Christmas Special!在家开Party!5道圣诞主餐!


Christmas is coming! Take the stress out of Christmass with this easy yet scrumptious recipes. 

1.Roast Chicken with Basil Leaves and Lemongrass Stuffing | 九层塔香茅烤鸡

全鸡 1只(约1.5公斤)| 九层塔叶 一把 | 香茅(切片)2支 | 紫洋葱(切片)100克 | 盐 1/2茶匙 | 五香粉 1/2茶匙 | 糖 1/2汤匙
Ingredient A: 
1 (about 1.5 kg) whole chicken | 2 stalks lemongrass, sliced | 100g Bombay onion sliced |1/2 tsp salt | 1/2 tsp five spice powder | 1/2 tbsp sugar

材料 B: 
鱼露 2汤匙 | 浓椰浆 200毫升 | 酸柑汁 2汤匙 | 糖 3汤匙 | 盐 1/2茶匙 | 咖喱粉 2汤匙
Ingredients B:
2 tbsp fish sauce | 200ml thick coconut milk | 2 tbsp lime juice | 3 tbsp sugar | 1/2 tsp salt | 2 tbsp curry powder

  1. 将全鸡清理干净,去颈,洗净后抹干。
  2. 将九层塔叶、香茅、紫洋葱、盐、五香粉和糖倒入碗拌匀,然后塞入鸡腔内。
  3. 烤箱预热至180°C。
  4. 材料B拌匀成混合物。
  5. 全鸡均匀抹上材料B混合物,放入烤箱烤45分钟。
  6. 期间每10分钟取出,再抹上材料B混合物后放回烤箱,继续烘烤,重复至烤熟
  1. Clean chicken and cut the neck off, rinse and pat dry.
  2. In a bowl, combine stalks lemongrass, Bombay onion sliced, salt, five spice powder and sugar, mix well and stuff into the chicken cavity.
  3. Preheat oven at 180°C.
  4. Combine and mix ingredient B.
  5. Brush chicken with Ingredients B mixture and put into the oven to roast for 45 minutes.
  6. Remove and brush evenly with Ingredients B mixture every minutes halfway through roasting, then return to the oven and continue roasting. Repeat till cooked.

2.Grilled Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushroom | 香煎蘑菇鸡胸

鸡胸肉 1副|田园沙拉 (适量)
1 set chicken breast | some salad greens 

洋葱 30克 |芹菜 30克 | 蘑菇30克(全部切丁)| 盐、糖及胡椒粉 (少许)
30g each of onion | 30g celery (diced) | 30g button mushroom (sliced) | salt, sugar and pepper to taste

月桂叶 2片 | 百里香 少许 | 牛骨粉(家乐牌)20克 | 水 200毫升
Sauce Ingredients:
2 sprigs bay leaves | thyme to taste | 20g beef powder (Knorr Brand) | 200ml water

煮熟马铃薯 100克(压成泥)| 鲜奶油 2汤匙 | 牛油 10克 | 盐和胡椒粉 适量
Mash Potato Ingredients:
100g cooked potato (mashed) | 2tbsp fresh cream | 10g butter | salt & pepper to taste

  1. 在锅里放入少许牛油爆香馅料,炒至软身,盛出备用。
  2. 在鸡胸上端开洞把炒好的馅料塞入鸡胸里面,用牙签固定。
  3. 鸡胸外面抹上少许甜椒粉、黑胡椒及盐腌制约10分钟。
  4. 烤箱预热至180度把鸡胸放入烤大约15分钟至熟。
  5. 马铃薯泥做法:马铃薯加入其余材料搅拌至顺滑,与鸡胸肉及少律一起摆盘。
  6. 百里香酱做法:煮滚全部酱汁材料,不停搅拌至汁稠,淋上鸡胸肉上桌
  1. Heat some oil in wok, sauté filling ingredients until fragrant and soften, dish out.
  2. Cut a hole in chicken breast and stuff in the fried fillings ingredients, secure with tooth pith.
  3. Marinate stuffed chicken breast with some paprika powder, black pepper & salt for 10 minutes.
  4. Pre-heat oven at 180℃ and bake the chicken breast for 15 minutes or until cooked.
  5. To prepare mash potato: Mix all the mashed potato ingredients until smooth, arrange on serving plate with grilled chicken breast and green salad.
  6. To make sauce: Boil all sauce ingredients, keep stiring till gravy thicken, pour on dish to serve.

3.Pan Grilled Fish Fillet and Scallop| 香煎带子鱼柳

鱼柳 1份 | 带子 3粒 | 萝卜(切丝)30克 | 红椒(切丝)10克 | 蘑菇(切片)30克 | 豆苗 30克
1 fish fillet | 3 pcs fresh scallops | 30g each of carrot | 10g red capsicum (all juliennes) | 30g mushroom(sliced) | 30g peas sprout

马铃薯泥 100克 | 鲜奶油 2汤匙 | 牛油 10克 | 盐及胡椒粉 适量
Mashed Potato Ingredients:
100g potato (cooked) | 2 tbsp fresh cream | 10g butter | salt and pepper to taste |

细葱茸(Chive) 少许 | 鲜奶油 1/2 杯 | 盐、糖、粗磨黑胡椒粉 适量
Sauce ingredients: 
Some chive (chopped) | 1⁄2 cup fresh cream | salt, sugar & black pepper to taste

糖、盐、黑胡椒粉、牛油及甜椒粉 适量
Seasonings for veggie: 
Sugar, salt, black pepper, butter and sweet paprika powder

  1. 用甜椒粉、盐及胡椒粉把鱼柳和带子捞匀腌好。
  2. 准备平底锅,加入少许牛油把鱼柳和带子煎约5分钟至熟。
  3. 再用少许牛油把萝卜,红椒,蘑菇,豆苗加调味料炒熟备用。
  4. 把煮熟的马铃薯泥加入少许牛油,鲜奶油,盐和胡椒粉搅拌均匀,即可摆盘。
  5. 酱汁做法:把鲜奶油煮开,加入盐和糖调味,最后加入细葱茸。
  1. Marinate fish fillet and scallops with dash of paprika powder, salt and pepper.
  2. Sear fish fillet and scallops with some butter in pan for 5 minutes.
  3. Sauté carrot, red capsicum, mushroom, pea sprouts with dash of butter and seasoning until cooked.
  4. To make mash potato: Mix all ingredients till smooth and arrange on serving plate.
  5. To prepare sauce: Boil fresh cream, add in seasoning, lastly add in chive and pour over dish.

4.Baked Spring Chicken with Cranberries Sauce Recipe | 香烤童子鸡

童子鸡 1只 |意大利青瓜(黄色)50克 |小包菜 50克 |洋葱 (切丁) 20克 |小萝卜 50克 |马铃薯(煮熟切丁)100克 | 
1 spring chicken | 50g each of yellow zucchini | 50g baby cabbage | 50g carrot | 20g onion (diced) | 100g potato(cooked)

甜椒粉 适量 | 盐 适量 | 黑胡椒粉 适量 | 牛油 适量 | 柠檬 1⁄2粒
Chicken Marinate:
Sweet paprika to taste | salt to taste | black pepper to taste | butter to taste | 1⁄2 lemon

蔓越莓酱 100克 | 水 200毫升 | 白糖 适量
Cranberry Sauce:
100g cranberry sauce | 200ml water | sugar to taste

盐(适量)| 黑胡椒粉(适量)
salt and black pepper to taste

  1. 用盐、黑胡椒粉、甜椒粉及牛油涂抹鸡身,塞半颗柠檬在鸡肚子里面。
  2. 把童子鸡放入预热至180度的烤箱烤大约35-45分钟至熟。
  3. 将小包菜及小红萝卜川烫好备用。
  4. 准备平底锅,加入少许牛油把意大利黄瓜、小包菜、小萝卜、洋葱及马铃薯炒匀,加盐和胡椒粉调味备用。
  5. 蔓越莓酱做法:把蔓越莓酱材料全部煮开即可。
  6. 准备大盘子,把童子鸡摆中间,配菜摆旁边,配蔓越莓酱上桌。

  1. Rub spring chicken with salt, black pepper, sweet paprika and butter; stuff lemon into the cavity.
  2. Pre-heat oven at 180℃ and bake the spring chicken for 35-45 minutes until cooked.
  3. Blanch baby cabbage and baby carrot in boiling water, drain.
  4. Heat butter in pan, stir-fry carrot, zucchini, cabbage, onion and potato, season to taste.
  5. To prepare cranberry sauce: Bring all ingredients to boil, set aside.
  6. Place spring chicken on the center of plate, surround with fried vegetables and serve with cranberry sauce.

5.BBQ Sweet and Spicy Sticky Ribs Recipe | 烧烤香辣排骨

排骨 500克 | 烧烤酱 2茶匙 | 番茄酱 1 茶匙 | 老抽 1 茶匙 | 蜜糖 2 茶匙 | 大蒜 2 瓣 |辣椒 1个 |芝麻 |香菜为装饰
500g individual pork ribs | 2 tbsp Heinz BBQ Sauce/ Heinz | 1 tbsp Heinz Ketchup/ Heinz | 1 tbsp Dark Soy Sauce | 2 tbsp Honey | 2 Cloves of Garlic | 1 Chili Padi | Roasted Sesame Seeds | Coriander to garnish

  1. 将所有的调味料混合在一起再加入排骨。
  2. 接着,添加水直到差不多盖上排骨再加热。
  3. 切碎大蒜和辣椒并加入锅内。盖上锅盖,用小火慢慢焖大约1-1.5小时至排骨变嫩。
  4. 然后,加大火候,把锅盖打开煮大约15-20分钟指导减少酱料的粘度。记得需要不时搅拌,以防止烧焦
  5. 当酱料几乎准备好时,味道和得调整调味料。
  6. 确保有许多酱汁包围排骨,把排骨盛上盘后再撒上芝麻、香菜和辣椒,立即享用。
  1. Combine all sauces in a pot and add pork ribs in a single layer.
  2. Add water to cover the ribs and turn on the heat. 
  3. Pound the garlic, chop the chili and add to pot. Cover and simmer gently for one hour to one hour and half until meat is tender. 
  4. Then increase heat to medium, leave the pot uncovered to reduce the sauce until thicken, around 15-20 minutes. Remember to stir from time to time to prevent burning. 
  5. When the sauce is almost ready, taste and adjusts the seasoning. 
  6. Make sure to coat the ribs with plenty of sauce, plate up and garnish with sesame seeds, coriander and more chili if you wish. Serve immediately.

圣诞派对 / Christmas Party / 圣诞主食 / 烧烤香辣排骨 / 九层塔香茅烤鸡 / 香煎蘑菇鸡胸肉 / 香煎带子鱼柳 / 香烤童子鸡
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