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Signature Dishes
Dong Por Pork Fresh Tomato Fried Egg with Fish Spicy Sour Noodle Taiwan Braised Beef Noodle
Review (51)
Level1 2014-10-07
这家的牛肉面也能吃的??!!   完全没味道,一点牛肉味也没有! 别说牛肉味了,就连平常普通味道都没有!  根本就像是吃清汤面那样! 可以说是我吃过的牛肉面最差的了!  不是我搞破坏还是什么。。 句句讲真话!吃过的档口的,mall里的牛肉面都好吃过这间多多声!!  就是因为看到很多人吃。。 就觉得应该是很好吃。。。 再加上本人超喜欢吃牛肉面结果吃了,超级超级大失所望!!!!   满心期待的吃它的牛肉面,结果给我来一碗这样“烂”的东西! 真心说一句,还不如普通档口那些味道! 这里的介绍竟然还敢介绍“牛肉面”??????? 是没有吃过牛肉面是吗??   对了,另外那个什么木瓜水的。。 忘了。。 也是不好喝!!! 更觉得奇怪怎么还有这么多人去吃。。 纯粹是崇台心态吗??  只要是台湾的东西就是好的??  还是说他们是吃别的东西?  没吃牛肉面??  别的东西还可以?   牛肉面还是台湾的招牌食物之一。。。 这间台湾料理店竟然可以给我做到这样烂!!!我真的真的很奇怪为什么还有这么多人吃。。(是没吃过好吃的东西? 舌头有问题? 还是崇台?) 害我被这股人潮骗了。。 价钱又贵!(本来价钱不是问题,只要它值得! 好吃! 但现在这样,还不如去华人档口吃一碗清汤面填饱肚子算了!) 吃对面的sushi zanmai都好过!  感觉好像被骗了那样。。 哎!  太让我失望的一间店! 总而言之,一句话。。 完全FAIL的一碗牛肉面!!!!!!!   不如改名清汤面算了!  别让人吃在嘴里,骂着出来! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
马大靠近 University LRT Station,又有 Rapid KL 进入校园,所以学子们只需用上两块钱就能轻松到达 Mid Valley Megamall / The Gardens Mall (这两栋广场相连着)。我也一样,一样爱在这广场买些日常用品或食品,也爱在这里找食乐 和朋友聚一聚。所以,除了上回说过的 寿司三味,The Gardens Mall 里的 蓬莱茶房 也一样深得 我和 Ta 的 味蕾支持 这广场里有着 蓬莱茶房 和 蓬莱复合式茶厅,这两家都位于同一层楼,而且也只不过两隔壁。蓬莱茶房是以套餐为主,容易吸引白领族在午饭时间前来光顾,吃完一份套餐,再继续卖命;蓬莱复合式茶厅归类为叫菜式的台式餐厅,周末时光,大朋友适合在这里一聚。有一天,荷包允许,我会光临后者。呵呵。蓬莱茶房里的套餐都配以 主菜 | 卤肉饭 | 三小菜 | 一小瓮汤。清而甜 的 老黄瓜瘦肉汤套餐里的 列汤 不定时更换,但再怎么换,那块肉还是那么大块儿,味道还是那么真实。三杯鸡套餐台式三杯鸡是广东的一道菜,也是是台湾名菜之一,其风味独特,以色泽红润光亮,鸡肉软滑细嫩,酱汁醇厚香浓而闻名。菜名有【三杯】,是因烹调鸡块时,加入一杯酱油、一杯食油和一杯米酒,不放汤水,直接将鸡块慢火炖制而成,成菜起锅后香味浓郁,诱得人食欲大增。这三杯鸡主菜可说是蓬莱的绝活吧?因为耳听许多人介绍。无可否认,这道菜 的确 酱香四溢,尤其是那九层塔的味道和香气,正中下怀。干贝丝瓜蛤蜊面线套餐 - 这汤头也太鲜甜了,只是蛤少了些。鸡酒面线套餐 这一大锅的姜酒鸡 和 过水筛干后的面线,让你自行搭配。我 一汤匙羹汤,一小撮面线,一滴羹汤不留,这套餐值得推荐。 鸡酒面线套餐 五更肠旺套餐原名五更昌旺,会取名為【五更】,乃指半夜叁至五点的时候,在跨年夜更有一路旺到隔年的意思,是道可以讨个吉利的年菜。 另有一说法,是因为锅子看起来像入夜后点的火炉 - 五更炉,就是现在的小火锅了。而 肠子 则跟长长久久的【长】或 【昌】同音,所以越吃越【旺】,就这样,五更肠旺 便成了台湾有名的川菜。爱食内藏的朋友,在餐单上看到这菜 ,应该都忍不住口水直流吧。红糟排骨便当这是我第一次光临(2008年的记忆了)蓬莱点的套餐,也是我个人最推荐的套餐了。看似单调吗?也不过是 排骨 配 白饭这么简单吗?我说,精髓就在看不见的便当底下 - 白饭下的清炒包菜。肉汁 渗入蔬菜里,温度更在白饭的捍卫下,我像似偷吃了妈妈刚炒起的年菜。红豆牛奶冰后记:午 晚 饭时间,这里的人龙从不输给寿司三味。但是没关系,因为贴心的他们准备了小凳子供食客 坐 着排队,而且还有沙梨果汁喝,这服务真周到。另外,这里只限现金交易哦,记得准备足够的 $ $ ,每份套餐大约 Rm20 以上。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-05
Fong Lye is a very popular chain for Taiwanese Cuisine and serves pretty good food. The problem is, this branch at The Gardens is always packed! If you have the patience to wait to get a table, you'll be sure to be treated to a satisfying meal. We ordered Taiwanese version of Oo Jian (Oyster omelette) and it doesn't look too different from the local version, except the sauce they used on top. It's kinda sweet and spicy at the same time. The texture of the omelette is slightly different too, almost more like pancake. They used smaller oysters too. But plenty of it which is good. I ordered the Beef Noodles set and I like how it was presented. The noodles look pretty authentic, with generous chunks of tender beef, tasty broth that's savoury with a hint of tang, the noodles are firm and smooth. The side dishes were some tofu, and mixed veges. Nothing much to shout about. Overall a decent dish. I heard that their 3 cup chicken is quite famous, so if I do return one day I shall order that! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-10-02
番茄炒蛋焖鱼套餐❤番茄番茄~想来很多人应该没尝试过番茄+鱼的菜色吧~想尝尝的朋友们可以来(蓬莱茶房)~尝尝这盘番茄炒蛋焖鱼的菜肴哦~番茄再加蛋~使到菜肴带点酸酸的味道~再把炸好的鱼混进去焖~美味极了~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-30
Three cup chicken is a dish that I will order whenever I visit Fong Lye. It is so good and well cooked there. It came in a combo set with three side dishes, one today's soup, one bowl of minced meat rice and one hot pot of this three cup chickens. The chicken is well absorbed with the sauce, they did a good marination too. Sauce which is the thick soy sauce is mixed with some other secret recipe that make it sweet and salty. Very nice to eat with rice and this is what I will recommend! Portion came big too! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)