Opening Hours
14:30 - 00:00
Mon - Tue
14:30 - 00:00
18:00 - 00:00
Thu - Sun
14:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Open Till Late
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Oreo Waffle Strawberry Ice-Cream Waffle Watermelon Juice
Review (1)
Level2 2016-06-04
A visit to ST3 would not be complete without a visit to the DOT cafe, famous for their waffles and pizzas. So off we went, hubbs, baby and I one night after dinner. There was a promotion that night (actually they seem to have a promotion every day) which included a combination of a waffe+ice cream + bananas and fresh watermelon juice. So we ordered that as well as a cafe latte. Waffle :The waffle wins hands down. It was light, fluffy and crispy. Just perfect for a toddler's supper. There was a generous amount of sliced bananas on top of the waffle with drizzled of chocolate sauce. And sitting on to of all the goodies was a soft serve vanilla ice cream. While the waffle, bananas and chocolate sauce were great, the ice cream was just ok. Don't get me wrong, it was nice and sweet but it just wasn't creamy enough. Cafe latte:I'll be honest here. I'm not a coffee fan but my husband is and he has extremely high standards when it comes to coffee so when he complained that the cafe latte was a tad bit too weak, well, I'll just have to take his word for it. All in all, if you go to DOT, do give the waffle a try. That's something you won't regret. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)