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Signature Dishes
Mini Ang Ku Kueh Nasi Kunyit with Curry Chicken Nasi Lemak with Chicken Rendang Ondeh Ondeh Thai Mee Siam
Review (2)
Level4 2016-02-13
Nyonya Colors has the best and cheapest food in the whole KLIA 2. In fact, one can eat the breakfast set at less than RM 10 before 10 am.So as usual, we went there for a most hearty meal.First up, if my favourite Half-Boiled Eggs. Mind you, I only take half-boiled eggs from this kopitiam as theirs do not have the yolk hardened. The egg white is fluffy.Dad ordered Nasi Kunyit and Curry Chicken nyonya style. The curry is thick enough with delicious chicken thigh.Yellow Laksa This comes with bihun. The kuah is super thick and fragrant. There are many pieces of tender chicken drumstick and radish.Mee Rebus Mum ordered this upon my recommendation with thick sauce and lots of ingredients.Details:Nyonya ColorsLot no. L3-34 & L3-37, Level 3Gateway@KLIA2KLIA2 Terminal continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)