012-230 7766
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08:30 - 16:00
08:30 - 16:00
Wed - Sun
08:30 - 16:00
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BBQ Chicken Char Siew Hakka Noodle
Review (29)
Level4 2016-06-05
If you have a liking towards char siu, which basically translates to BBQ pork meat slices.we had a medium portion of char siu to go along with our bowl of hakka noodles, minced meat and char siu, just because there wasn't enough of the pork meat slices in the noodles.I absolutely love the caramelized flavour and the melt-in-the-mouth texture. The amount of fats and meat were in the right proportion, without being too fatty. If there is a place where I would eat a whole plate of pork meat without anything left in behind, it's here.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-05-28
Not worth the price and always served the burnt and hard cha siew 叉烧尾, spoke to the lady boss.. she told me she serve that to all customer n I m the only 1 complain so far... lol continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-03-21
The only place that I eat the fats and skin of the char siu(BBQ pork). How I've missed the glorious looking pork nothing beats this place after so long. & my favourite is the Hakka Noodles with charsiu + more added char Siu after. also managed to try out their chicken meat as well. still prefer their char siu the most.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-28
SS2 的 Toast & Roast 是我听闻已久,叉烧做得很出色的小餐馆。可是好几次经过 SS2 的商圈我都没找着这家店,后来就渐渐把它忘了。这一天因为要到 SS2 用早餐,我从脑里面的 database 又把它给翻出来了。这一次我把 Waze 都准备好了,势必要把这店给找出来!跟着 Waze 的指示走,我才发现原来 Toast & Roast 并不难找。从 SS2 商圈去到 SS2 Mall,再沿着路经过几栋公寓,在路的尽头就可以看到这家店了。虽然是早上十点不到,但是烧腊档口前就已经挂满了叉烧,烧得油亮的外皮让人看着就忍不住猛咽口水了。这里除了叉烧之外,他们的客家面也是挺有名的,所以我点了叉烧客家面,把两者结合为一。叉烧客家面 - RM7.40叉烧客家面是以叉烧取代了肉碎,虽然每碗只有四到五片的叉烧,但是每片几乎有2cm的厚度,还算可以接受。外皮的一层糖浆经过烧烤后显得晶莹剔透,吃起来还是带脆的。叉烧是完美的七分瘦三分肥,肉质柔嫩多汁,因为切得比较厚的缘故,每一片还是可以清楚看到一丝丝的肉,一咬就散开来了。客家面可能是因为少了肉碎的关系,所以味道比较清淡一些,面条的口感也没有我想像中的爽口,我觉得是中规中矩啦!可能点一份肉碎客家面,另外再单点一份叉烧,这样的组合会更好一些。在我用餐的过程中,有不少人到这里来外带烧腊饭。早上十点,烧腊饭?!我想这里的叉烧应该是很快会卖完,所以顾客才会提早上门确保可以买得到。,他们家的叉烧真的做得很出色,也难怪会受到那么多人的吹捧了。叉烧(小)- RM11再一次到访,我这次点了肉碎客家面,另加一碟小的叉烧。这叉烧真的小得可怜,有大约12片吧~RM11有点贵,可是真的很好吃啦!肉碎客家面 - RM7加了肉碎的客家面,口味果然不那么清淡了,可是我还是觉得面条方面需要加强,感觉上好像还有一点碱水味。面条上面放了一些像是炸过的猪油渣,很罪恶但是很香很好吃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-06-30
People have been telling me about this place.They even complained about the price.Their price for a decent plate of BBQ Pork a.k.a. Char Siew is actually reasonable due to the current inflated prices everywhere.It is not easy to be found for a non-local.As I have been staying in PJ for my whole life, it is easy peasy lemon squeezy to me!Come on, PJ roads aren't that bad as compared to other roads!FYI, I have been trying on Full Manual camera settings, courtesy of Sony because Sony gave me an opportunity to obtain some basic photography skills!Therefore, the photos below are 100% Manual settings with no edit! I didn't want to have Oily rice for my lunch so I've decided to order their Hakka Noodles.It was not bad for me as not too dry with appropriate amount of sauce and soup.The portion for this bowl of Hakka Noodles is quite huge(I have normal appetite) for me.It would be great for a big eater, especially a guy? I presumed? BBQ Pork a.k.a. Char Siew.It was awesome for the first few bites.The melting caramelised char siew in your mouth........with the dissolving fats of char siew.After a few bites, I couldn't take in more because it is seriously too sticky and too sweet to me.Over-caramelised, I must say.Smoked Chicken Leg was our only choice as we were being told that the char siew is only left with one person's portion.This is quite pricey as compared to char siew or normal chicken rice.Reasonable as they gave the whole leg!The only downside is.....never eat it with Char Siew.Char Siew's taste will overwhelm its taste!Char Siew 1, Smoked Chicken Leg 0.You lost!BUT...individually, it is nice!Smokey Chicken Leg.Not too salty nor blunt. Toast &RoastNo. 20, Jalan SS2/72,Petaling Jaya, 47300 Selangor.Opening times: 9am to 4.30pm. Closed on Tuesdays.Tel: 016-682 2249 (Angie) (For Bookings)GPS Coordinates: 3.127629, 101.627237 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Toast-Roast/147262032008679 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)