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Signature Dishes
Ayam Rendang
Review (1)
Level4 2012-06-24
Ayam penyet is a restaurant that serves Indonesian dish with ayam penyet as their signature dish. Same as the restaurant name, ayam penyet is actually a chicken dish where the chicken is marinated using special herbs and spices, and then being smashed using a wooden headed hammer and finally deep fried into golden brown. The signature ayam penyet (RM7.00) + one white rice (RM1.20)The ayam penyet set is served with blazing hot shrimp paste (sambal belacan) and bits of crunchy golden brown fried fritter topping. Tauhu, tempe and a small portion of boiled kangkung are given too.The chicken is very crispy outside and juicy inside, but beware that the sambal is extremely spicy. For those who can't eat spicy, make sure you don't take in the sambal so much. continue reading
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