中心办点事,我便提议说不如先去 A • Toast 用早餐。跟着导航系统的指示,我们从大路拐进了店铺后的巷子,停在 Pudu 轻快铁站的出口处,只要穿过小巷子,就可以看到 A • Toast 了。不要以为城市人在周末早上都在补眠而不吃早餐,我早上九点到达的时候,店外已经有四、五组顾客在等候。室内的冷气空间只有四张小桌子,可以容纳大约十个人。迟来的人只能外带,或者慢慢等候座位。我们先坐在室外的座位,点了餐,再等大约10分钟就等到了室内的位子了。他们店里的三文治和其他食物,都是现点现做的。店里的人手不多,偏偏上门的客人一直不间断,所以从点餐到食物送到的时间有点长。Signature black sesame toast sandwich with sunny side up - RM5.80我非常喜欢他们的黑芝麻吐司,有淡淡的芝麻香,而且还非常的松软。里面只是简单的太阳蛋、生菜沙拉和番茄片,不简单的是太阳蛋的蛋黄可以保持水溜溜之余,不会滴落在桌上,不会让你吃得狼狈。沙拉酱清爽中带微甜,整个就是元气满满的感觉~这里吃三文治都不提供餐具,只给即用即丢型的手套,说真的,吃三文治一定要用手拿着吃才像样啊!Cheesy grilled chicken open sandwich - RM12.90同样是用了黑芝麻吐司做成的芝士烤鸡胸三文治,如果低脂肪高蛋白质的烤鸡胸是天使的话,那上面的芝士酱就是魔鬼了。天使和魔鬼的结合,虽然烤鸡胸有一点干干的,但是有芝士酱的辅助,整体上还是不错的,而且作为早餐很有饱足感,食量小的人自己看着办。。。Hot latte - RM4.20,Hot mocha - RM5.60其实来这里的人通常都会喝纯果汁,但我们是叛逆的小孩,硬是要点咖啡。这里咖啡的价格只是外头的一半,所以我对它的要求自然也没有那么高。不过这拿铁的味道带酸,第一次喝到这样的味道我不太习惯,到底是咖啡豆的问题,还是我味蕾出问题了?热摩卡比较深得我心,巧克力的味道比较明显,微微的甜,还不错。但是若要跟其他咖啡馆相比的话,还是有差啦~By 阿七 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2016-01-11
446 瀏覽
2015年4月分才开张的一间早餐小店没想到因某个杂志小编介绍后,现在成为家喻户晓,脍炙人口口中的一间简朴的小店。这间店是采用落地窗设计的,别看他身无立锥但食物的美味程度会超乎你想象的。所谓:早期的鸟儿有虫吃, 这间早餐店从早上6时正就开始营业,且地理位置靠近pudu的巴士站和轻快铁所以经过此地的上班族和学生都会被他的面包香味而深深吸引住。他们每天都会售卖各式各样的三文治面包且种类繁多例如黑芝麻,白面包,九谷麦和现今最流行的黑竹炭面包。他们所有的面包都是当天新鲜出炉而且先点先做。这个三文治面包的材料其中包括半生熟鸡蛋,hashbrown,蔬菜等等。害怕吃半生熟鸡蛋弄得满手都是蛋液?别担心这儿还免费提供手套让顾客携带以让顾客吃的安心与健康。接着,这个是店里超人气的黑竹炭芝士炒蛋三文治。炒蛋配三文治面包简直是相辅而成。一口一口慢慢的嚼尽,吃完后让人流连忘返。总结来说,这家店不但能吃到家的味道而且价格公道。除此之外,这儿还提供外带服务只要前一天晚上向他们预定,隔天就能准时到他们的店里拿取。省时和方便。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-12-26
264 瀏覽
I read an article about A.Toast- Breakfast& Juice Bar a while ago and found out it is located in Pudu, a region that I'm familar to. However,I had been looking for this but didn't manage to locate where it is. Few days ago, I was waiting for the traffic light from red to green, I successfully located it at a glance. Of course, go there with no hesitation!Actually it is very difficult for people to discover it because it is hidden behind a bus stop which right under the pedestrian bridge. People can park at the parking behind Pudu LRT station and walk about 10m then you will see A.Toast- Breakfast & Juice Bar.A.Toast- Breakfast & Juice Bar is a mini breakfast shop which sells breakfast such as sandwichces, big breakfast and etc. I ordered a charcoal toast with scrambled egg& cheese and a black sesame toast with sunny side up egg which costed RM5.80 respectively. They were a la carte which means that no drinks came along. The toast were fluffy and soft. I was having the black sesame toast one the toast side was full of sesame seed and it went well with the egg, lettuce and tomato too. Even though it is located just beside the road however it is an indoor environment so don't need to worry about the dust moreover there are air-con and fan inside it.I felt a considerate point is A.Toast- Breakfast & Juice Bar provided a glove to me to have the sandwich clean and neatly.The staff was very friendly and provided a good service!  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2015-12-03
135 瀏覽
Signature sanwiches are just from RM5.80! Fresh fruits for juice too Variety choices of their signature toast as well, bamboo charcoal / whole meal / black sesame and white toast! The breakfast bar is open for business from 6am in the early morning during weekdays. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)