8 Durian Desserts That Will Make Durian Lovers Go Mad!
Durian could be regarded as one of Malaysia’s many national treasures. To eat it is one thing, but to watch other people eat it is even better — they either hate or love it; no in between. Of course, we assume you’re the latter because, duh, you wouldn’t be reading this article if you weren't the latter! Good news: We’re just as much of a durian-con as you are, so you know what that means?

Time for some recommendations on the best durian-flavoured confectioneries! (Hey, what else did you expect?)

Hanbing is a Korean dessert café originating in Hong Kong. In particular, they have been very hot among the Malaysian youth. With bingsu taking the spotlight, a variety of flavours have also been made available — and one of them is the King Durian Snow Ice. The flavour sees a bowl of shaved, snowy ice complemented by fresh pieces of Musang King durian, making the dessert smell even better than it already is.

Don’t be fooled by Hui Lau Shan’s overwhelmingly mango selection. They may serve predominantly mango desserts, but whoever said they don’t do durians? The Durian Pancakes sell like hot cakes and it’s easy to understand why upon your first bite — the flavour is undeniably durian without being overwhelming and best of all, they’re tender and sweet.

Roll out the red carpet for the Duffee Pies! How could any durian lover resist their Duffee Pies is beyond us. You’re telling us you’re resistant to a crispy pie filled to the brim with durian-flavoured cream? We can’t relate! In any case, the Duffee Pie is a MUST for those who love the King of Fruit. Bite through the crispiness and feel the fragrant filling passive against your tongue!

Local delights aren’t your only choice at Wondermama; their confectioneries are also noteworthy! The Durian Krep, especially, is our highest recommendation for confectioneries. The crepe, laced heavily in the scent and flavour of durian, is paired with a luxurious scoop of durian ice-cream before being topped with small ingredients such as sweet corn. It’s truly the best way to end a meal, local style!

Australian Confectionery is every durian lover’s best friend. Their Durian Musang Cake will have durian lover on their knees, completely at the mercy of Australian Confectionery. The cake itself is baked well and textually right, filled with fresh pieces of durian on the inside. We also love the Durian Puff — who could resist a crunchy puff with durian fillings, anyway?

Their specialization in homely meals doesn’t deter them from venturing into the territory of durian confectioneries. Aside from the juicy pork chop, another must-get here is the very special durian coffee. Yes, you heard that right — durian coffee! It might seem like a tough combination, but it surprisingly makes a delicious and irresistible flavour. The blending of the bitterness of coffee and the sweetness of durian creates a unique kind of experience you just can’t get elsewhere.

You expect us to take a pass on durian ice-cream when it comes to durian confectioneries? Over our dead bodies! Inside Scoop is a soft-serve shop selling all the flavours you could imagine, including durian. It’s utmost important that they offer a durian flavour, because that means we can indulge in an endless craving for it here at Inside Scoop! The scent will be strong enough to pull you in for one of the most heavenly flavours in your entire ice-cream experience.

Just Heavenly is a chocolate heaven... but we’re not here for that! Their offerings of durian chocolate cake and durian cheese cake had us signing up for a lifetime membership. Don’t underestimate the power of durian  the scent and flavour may be concentrated and strong, but it actually complements the flavours of chocolate and cheese very well. Durian lovers are missing out if they haven’t given those cakes a try yet!
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