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This is wssoo living in Kelana Jaya. I am a Self Employed, work in Cyberjaya. I like to hang out in Damansara (PJ), Puchong, Petaling Jaya. Asian, Western variety are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant, Hotel Dining and Noodles, Buffet.
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Specialty dish  OK  2013-06-03
The Cincaluk Platter consist of squid, prawn, and chicken marinated with cincaluk (made of fermented small shrimps or krill) and are deep fried until crispy brown. It was a dish that I think if those who couldn't take cincaluk may no...

Dining like a Dynasty   OK  2013-05-08
When I first heard about a eatery place named Bird Nest Palace, can't help but wondering what kind of food they serves, what's more when I found out they are actually serving steamboat. Eventually I set my expectation to have a bir...

An Healthy Meal  Smile  2013-04-23
Without me realizing, yesterday was Earth Day! Earth Day is celebrated on 22 April annually, and with such great celebration, what have you done to contribute back to planet earth? If you're not creative person like me but w...
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